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Seattle Calamity Signing


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Hey all, the Calamity tour comes through Seattle second, like the Firefight tour. I'll probably go (along with a couple of work friends to whom I've introduced Sanderson). Anyone else coming? I'll also try to record the signing line and hang out there - I did that last time and really enjoyed it.


I have a few questions that I want to ask - mostly mechanics questions. Let me know if we have answers to these (not just speculation):


- Does metal actually get burned in Allomancy? Like the metal actually disappears? There's a throwaway mention in Well of Ascension or Hero of Ages that Vin burns off all of her metals at night to avoid metal poisoning, so I would assume so. So you have 1g of chromium, burn it for a minute, have .5g of chromium, burn it for another minute and have no chromium left in your body?

- Similarly, does the metal disappear when using aluminum or chromium, or become inert somehow?

(Minor and major Bands of Mourning spoilers)

- Can a Leecher drain Feruchemical metalminds? We see (in the broadsheet) a leecher drain Nazh's(?) ghost gun, so it seems possible.

- If one can, does the power of the Leecher or the amount of chromium determine whether he can drain a metalmind?

- Does the amount that a metalmind is invested matter - i.e. could a leecher drain the bands of mourning? If they are too invested, would a weak leecher - like I assume Edwarn is - not have any effect, or would it drain a little?

- Could a leecher drain Breath from a Nalthian? Could he drain the Divine Breath from a Returned?


As a note, if you're considering going to this (or any signing near you) but are on the fence, I would highly recommend going. They are really fun, and Brandon is very fan friendly. You can go for as little or much as you want - he'll sign whatever and answer whatever until everyone is done. I went last year with high expectations and had them exceeded.

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(Response to OP's spoilered section.)

We already know that leechers can burn off metalminds and that leeching takes more time the more Invested a piece of metal is (so your chromium might run out before the metal disappears completely).


Have fun at the signing! :)

Edited by skaa
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To be clear, skaa's quote was specifically talking about metalminds that were also available as an allomantic reserve. If the question is, could you touch a tinmind that a Windwhisper who is not an allomancer is wearing as a ring and leech that, we do not currently have an answer. I would expect no, since if that were the case Leechers would be able to touch the metal supports of a building, destroy them, and topple the building, and no one seems to indicate in the books that this is possible.

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To be clear, skaa's quote was specifically talking about metalminds that were also available as an allomantic reserve. If the question is, could you touch a tinmind that a Windwhisper who is not an allomancer is wearing as a ring and leech that, we do not currently have an answer. I would expect no, since if that were the case Leechers would be able to touch the metal supports of a building, destroy them, and topple the building, and no one seems to indicate in the books that this is possible.

I guess the Leecher can simply drain the metalmind of its Investiture instead of burning the metal off. The BoM broadsheet suggested that Chromium Allomancers can Leech non-Scadrian Investiture from metals. Leeching Feruchemical Investiture away, no matter the type of metal, should be relatively easier.

Edited by skaa
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I'll be there as well, my first one. Maybe I can meet some of y'all. :)

BTW I have some questions about the process being it's my first one if you guys wouldn't mind helping...like do I have to reserve a spot ahead of time? Let the bookstore know I want to buy a copy? What time does it start? How early should I be?

Edited by Orsium
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I have a question that might be useful for the Coppermind: There are two regions called Eon in Arelon. Is the northeastern one called North Eon and the southwestern one South Eon? If not, how do the Arelene differentiate between those two places?

I'd be grateful if one of you could ask that.

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can u ask how did bleeder look like when she was in cognintive realm? she thinks she has no idetity when not faking someone so does she look like nothing???

or if bleeder put eyeball in stomach (so she can watch waht she eats :):) ) what does she see if she burns metal?

Edited by Robot Aztec
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I guess the Leecher can simply drain the metalmind of its Investiture instead of burning the metal off. The BoM broadsheet suggested that Chromium Allomancers can Leech non-Scadrian Investiture from metals. Leeching Feruchemical Investiture away, no matter the type of metal, should be relatively easier.


So... this was downvoted for some reason. I'll try to rephrase my argument (Warning: BoM spoilers):


So, my argument was that even if a Leecher can't make a non-Compounding Twinborn--say, a Crasher-- burn off his metalminds, the BoM broadsheet implies that he could still remove the Investiture in that metalmind. He simply has to do what Nicki Savage did to Nazh's Invested device, which was to pull power from the metal and return it..."elsewhere".


It's possible that I'm wrong and that Leechers simply can't do that to metalminds. I guess people are free to speculate either way. I'm sorry if I sounded like I was dismissing someone's pet theory.


So, is the signing over? How was it?

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I found these Cosmere relevant Q&As from the Seattle signing in a facebook post and I hope it's ok to post them (thanks goes to Shawn Speakman):


Q. Is there any connection between Odium and Trell?

A. Thhh.. Ummm.. YYeessss there is... some connection.


Q. Why does Lift have to eat food instead of sucking stormlight?

A. Lift is a really good/weird one. She visited the Old Magic, and asked something very strange, and the Old Magic didn't know how to treat that, and answered with something equally strange. You are going to eventually see what is happening with Lift, but suffice to say some really weird things are going on with Lift.


Q. Can Allomancers burn metal in the Cosmere?

A. Yes they can.


Q.Is Dalinar's wife really dead?



Q.Can you tell us anything about Perpendicularities?



There were more questions but they are about writing and stuff. Anyone know what the Stormlight 3 reading was?

Edited by Kelek's Breath
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So... this was downvoted for some reason.


Definitely was not me, I upvoted to cancel it. I personally suspect the story in the newpaper was a simple work of fiction, and therefore implies nothing, but it could be based on truth, I suppose. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some way for a Leecher to drain reserves from metalminds, but I expect it's similar to how bronze can Seek feruchemy. It should be that easy but clearly isn't, so there's something we're missing.


My question got RAFOd, but I asked for the name of a character that we haven't met yet, and got the name Grafter written in my book. I would upload a picture but I'm not sure how to.


Huh. Sounds like either Roshar or Rithmatist, to me. Interesting question!


Q. Why does Lift have to eat food instead of sucking stormlight?

A. Lift is a really good/weird one. She visited the Old Magic, and asked something very strange, and the Old Magic didn't know how to treat that, and answered with something equally strange. You are going to eventually see what is happening with Lift, but suffice to say some really weird things are going on with Lift.


This supports, I think, my current theory that her request was, "I want to be awesome."

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This supports, I think, my current theory that her request was, "I want to be awesome."

This is indeed possible XD

Anyway Have we some sure information about "Lift can't suck Stormlight" ? Because I don't remember it and until now I thought sha may both convert food into Investiture or sucking Stormlight like other Surgebinders.

Edited by Yata
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Angie brought her recorder, but she couldn't stay, so I took the recorder at the end of the signing. I'll post it when I get home from work. I asked a few questions at the end. Paraphrased (a small Bands of Mourning spoiler):


Q. What's going on with nicrosil feruchemy? Wax can't tap a blank goldmind, because he's not a gold ferring, but he can tap a blank nicrosilmind even though he's not a nicrosil ferring.

A. There's a way to hack the magic system so that it thinks you have the ability to use that metalmind. The southern Scadrians know how to do this. It will be revealed later.

Q. What is the intent of the 17th Shard?

A. This has not been revealed yet (I got my first RAFO card! This was really just a sneaky way to see if the 17th shard had an intent like other shards. I suppose I could have probed further.)

Q. When you burn aluminum, does it destroy the metal, or just make it inert?

A. It destroys it.

Q. What about chromium?

A. Yes, that too. (Here I talked about trying to understand if that would prevent metal poisoning, etc. by using these metals, and he said it would. Essentially metal, energy and Investiture are all one, and something is happening here to change the metal.)

Q. Can a Leecher drain a metalmind?

A. I'm not going to answer that yet.


I was going to ask about what else Leechers can drain, like the gun in the broadsheet, but he said that he didn't want to say more about them. He's going to have a Leecher character eventually, and we'll see more then.


After I left, I realized that I had at least two more questions that have been bugging me that I forgot to ask. Oh well, there's always next time.

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Q. What is the intent of the 17th Shard?

A. This has not been revealed yet (I got my first RAFO card! This was really just a sneaky way to see if the 17th shard had an intent like other shards. I suppose I could have probed further.)


Sounds like a confirmation that the 17th Shard does indeed have an intent (if not an Intent).   Which would be consistent with why they named it that way.  It also should be an intent/Intent different than that of the 16 actual Shards.

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Please tell me what the questions are. I am going to the signing Saturday, and I'm going to print out many questions on little cards to hand out to people who don't have questions of their own.


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