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Hi everyone!

I've been a huge fan of Brandon Sanderson for about a year now and imagine my jubilation when I found an entire site full of people as crazy as I was!

My username is a reference to how I have periods of manic productivity immediately and unfailingly followed by periods of utter despondence.

I hope to have much fun theorizing and obsessing over the Cosmere with all you guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You....accepted.....a Dark Alley cookie? That has to be a first.

Beware the voices of mods speaking in your head. Beware Voidus. Beware -

Oh what the heck. You ate the cookie. You can deal with the consequences. :P

Welcome to this wonderfully insane corner of the Internet.


I did, too, as a foolish noob.  Nobody warned me!  So I got spiked.  I'm pretty sure it's Feruchemical maturity, so now you know how I can be The Mom and the idiot who keeps trying to convince people that Doctor Who is Cosmere at the same time.

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I did, too, as a foolish noob. Nobody warned me! So I got spiked. I'm pretty sure it's Feruchemical maturity, so now you know how I can be The Mom and the idiot who keeps trying to convince people that Doctor Who is Cosmere at the same time.

What a coincidence! I literally just finished rewatching series 8.

Also, it's totally cosmere. I have a headcanon that the Doctor and Hoid are mortal frenemies. It's a complicated relationship.

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I did, too, as a foolish noob.  Nobody warned me!  So I got spiked.  I'm pretty sure it's Feruchemical maturity, so now you know how I can be The Mom and the idiot who keeps trying to convince people that Doctor Who is Cosmere at the same time.

It is Reckonverse, not Cosmere.

You....accepted.....a Dark Alley cookie? That has to be a first.

Beware the voices of mods speaking in your head. Beware Voidus. Beware -

Oh what the heck. You ate the cookie. You can deal with the consequences. :P

Welcome to this wonderfully insane corner of the Internet.

They are not the first. There have been others.

Judging by the title, you may be interested in the Knightbloods. Also in the guilds.

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What a coincidence! I literally just finished rewatching series 8.

Also, it's totally cosmere. I have a headcanon that the Doctor and Hoid are mortal frenemies. It's a complicated relationship.


There are more than a few folks around here who actually believe that Hoid *is* the Doctor.


It is Reckonverse, not Cosmere.


I disagree strenuously, for a multitude of reasons.  :)


First, Adonalsium and its subsequent post-Shattering pieces display a great deal of similarity to a number of Time Lord artifacts, including the Hand of Omega, the Validium statue featured in the 25th anniversary episode Silver Nemesis (incidentally, TARDISes are at least partially made out of this metal), and the sentient weapon that was integral (one way or the other) in ending the Time War.


Also, many of Hoid's mannerisms/personality traits are consistent with him being an actual incarnation of the Doctor himself, or barring that, another Time Lord who is familiar with the Doctor's modus operandi.


I have a lot more reasons gleaned from various bits of evidence scattered throughout the books, but going into more detail would require discussing book spoilers that aren't appropriate for this corner of the forum.  And I don't really want to start a thread on the Cosmere Theories board, because this argument is way too silly for a Serious Bizness board.  <_<

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There are more than a few folks around here who actually believe that Hoid *is* the Doctor.

I actually don't think Hoid is the Doctor. My main piece of evidence to back this up is Hoid's(Wit's) line in WoR (or WoK I'm not sure) to Dalinar about letting this world burn to get what he wants, that is not the Doctor speaking, I'm certain of it.
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I actually don't think Hoid is the Doctor. My main piece of evidence to back this up is Hoid's(Wit's) line in WoR (or WoK I'm not sure) to Dalinar about letting this world burn to get what he wants, that is not the Doctor speaking, I'm certain of it.


The actual line was needs, I believe. :)


But there's plenty of evidence either way.  Which is still funny, because this is all just crackfic headcanon to all of us, really.

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I actually don't think Hoid is the Doctor. My main piece of evidence to back this up is Hoid's(Wit's) line in WoR (or WoK I'm not sure) to Dalinar about letting this world burn to get what he wants, that is not the Doctor speaking, I'm certain of it.

Hoid is an alternate dimension version of the Doctor. The Doctor exists in an entirely different universe as a Gifter Epic.

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