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My friend has a theory that if someone were to bond all ten Honorblades at once, they would become the Shard of Honor. Any thoughts on this?

To me is an impossible thing.

The 10 Honorblade was there when Honor was whole, and therefore are pretty a very small part of his power.

Also all the Spren on Roshar have a bit of Honor's power.


If you get all the Honorblades, it's a pretty meaningless part of Honor's power (and how will you merge the Honorblades ?).

Edited by Yata
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To me is an impossible thing.

The 10 Honorblade was there when Honor was whole, and therefore are pretty a very small part of his power.

Also all the Spren on Roshar have a bit of Honor's power.


If you get all the Honorblades, it's a pretty meaningless part of Honor's power (and how will you merge the Honorblades ?).

You don't need to merge them, just bond them.

I believe that bonding all ten Honorblades will make the person something like Lerasium Mistborn in comparison to a Misting.

ten times the Stormlight affinity, all the Surges doubled.

On the other hand, the Honorblades feed on Stormlight, so your Stormlight usage would be insane.

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I doubt it would be sufficient.

To become Honor, you would need HUGE abouts of Honors invesiture, and that is spread all over Roshar - not just in the honor blades, but in all spren.

I doubt the honor blades would be enough.

Now, all honor blades, the Godspren, and a huge amount of other spren? Perhaps.

It's what I talked about.

The main difference from the case of Vin-Preservation and Honor is that Preservation (also if quite mindless) was a whole Shard, while Honor is a Splintered Shard. All his power is spread over all Roshar and now every bit of him is a separate "living" being.

If reforming Honor was something "so simple" the Stomfather would probably already made it by merging any Spren under his own "jurisdiction"

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It's what I talked about.

The main difference from the case of Vin-Preservation and Honor is that Preservation (also if quite mindless) was a whole Shard, while Honor is a Splintered Shard. All his power is spread over all Roshar and now every bit of him is a separate "living" being.

If reforming Honor was something "so simple" the Stomfather would probably already made it by merging any Spren under his own "jurisdiction"

You assume the Stormfather would be willing to do it, something that in my view goes deeply against his character and may not be even within his power. Edited by DreamEternal
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You cant bond more than one blade at once. It is said that honor invested a great deal of his power in Roshar, so much that he couldnt defend himself from Odium. It makes sense that Honor took up the fight against Odiums return once the Heralds abandoned their posts. He knew that the knights alone couldnt hold the line so he killed himself trying to protect his world, very honorable.

The figure was silent for a moment. Then he spoke in a clear, crisp voice. “Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination. Speak again the ancient oaths and return to men the Shards they once bore.” He turned to Dalinar, meeting his eyes. “The Knights Radiant must stand again.”

Logically, if Odium is defeated and the old oaths are resworn it might help Honor reform. He was splintered, but Elantris suggests the same thing happened to Aona (Domi) and the Elantrians managed to fix it. The letters say that Rayse (Odium) visited Sel and splintered Aona, though no timeline is established.

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You cant bond more than one blade at once.

Unless the Honorblades have a different set of rules, there isn't any evidence about "you can't bond more than one blade".


But to me the Honorblades have a "different bond", I am still pretty sure that the Honorblades are still bonded with the Heralds and any actual user (ex. Szeth) may use them but there aren't bonding with a not-Herald.

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I was sure there was a mention of it, now I'll have to re-read them again. As good an excuse for my 18th time through as any I suppose. The honor blades might be different, but traditional blades become un-bonded when their wielder dies, so either the honor blades are extremely different, and if they are they're useless in the current conflict anyway, there heralds either broke their bond with the blades or they're alive somewhere, possibly living it up in a cave somewhere pretending the whole of creation isnt going to hell in a handbasket.

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