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Unknown Shards and Opposition in the Cosmere


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So far, through WoB and the books released, Brandon has given us the names of 9 Shards. I know there's been lots of speculation over time, but one of the things I've noticed lately is a sort of fixation (understandably, considering the books we've gotten lately) on Harmony and Autonomy.


One thing that I think has slipped under the radar during all the Trell debate is that the revelation of Autonomy now gives us 2/3 of known Shards that have opposite Intents.










Of course, we also have the unknown Intent of the Shard that just wants to survive. What this brings me to is an attempt at guessing some of the other unknown Shards. The fact that six of the nine known Shards have opposition does lend credence to the idea that all of them do, and I will be operating under that assumption while I proceed with rampant speculation.


So, starting with Endowment and Devotion. Both of these have connotations of selflessness, but one in an emotional/spiritual sense and the other in a physical sense. Taking that to its logical conclusion, my best guess is opposing Shards of emotional and physical themes.


Endowment against Greed or, perhaps a bit of a stretch, Nepotism

Devotion against Narcissism/Lust


Lastly among the known Shards we have Cultivation. This is an interesting one, since it does have some similarities to the idea of Preservation, in that Ruin would be a similar opposition. The most logical would be something like Disease or Decay.


And that leaves us with the realm of pure speculation. We know we have a "survival" Shard, but that its Intent isn't necessarily directly related to surviving. The place my mind immediately jumps is simpler: Fear, or perhaps Cowardice. That would directly line up against some type of Courage Intent.


The last two are, admittedly, pure guesses. Going off what we know of Shards' Intents, that being that they're personality traits, my best bet is something along the lines of Ambition and Indecision.


So the sixteen Shards, in theory, would be:


Ruin | Preservation

Dominion | Autonomy

Odium | Honor

Endowment | Greed

Devotion | Narcissism

Cultivation | Decay

Fear | Courage

Ambition | Indecision


How wildly off do you think I am?


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It's an exercise that's been done before. Unfortuantely, not all Shards have direct opposites. So, yeah, while it can be a lot of fun to try to figure out what the remaining Shards are, we're left with precious little to use in our inference.


One thing to keep in mind is that these are aspects of Adonalsium, not necessarily of humanity. Odium was referred to as God's own divine hatred, if I recall the quote correctly. What does a god hate? Other gods, maybe, which is why Odium is splintering other Shards. Same for Ruin; if people didn't die, if their lives didn't end, they wouldn't be able to move Beyond. (In Tolkien's Silmarillion, there's a possible analogue, where some elves are jealous of mankind, because while the elves live forever in Middle Earth, the humans move on to a mysterious afterlife.) So, there might not necessarily be a "good" Shard paired with a "bad" shard, but more like a theodicy problem, where the question is how do Adonalsium's attributes interplay with one another? There might be places where it's a "Good" vs a "Bad" (Preservation vs Ruin), but there might be one where neither one is really "Bad" (Dominion vs Autonomy, which I think you did a good job identifying the contrast in; Cultivation vs Autonomy might also be a good contrast).


So, without getting too far into real-life theology, what other aspects of God might there be? I don't think Ambition, Indecision, Fear, or Courage would really describe a deity. These are all Good/Bad pairings, which as I said above, I don't think are necessary for Shards.


Decay is aligned with Ruin (and was actually Ruin's original name, when he was first used in Brandon's unpublished book Aether of Night.) Greed and Narcissism, in my mind, could be connected to Odium; this is God, how dare someone try to take His place? They'll get what they deserve, and God will take back what is rightfully His. So, I think a good chunk of your new "Shards" might already be covered by existing ones.


So, what do I think are the remaining Shards? Trying to take a step back from my own beliefs and consider various concepts of "God" from around our world...

  • A Justice/Karma Shard is the most likely, in my book.
  • I used to think Glory was the fourth Shard on Roshar (God helps those who help themselves) based on how modern Vorinism is about elevating yourself over others, where Honor is putting others before yourself. (That was before I'd seen definitive WoB that there were only three Shards on Roshar.) I still think it would make a good Shard, one that's not really seen anywhere else, but might be close to Selfishness, which you mentioned above.
  • Tribulation would be a very cool name, for a God that tests his followers to make them stronger (Job or Abraham in the Bible). This might be a counterpart to Endowment (God gives, and God takes away) or Devotion (God only tests the ones he loves)


I want to apologize, in case anyone feels I'm misrepresenting their religious views. For what it's worth, I'm intentionally misrepresenting them (my own included), bringing out a single aspect out of context to see where there might be areas of similarity to the fictional Adonalsium in the Cosmere.

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Keep in mind this WoB:

Are Shards all paired? Does Endowment have a counterpart?

RAFO. Also, yes and no. Not all Shards have perfect counterparts like Ruin and Preservation.

Why were Ruin and Preservation linked together?

Because they're such perfect opposites. Basically it's just an opposites attract thing.

Based on this, I think Devotion (including love) and Odium (including hate) make a better pairing that Honor/Odium. Shard names are very particular, they all include many different things under one Intent. Endowment's opposite would more likely be something more, like Envy, rather than just Greed.
Ruin/Preservation  =  Harmony/Discord*   Because Harmony is still two Shards.
Cultivation/Stagnation* Decay would fall under Ruin.
Honor/Deception*    Envy and Deception could fall under Odium though...
Apprehension*/Peace* Instead of Fear and Courage? Apprehension being the Shard that wants to hide and survive.
Ambition*/Indecision*  I suppose these are good guesses if there are any, though Indecision could fall under Apprehension or Stagnation.
* For unknown Shards.
Those are just my thoughts anyway.


EDIT: @Pagerunner, I never thought about it in that way, and I like what you said a lot, however, Justice would be included in Honor, as the Skybreakers are all about that.

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It also helps that there are an even number of shards...

Judging by what Sanderson has said, I am inclined to guess that the shards do sort of have counterparts, but not the kind of black and white opposites we are inclined to think of.

The most likely guess I have seen so far is tribulation. Not sure if this would be the name Sanderson chooses, but the concept of paying the price and earning through difficulty is definitely an intent that would work for a shard. I am reminded of some other entities in books that act like this.


If I had to match things up given our current list of known shards:


Ruin | Preservation          #this one is obvious, ruin and preservation are explicitly paired

Dominion | Autonomy       #again, pretty straightforward

Endowment | Tribulation   #endowment, being given something with no price, tribulation, making sacrifices to receive something

Devotion | Odium              #devotion and hatred are basically opposites.

Cultivation | Entropy         #cultivation, basically building up things, disorder, the opposite. I personally think that trell is a shard of entropy.

Justice | Honor                  #Sanderson contrasts honor most directly with justice. It stands to reason that there would be a justice shard.

Survival | Ambition            #Ambition doesn't seem a very shard-like attribute, so not sure about this. These two intents do pair I feel though

Fate | Chance                   #I literally have no idea what these two could be. Just a wild guess. Random vs. ordained future.


Most likely, the majority of my speculation here will be proved wrong in later cosmere novels. But hey, might as well throw in my $0.02

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If I had to match things up given our current list of known shards:


Ruin | Preservation          #this one is obvious, ruin and preservation are explicitly paired

Dominion | Autonomy       #again, pretty straightforward

Endowment | Tribulation   #endowment, being given something with no price, tribulation, making sacrifices to receive something

Devotion | Odium              #devotion and hatred are basically opposites.

Cultivation | Entropy         #cultivation, basically building up things, disorder, the opposite. I personally think that trell is a shard of entropy.

Justice | Honor                  #Sanderson contrasts honor most directly with justice. It stands to reason that there would be a justice shard.

Survival | Ambition            #Ambition doesn't seem a very shard-like attribute, so not sure about this. These two intents do pair I feel though

Fate | Chance                   #I literally have no idea what these two could be. Just a wild guess. Random vs. ordained future.


I disagree on a few points, but who knows. For one, there was a WoB saying that the unknown spike is from a shard we know, so Trell can't be Entropy, if that is a Shard. Current leading Theories are Dominion, Autonomy, Odium, and Discord (being an opposite of Harmony, like a split personality).


And two, Justice is only contrast with Honor in Kaladin's Order. One of the orders of the Knights Radiant is all about Justice and the law, so the Shard of Justice probably won't be a thing, as Honor covers that intent.

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I've believed for a while that the surival shard is Hope. Partly because of how well it seems to fit with our stories of Pandora's Box and partly because of Kelsier's last words to the Lord Ruler.

Honor | Absolution Dictionary.com defines absolution as release from consequences, obligations, or penalties. Besides, no one has brought up the idea of forgiveness yet, even though it's a major attribute of God in Christianity (and likely other religions, though I don't know nearly as much about them).

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Brandon has said not all Shards have direct Opposites like Preservation and Ruin were to each other, but he has also not said Preservation and Ruin were the *only* such pair.


My money is on Autonomy/Dominion and Odium/Devotion likewise being paired opposites. Which explains the WoB we got a few months back that Autonomy and Odium teamed up on Sel. If we are using Preservation and Ruin as our example its clear that opposites can't actually "win" a fight with one another. Their powers cancel out and they self-annihilate. This makes me doubt the theory people have that Odium's opposite is Honor, if that was true Odium could not have killed Tenavast and shattered Honor without destroying himself with the backlash like PreserVin did with Ruin. 


Odium wants to kill all the Shards and be last man standing, if Devotion is his opposite he could not destroy her and survive. Autonomy had the same problem with Dominion. This I'm thinking they worked together: Odium kills Skai and Autonomy kills Aona. A kind of "you scratch my back I'll scratch yours" deal. Explains why two Shards who should be hostile to everyone else could cooperate at all. 

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Keep in mind this WoB:



Based on this, I think Devotion (including love) and Odium (including hate) make a better pairing that Honor/Odium. Shard names are very particular, they all include many different things under one Intent. Endowment's opposite would more likely be something more, like Envy, rather than just Greed.


Ruin/Preservation  =  Harmony/Discord*   Because Harmony is still two Shards.



Cultivation/Stagnation* Decay would fall under Ruin.


Honor/Deception*    Envy and Deception could fall under Odium though...

Apprehension*/Peace* Instead of Fear and Courage? Apprehension being the Shard that wants to hide and survive.

Ambition*/Indecision*  I suppose these are good guesses if there are any, though Indecision could fall under Apprehension or Stagnation.


* For unknown Shards.

Those are just my thoughts anyway.


EDIT: @Pagerunner, I never thought about it in that way, and I like what you said a lot, however, Justice would be included in Honor, as the Skybreakers are all about that.


You're right that Odium is just as likely opposed to Devotion as he is to Honour. I also agree that Justice is part of Honour's intent.


Stagnation is essentially another name for Preservation. Cultivation would probably have issues if they came into direct contact before Harmony showed up.



Brandon has said not all Shards have direct Opposites like Preservation and Ruin were to each other, but he has also not said Preservation and Ruin were the *only* such pair.


My money is on Autonomy/Dominion and Odium/Devotion likewise being paired opposites. Which explains the WoB we got a few months back that Autonomy and Odium teamed up on Sel. If we are using Preservation and Ruin as our example its clear that opposites can't actually "win" a fight with one another. Their powers cancel out and they self-annihilate. This makes me doubt the theory people have that Odium's opposite is Honor, if that was true Odium could not have killed Tenavast and shattered Honor without destroying himself with the backlash like PreserVin did with Ruin. 


Odium wants to kill all the Shards and be last man standing, if Devotion is his opposite he could not destroy her and survive. Autonomy had the same problem with Dominion. This I'm thinking they worked together: Odium kills Skai and Autonomy kills Aona. A kind of "you scratch my back I'll scratch yours" deal. Explains why two Shards who should be hostile to everyone else could cooperate at all. 


All of the yes to your second paragraph. I've been saying similar things for a long time.


I don't know if you're necessarily correct that Shards can't go up against their opposites. There's some revealing stuff ia recently released mistborn book that suggests that what happened with Ruin and Preservation is atypical.

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Also, Ruin is already the embodiment of entropy, so there doesn't need to be an additional Shard to cover entropy. It's just a different word for the same thing (at least in Brandon's mind).

I meant entropy more like disorder, not as in destruction. There is a difference between chaos and ends. They might have some rough overlap, but they are definitely distinct.


I've believed for a while that the surival shard is Hope. Partly because of how well it seems to fit with our stories of Pandora's Box and partly because of Kelsier's last words to the Lord Ruler.

Honor | Absolution Dictionary.com defines absolution as release from consequences, obligations, or penalties. Besides, no one has brought up the idea of forgiveness yet, even though it's a major attribute of God in Christianity (and likely other religions, though I don't know nearly as much about them).


Not sure if honor and absolution pair. Honor is only concerned with what is right, and is willing to forgo the demands of justice in the name of saving people. That seems to encompass absolution to an extent, so how could they be a differing pair?

Still, forgiveness is a major attribute in a divine being, so it stands to reason that it would have a shard, even if it isn't paired with honor. It might oppose odium.


Hope. Interesting. I am unsure whether hope is an attribute of a cosmically powerful being, but maybe. That would be an interesting shard indeed. I kind of doubt that a shard of hope would seek to only protect itself, though.

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I meant entropy more like disorder, not as in destruction. There is a difference between chaos and ends. They might have some rough overlap, but they are definitely distinct.


As I said, in Brandon's mind they are not distinct.



I have a question, if you are willing. Would Ruin be more compatible with Rayse, would he pick up that shard had he visited Scadrial and shattered him? All the shards we have seen that he has shattered seem rather different in intent than him—Honor, Cultivation, Love, Dominion. But Ruin seems more in line with Odium. Rayse has ruined the days of quite a few people.


Technically, Ruin would be most compatible with Cultivation. Ruin's 'theme' so to speak is that all things must age and pass. An embodiment of entropy. That power, separated from the whole and being held by a person who did not have the willpower to resist its transformation of him, led to something very dangerous. But it was not evil. None of the sixteen technically are, though you may have read that Hoid has specific beef with Rayse. Whether you think of Odium as evil depends upon how much you agree with Hoid's particular view.

That said, Ruin would have been one of the 'safer' of the sixteen for Rayse to take, if he'd been about that. Odium is by its nature selfish, however, and the combination of it and Rayse makes for an entity that fears an additional power would destroy it and make it into something else.


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My updated list, using a few that were inspired from you guys. Been thinking about this a lot since yesterday.



Dominion / Autonomy

Devotion / Odium

Preservation / Ruin    Harmony/Discord*

Honor / Absolution* (This could also be forgiveness, in a way, or at least include it)

Endowment / Tribulation* (Tribulation could be the Shard on First of the Sun, as the islands kill off the weak or unworthy)

Cultivation / Immutability* (Rough opposites. Immutability being like durability, strength, and not needing change)

Wisdom* / Arrogance* (Wisdom being the seeking of knowledge and such, Arrogance being self glorifying,  and egotistical)

Faith* / Exclusion* (Faith including hope and belief, Exclusion being how a God would exclude those who don't believe or                                       have Faith. Rough opposites)


Crossed out for splintered Shards and * for guesses.

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Quote incoming from theoryland, confirming no Shard on First of the Sun: (It also seems to imply no Splinter there either)



What differentiates a minor Shardworld like First of the Sun?
Brandon Sanderson

The amount of Investiture, and whether there is actually a Shard in presence.


I'm assuming there is not one there?

Brandon Sanderson

There is not one there.


So it's like a Splintered one from something else?

Brandon Sanderson

No what you'll find is that the worlds were all created with a level of-- a little bit of sort of ambient magic. What you'll find in worlds like that is things like, Shadows for Silence and things like this, the magic, it's not necessarily "people with magic" it's you can interact with nature...


So there is inherent investiture...

Brandon Sanderson

There is inherent investiture in every world created but you are going to see-- You aren't going to find Mistborn on a world like that but what you might find is a way there are magic aspects to the setting. Spren could exist on a world like that but they would be like the minor spren, you wouldn't find Syl, but you would find something like lifespren.

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My updated list, using a few that were inspired from you guys. Been thinking about this a lot since yesterday.



Dominion / Autonomy

Devotion / Odium

Preservation / Ruin    Harmony/Discord*

Honor / Absolution* (This could also be forgiveness, in a way, or at least include it)

Endowment / Tribulation* (Tribulation could be the Shard on First of the Sun, as the islands kill off the weak or unworthy)

Cultivation / Immutability* (Rough opposites. Immutability being like durability, strength, and not needing change)

Wisdom* / Arrogance* (Wisdom being the seeking of knowledge and such, Arrogance being self glorifying,  and egotistical)

Faith* / Exclusion* (Faith including hope and belief, Exclusion being how a God would exclude those who don't believe or                                       have Faith. Rough opposites)


Crossed out for splintered Shards and * for guesses.


Your description of immutability sounds a lot like what preservation is...

Otherwise this looks pretty good. Although honestly, guesses about any pair of shards for which we don't know the identity of either members of the pair can't be very accurate given the information we have to work with.

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If you consider the traditional attributes of God, I think Honour provides one of the important counterbalances to Odium. God hates sin and all that jazz, but he is infinitely Just ... however God's Justice is often held in contrast to his Mercy, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a shard like that.


For similar reasons, I suspect there wouldn't be a shard for something like Faith (an attribute of mortals, not of God), nor for 'weak' attributes like fear (and thus for courage) and envy. That said, the Lord is a Jealous God ...


Cultivation | Entropy         #cultivation, basically building up things, disorder, the opposite. I personally think that trell is a shard of entropy.



Cultivation / Immutability* (Rough opposites. Immutability being like durability, strength, and not needing change)


I think it's fascinating how you two have separately paired basically-Ruin and basically-Preservation with Cultivation. I had a thought that Ruin, Preservation and Cultivation might actually be a set of three.


Brandon makes the collaboration of Preservation and Ruin being 'creation' seem very intuitive. But on second thought, it's actually more intuitive for Preservation to be the 'mid-point' between Ruin and 'creation' (Cultivation?). Regardless of whether these three shards are actually a 'set', it does seem likely that a world on which the two shards were Ruin and Cultivation might resemble the world that Preservation desires.


If they were a set of three, the idea that Cultivation lies between Ruin and Preservation; and that Preservation lies between Ruin and Cultivation makes sense. Unfortunately, trying to fit Ruin between Cultivation and Preservation makes less sense, so maybe this theory is sunk before it even gets off the ground.


Another thought - if they are a set of three, the fact that Cultivation didn't end up with Ruin and Preservation could easily be explained by the fact that she and Honour had a relationship, and so she would have set up with him before shardic intent led her to do otherwise.



Technically, Ruin would be most compatible with Cultivation.


I'm curious about what this means. Is it that the shards are compatible? Or that Cultivation's as yet unnamed vessel would have been a good fit for the Ruin shard?

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I'm curious about what this means. Is it that the shards are compatible? Or that Cultivation's as yet unnamed vessel would have been a good fit for the Ruin shard?


This refers to a WoB which says that Ruin and Cultivation would make a good pair, because Ruin can create one thing in order to destroy two things later. Cultivation's Intent would help him do this a lot better.




Why the downvote? I wasn't meaning to be rude, I just couldn't remember the WoB and wanted confirmation.


If you consider the traditional attributes of God, I think Honour provides one of the important counterbalances to Odium. God hates sin and all that jazz, but he is infinitely Just ... however God's Justice is often held in contrast to his Mercy, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a shard like that.


For similar reasons, I suspect there wouldn't be a shard for something like Faith (an attribute of mortals, not of God), nor for 'weak' attributes like fear (and thus for courage) and envy. That said, the Lord is a Jealous God ...


I thought of both of those too, but figured both Justice and Mercy are part of Honor. Justice I've mentioned a few times before, and mercy, even though it does contradict Justice in some ways, goes hand in hand with it. Kaladin has had several choices between vengeance and mercy, and he is just one of the orders. There is an entire order devoted to justice, so I couldn't see it being its own Shard, in my opinion. 


With Jealousy/Envy, it would fit under Odium's intent. Odium is all things like hatred, disgust, jealousy, and mistrust, etc, which is why I didn't include it.


Your description of immutability sounds a lot like what preservation is...

Otherwise this looks pretty good. Although honestly, guesses about any pair of shards for which we don't know the identity of either members of the pair can't be very accurate given the information we have to work with.


Thank you.

I did notice that about Immutability, but I think there's a distinction. I think of Preservation as a Stasis chamber, and Immutability as a rock that can't change no matter what, something that always will be and doesn't need Preservation. I also think this could be the Shard that isn't on a planet.

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I thought of both of those too, but figured both Justice and Mercy are part of Honor. Justice I've mentioned a few times before, and mercy, even though it does contradict Justice in some ways, goes hand in hand with it. Kaladin has had several choices between vengeance and mercy, and he is just one of the orders. There is an entire order devoted to justice, so I couldn't see it being its own Shard, in my opinion. 


With Jealousy/Envy, it would fit under Odium's intent. Odium is all things like hatred, disgust, jealousy, and mistrust, etc, which is why I didn't include it.


Agreed, I wouldn't be surprised if Brandon had rolled these traditional attributes of god into Odium (jealousy does fit the last shard standing idea wonderfully) and Honour. The theme of interplay between God's justice (+wrath, Sodom and Gomorrah, etc) and mercy (the whole redemption of mankind storyline) fit very nicely into the Odium/Honour clash.

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This refers to a WoB which says that Ruin and Cultivation would make a good pair, because Ruin can create one thing in order to destroy two things later. Cultivation's Intent would help him do this a lot better.

I see, so it means that if Ruin had the opportunity to pick up another shard, Cultivation would be a good one since it would let him keep on doing his thang, not clashing with his intent the way Preservation would (and is)?

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The opposite of "god's divine hatered" is not "god's divine honor" and probably also not "god's divine devotion", but "god's divine love".  Now, Love and Devotion may be too close to each other to have warranted two different Shards at splintering.  So, I can go either way here: either a perfect pairing of Odium/Love, or a somewhat skewed pairing of Odium/Devotion.


 For the remaining seven Shards, rather than trying to find counterparts to existing ones, it might be worth thinking about the missing major Intents.  


 On the list of known Shards/Intents we are lacking the following:


 * Wisdom and/or Intelligence.  None of the Shards address the knowledge/intellect aspect of the divinity.


 * a trickster god.  Deception could be a counterpart to Honor, for example.  (now, Hoid might be a trickster in the traditional sense of the trope, but if we look a the Shards as a pantheon of gods, a trickster god is sorely missing).  Another possible Intent is something like Negotiation, which, again, is a decent counterpart to Honor (honor is absolute, negotiation makes everything relative).


 * Justice/Law.  I do not see an Intent like this as being the opposite of Honor, but neither do I think Honor covers this aspect completely (despite Skybreakers).


 * god's divine selfishness. Autonomy *might* be the Ayn  Rand Shard of Cosmere, in which case this point is moot. But if Autonomy is not it, we are missing the "me first" Intent.


  * Humor.  I would give *a lot*, if one of the Shards turned out to be Humor or Laughter, or even Sarcasm.  The key problem is while I cannot imagine the world without these qualities, your typical gods very rarely have an aspect like this as their part. The other issue with this theory is that Hoid refused to pick up any Shards. He would be very well connected to Sarcasm.

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