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How Many Re-Reads?


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I've noticed that there are members of the Shard that have read some of Brandon's books a lot of times. I mean, a lot of times. But I'm betting that the average Sharder hasn't read Words of Radiance 60 times, even if there are a number who have. So I'm interested: how many times have you read various Sanderson books? 


Here are my numbers:


Elantris: 3 times

The Hope of Elantris: once or twice

The Emperor's Soul: twice


First Mistborn Trilogy: 3 times

The Alloy of Law: 3 times

Shadows of Self: once (gonna re-read in the next couple of days, to prep for Bands of Mourning)


The Stormlight Archive 1 & 2: 3 times 


Warbreaker: 3 times


I've also read all of the other Cosmere novellas once. As for unpublished stuff, I've read The Aether of Night, Mythwalker, The Way of Kings Prime sample chapters, and The Liar of Partinel each once, and I've read White Sand twice.




Both Legion novellas, the first Infinity Blade, and The Rithmatist: once each


Steelheart, Mitosis, and Firefight: twice each


Never read any Alcatraz books or the non-Cosmere shorts not mentioned above.

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Here are my #'s:

Elantris: 3

The Hope of Elantris: 1

The Emperor's Soul: 2

Mistborn: The Final Empire: 3
Mistborn: The Well of Ascension: 2
Mistborn: The Hero of Ages: 4
Mistborn: The Allow of Law: 3

Mistborn: Shadows of Self: 2

Warbreaker: 6

The Way of Kings: 2
Words of Radiance: 4
Shadow of Silence in the Forest of Hell: 2
Sixth of the Dusk: 1


Steelheart: 2

Mitosis: 1

Firefight: 2
The Gathering Storm: 5
Towers of Midnight: 3
A Memory of Light: 3

White Sand: 1
The Liar of Partinel Chapters: 1


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I got into Sanderson's stuff about three years ago now, and I've started limiting my re-reading to once a year, just so I can make myself read new things. (I actually do this with most of the books I love. If not, I'd probably end up just reading them over and over again.)


Here are my readings as of now:


Mistborn Trilogy - I think 4 times. Maybe 5 for the first book.

Alloy of Law - Twice. Really need to re-read now that I've read Shadows of Self.

Shadows of Self - Once.


Elantris - At least three times.

The Emperor's Soul - Twice, maybe three times.

Hope of Elantris: Haven't actually read yet. :(


Warbreaker - Three times. Possibly four.


WoK: 3 times

WoR: I think twice, but maybe 3 times. Planning on re-reading soon.


Alcatraz: I think I've read the first book 3 times and all others twice.


Steelheart - Only twice, I think.

Mitosis: Once.

Firefight: Only once.


The Rithmatist: Three times.


Legion: Twice

Skin Deep: Once, maybe twice

Shadow of Silence in the Forests of Hell: I actually haven't read this one yet either...

Sixth of Dusk: Twice

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I've actually tried to limit myself from going too crazy on rereads, so I wouldn't burn myself out on Brandon. I've also made a conscious effort to not read Brandon's non-cosmere stuff, so that his writing doesn't start to get stale to me. (I know, I know, I might be missing out on good books. But, thus far, it's just been YA stuff, so I'm not too worried. And I can always go back and read them once the cosmere is finished, if I want.) That being said, I will skim through books fairly often to find a particular passage. (It's where I came up with my username, actually.) But I'm not counting those as rereads.


So, here's my list. (Approximate. I've been reading since 2008, so I may have missed a readthrough or two of earlier books.)


Elantris: 4

Warbreaker: 3

Aether of Night: 1


The Final Empire: 4

The Well of Ascension: 2

The Hero of Ages: 2

The Alloy of Law: 2

Shadows of Self: 1


The Way of Kings: lost count. At least 7, most likely more. (This is my favorite book of Brandon's, but during my last reread, before WoR came out, I realized that I might be reading it too much, and that I needed to give it a break so that it would seem fresh as I will continue to come back to it over the next 20 years or so.)

Words of Radiance: 2 (Blasted through it in two days to enjoy the story, lent it to a friend for a few weeks, then got it back and read through it slower to look for cosmere stuff. I don't plan on doing a proper read of it again until I'm prepping for Book 3.)


Cosmere novellas: 1 apiece.

Short stories: 1 apiece. (For the most part, his smaller works haven't appealed to me. Sixth of the Dusk was really cool, but everything else felt too... small scale, I guess.)


Outside the Cosmere, not much, as I said above.

WoT: 1 each for all 3 books. I would like to read go through the whole series one more time, knowing how it ends, but I'm not willing to buy all the books right now, and my library doesn't have them all.

Legion: 1/2 (I got the free audiobook a couple years back, and I discovered that I can't do audio books. I need to be able to jump back earlier in the book when I forget who someone is. Not saying it was a bad book, but it is not the format for me.)

Defending Elysium: 1

Firstborn: 1

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One of the few advantages of not being able to sleep well is that I get to read. A LOT!

I usual end up re-reading ALL of the cosmere books I own when a new cosmere book comes out.


Anyway these are just guesses but:


Elantris: no idea! at least 10 times

Warbreaker: 5

Mistborn first series: 4

Mistborn: The Allow of Law: 4

Mistborn: Shadows of Self: 3

Mistborn The Eleventh Metal: 2

The Hope of Elantris: 3

The Emperor's Soul: 2

The Way of Kings: 3

Words of Radiance: 3
Shadow of Silence in the Forest of Hell: 2
Sixth of the Dusk: 2

Aether of Night: 2

White Sands: 2

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Here are my #'s:

Elantris: 5

The Hope of Elantris: 2

The Emperor's Soul: 3

Mistborn The Eleventh Metal: 2

Mistborn: The Final Empire: 3
Mistborn: The Well of Ascension: 3
Mistborn: The Hero of Ages: 3
Mistborn: The Allow of Law: 3

Mistborn: Shadows of Self: 2

Warbreaker: 4

The Way of Kings: 3
Words of Radiance: 4
Shadow of Silence in the Forest of Hell: 2
Sixth of the Dusk: 1


Rithmatist: 1

Steelheart: 1

Mitosis: 1

Firefight: 1
The Gathering Storm: 0
Towers of Midnight: 0
A Memory of Light: 0

*Haven't made it this far in my WoT reading yet...

H.A.R.R.E..: 1

Perfect State: 2

Dreamer: 0

Elysium: 4

Firstborn: 4

Infinity Blade: Awakening: 2

Infinity Blade: Redemption: 2
Legion: 3

Legion:Skin deep: 2

Alcatraz vs. Evil Librarians: 1

Alcatraz vs. Scrivener's Bones: 0

Alcatraz vs. Knights of Chrystallia: 0

Alcatraz vs. the Shattered Lens: 0

*I've been waiting for Alcatraz 5 to come out and read them all at one go lately


White Sand: 1
The Liar of Partinel Chapters: 1

Aether of Night: 1

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I've read everything Brandon has published once with the following exceptions:


Way of Kings - twice

Words of Radiance - twice

Warbreaker - one and a half (things came up, never bothered finishing)

Perfect State - 12 to 15 times (writing articles for the Coppermind)

Shadows Beneath - twice

Both Legions - zero

Both Infinity Blades - zero

All Alcatraz - zero

WoT - zero

H.A.R.R.E. - zero

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Elantris: 4

The Hope of Elantris: 2

The Emperor's Soul: 3

Mistborn The Eleventh Metal: 1

Mistborn: The Final Empire: 3
Mistborn: The Well of Ascension: 2
Mistborn: The Hero of Ages: 2
Mistborn: The Allow of Law: 3

Mistborn: Shadows of Self: 2

Warbreaker: 3

The Way of Kings: 3
Words of Radiance: 2
Shadow of Silence in the Forest of Hell: 5
Sixth of the Dusk: 5


Rithmatist: 0

Steelheart: 2

Mitosis: 2

Firefight: 2


Wheel of Times - 0. I've tried four times now to get through the series, but always seem to run out of steam somewhere in book five or six. I was super determined this last time, because I'd discovered Sanderson in the interim, and he is now my favorite author. But I simply could not do it. I think I may just read a detailed summary of what happens leading up to his, and then read the Sanderson three.


Perfect State: 1

Dreamer: 0

Elysium: 1

Firstborn: 1

Infinity Blade: Awakening: 1

Infinity Blade: Redemption: 1
Legion: 1

Legion:Skin deep: 1

Alcatraz vs. Evil Librarians: 1

Alcatraz vs. Scrivener's Bones: 1/2 - reading it now.

Alcatraz vs. Knights of Chrystallia: 0

Alcatraz vs. the Shattered Lens: 0


I haven't read any unreleased works. Want to save myself for the canon versions.

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