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In Secret History, Preservation calls the Spiritual Realm, or "What Happens Next" as "Beyond".


On several worlds, we've seen references to "The God Beyond."  It makes me wonder if there is a unifying "God" or force that is controlling or manipulating evens from the Spiritual Realm, where Shards and their derivatives can't really see.  It could even be the soul of Adonalsium, since presumably, he went Beyond after he died?

What do you guys think?  Coincidence or significance?



On a different note, I'm really surprised that Spook didn't decide to hang around like Kelsier after he died.

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The Beyond does not refer to the Spiritual Realm actually.  It refers to a place that is quite literally Beyond the Three Realms.  Shards cannot look into the Beyond but they can look into the Spiritual Realm (anyone can really).

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Ahhh, I didn't know that.  I just remembered Sazed saying that he couldn't really access the Spiritual Realm even with the power of two Shards.  I still wonder if it has significance with the God Beyond, though.

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On a different note, I'm really surprised that Spook didn't decide to hang around like Kelsier after he died.


I don't think Spook could (if he is actually dead) because he never held one of the shards, even temporarily. Remember Kelsier couldn't stop himself from going to the "beyond" until he was trapped in the Well with Ruin.

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I don't think Spook could (if he is actually dead) because he never held one of the shards, even temporarily. Remember Kelsier couldn't stop himself from going to the "beyond" until he was trapped in the Well with Ruin.

I'm sure Sazed (persuaded by Kelsier) could have helped him.

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Oh, I found another quote.  From Bands of Mourning:



“I’m dead then.”
 “Yes,” Harmony said. “Your body, mind, and soul have separated. Soon one will return to the earth, another to the cosmere, and the third … Even I do not know.



So the mind (?) returns to the Cosmere?  Is that the part that goes to the Spiritual Realm?  And the soul goes Beyond?

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In Secret History, Preservation calls the Spiritual Realm, or "What Happens Next" as "Beyond".


On several worlds, we've seen references to "The God Beyond."  It makes me wonder if there is a unifying "God" or force that is controlling or manipulating evens from the Spiritual Realm, where Shards and their derivatives can't really see.  It could even be the soul of Adonalsium, since presumably, he went Beyond after he died?

What do you guys think?  Coincidence or significance?



On a different note, I'm really surprised that Spook didn't decide to hang around like Kelsier after he died.


I'm putting in the Adonalsium column. It makes me wonder if the 17th Shard isn't more of a Adonalisum cult than a Hoid damage control team

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I picked up on that too, what with "Beyond" (the Realms) and "God Beyond" the only instances we've seen of the term "Beyond" as a pronoun. Really intriguing personally. I still half-heartedly think that the God Beyond has something to do with whatever opposed Adonalsium.

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I don't think Spook could (if he is actually dead) because he never held one of the shards, even temporarily. Remember Kelsier couldn't stop himself from going to the "beyond" until he was trapped in the Well with Ruin.


We actually do not know where Spook is right now. He "stepped down" or "retired" around year 100 after the Catacendre. *Nothing* has been mentioned about his death.  Being the last Mistborn he also may have had a chance to hang around and join Kelsier's Cognitive Shadow crew, because Hemalurgic experiments, even if he died.

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I picked up on that too, what with "Beyond" (the Realms) and "God Beyond" the only instances we've seen of the term "Beyond" as a pronoun. Really intriguing personally. I still half-heartedly think that the God Beyond has something to do with whatever opposed Adonalsium.


 It appears that "whatever opposed Adonalsium" were the 16 original Shardholders.  As for God Beyond - well, this very well may be the force responsible for literally Beyond.  My suspicion is that the Cosmere is drawn in a way where Adonalsium (originally) and the Shards (now) have control over "this side", and the God Beyond controls the Beyond,  but they have no ability to step into each other's domains.

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