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How would you kill Jon?


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Since this is going to be a major theme in book 3, I though we might brainstorm about how to defeat Prof. Jonathan Phadreus.

For the sake of argument, we are not pursuing his weakness, but actual counters to his Epic profile.

His known powers are:

1: Accelerated healing.

This is not instant healing, but an increased rate at which the body would heal from. I think.

Barring David's bizarre encounter with Obliteration; I'm of the opinion David is now an Epic; we've never seen someone regrow lost limbs, the body simply recovers. Prof's head heals up fine after SteelHeart pummeled it. Scrapes and cuts and broken bones mend.

But it all takes time.

It also works automatically regardless of the state or consciousness the body is in.

2: Telekinetic barriers.

Evidently these arnt relegated to personal defense as we were originally shown. Instead it might as well be true telekinesis. It's interesting to note they disperse heat and smoke.

They are also manually activated.

3: Tensors.

Metal disintegration. Offensive in use mostly but able to destroy incoming bullets and other weapons.

(4): Increased dexterity.

I'm not 100% sure on the dexterity, but I believe it's warranted considering the SteelHeart fight.

Of course increased reflexes makes everything more difficult to kill him, but he doesn't appear to have a near-prescient ability to dodge.

So there is an upper limit to his agility, I just have no idea how to quantify what he might be capable of.

Given all of this I'm of the opinion nothing short of complete destruction of his body will stop his healing abilities. At least as far as physical trauma.

His shields can funnel what might as well have been an atomic bomb at the end of FireFight. So heat and kinetic energy is a no go.

The opposite, cold is likely able to be deflected, if it's a beam like a flamethrower. I'm curious though, if the shields are able to provide a sustainable living environment for extended time such as a blizzard.

I'm not certain he would survive dangerously low or high temperatures.

Poison might be plausible, but I think it carries the risk that Prof's healing might activate.

Asphyxiation seems to me to be a method that might bypass all his powers. Unlike drowning, where the Prof might be able to hold back water, we're instead denying the entry of a crucial element to his body completely.

So there's nothing for the shields to stop, but would his healing powers keep him conscious? Alive? Revive him from death completely?

I think asphyxiation bears merit, any thoughts?

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Intangibility Epic is the way to go, other than that strap a bomb to him when he isn't expecting it. Then strap another one to his shattered torso once the first one has gone off. Then continue until dead.

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The troubles of him basically being a worse Miles Hundredlives with on-demand force fields instead of dynamite. You can't even really trap him if the fields can apply pressure against massive explosive force. He'd probably just pop the trap internally. If not vaporize it.

Throw him into space. All I can think of. Then again he can probably just jump around kicking off force bubbles to send himself into reentry . . .

Sparks, how do you kill this man? He has a power for everything that can possibly kill people!

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Does his healing power work against organic infections?  He might be able to heal damage, but I'm not sure he could use his healing powers to kill off, say, an amoeba.  But I guess he could probably use his force fields to tear off pieces of himself until all amoebas were destroyed.

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I didn't mean strangulation.

I was thinking something more like sealing him in a hermetically sealed space, and ejecting the O2 out. Or using that fancy chemical that bonds to oxygen and chemically combust like in CDC facilities.

Point is to deprive him off any oxygen in a near instantaneous manor. The explosion won't harm him, but that's not the point. He might be able to heal from extended asphyxiation symptoms, but he's not immune to immediate damage.

Ergo, I think it's possible to render him unconscious via the above method.

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I know it seems simple but if you could catch him sleeping, that would nullify all of his powers other than the regeneration. You'd need to hit him hard and fast enough so that he couldn't pop a shield up and regenerate in safety. Might require damaging his brain badly and then filling his skull to stop it reforming. Molten lead perhaps?


Wow, that's um, pretty dark. First post!

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  • 3 weeks later...

well, you could infiltrate the recliners and kill him in his sleep like banjo said, assuming it's the brain and not some outside force causing him to regenerate.

I would say ud need to set a trap in a location where u can rig hidden guns everywhere, and then have him focus on one, throw up a shield in that direction, and then have him stay concentrated there. then, have someone snipe his eyes. yes, gory, but then you can unload the rest of what you have around him. if he makes a sphere around himself, or tensors down, there are ways to prepare(ie. dig a cavern with even more guns below, have guns inside sphere)

eventually, he would be weak enough to incinerate, assuming his ashes don't regenerate into a million new profs

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He's literally had his head crushed before and healed up, IIRC. He might be fine unless you set off a nuclear bomb in his sleep.

Assuming that he can't maintain his force field in his sleep of course.

Edited by natc
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You pound him with nukes until his forcefields weaken to the point of uselessness, then pound him some more.

Really, I can't think of another way without figuring out his weakness. Although, with all those bombs, he'd probably go to the source and blow them up on us or something. Or just take out communications to the nukes.

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  • 1 month later...

Umm... seems simple to me.  Use sleeping gas trap, and while he is unconscious behead, smash, poison, incinerate, and freeze to your heart's content. 

Would sleeping gas theoretically even work on someone that regenerate to that extent? His body would be continually purging the gas and cleansing itself. 

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He also basically tanks an epic nuke in Firefight. He intentionally redirected it of course, but the barrier is by no means easy to break. Nukes might not even hurt him, since he only has to protect himself instead of a whole city.

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He also basically tanks an epic nuke in Firefight. He intentionally redirected it of course, but the barrier is by no means easy to break. Nukes might not even hurt him, since he only has to protect himself instead of a whole city.

Yeah, I felt from the scene him redirecting it was him still attempting to hold back so as not to lose himself to the power, and that had he had no inhibitions from the get go, he could have completely contained it. But that was my own interpretation of it. 

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