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Hyperbole and a Half


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So our dear friend Comatose mentioned the most glorious blog known to man, and it made me realize what a travesty it is that we don't have a discussion thread for it here on 17S. So, without any further ado, I give you: Hyperbole and a Half! Read it, and bask in its awesomeness.

To get you started, have a few of my favorite posts:

Read, enjoy, and discuss!

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Well, to be fair, they did move pretty recently. Plus, those paint images must take forever. And any regular reader of the comic knows how Allie operates. It's one of the reasons we love her, even if it means we sometimes don't get posts as often as we'd want them.

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Sneaky Hate Spiral was pretty good, and I have to say I totally agree with This is Why I'll Never Be an Adult. If you really want adventures in bizarro-land, though, read Texas.

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That first picture of her on fire always makes me laugh, cuz I'm psychotic like that. It's not that she's on fire, just that when you look at the post that's the first thing you see after the title and you just have to wonder how the heck that has to do with dogs and moving. Also, I'm stunned she made that in Paint.

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