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Chapters 3-5 up on Tor

The Rooster

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And we have confirmation thatt exist 4 levels of super sayadin (they already change eye color if theuy turn blond i will laughrivers) Knight Radiants. =)


Maybe in the last level indeed they summon their "gold armor" =)


Does this mean Kaladin will grow a tail?

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If you guys put the hook with a few more chapter as bait I will fall for it a happy man =)

About the troop of semi-radiant dudes, I was thinking, some of the bridgemen had odd "healings" after they come in contact with Kaladin.

See Dabbid that had a would that should have killed, Teft with the arrow in the shoulder, Skar with a arrow in the foot all.

In on POV Teft commented that he wasn't felling as much pain as he should.

Maybe the radiant have some kind of area of affect power tha let them share a fraction of their power with their man.

For what understand there are Power Levels in the Radiand order. (see sly recent comment),maybe a full Radiant could share a little of stormlight with his men, what would explain the comment in the first book "I can't pomise a place in any order but you could be a soldier" in Dalinar vision.

And we have confirmation thatt exist 4 levels of super sayadin (they already change eye color if theuy turn blond i will laughrivers) Knight Radiants. =)

Maybe in the last level indeed they summon their "gold armor" =)

This would fit in well with their role as leaders and protectors, though someone's going to have to explain the Realmatics to me.
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And Kaladin will have a cocky prince with spiked hair as rival that wear  armor almost all time and don't like him very much, but in the end they will be friends.   ;)

Edited by Natans
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Now that I've had some time to think about it, Jasnah referring to the Cryptics as "liespren" makes sense. They demanded a "powerful truth" from Shallan, and if you think about it, the power of a truth depends on the lies we tell around it. The revelation that Shallan killed her own father is a powerful truth precisely because she has been hiding the fact and lying about it. If, instead, she had said something along the lines of "my family is in trouble," I suspect the Cryptics would've been much less satisfied, because while true, it's not something Shallan has been actively concealing. Not as much, at least.

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The law of supply and demand means that a truth from a liar is a lot more powerful, right? So liespren take power from truth given reluctantly, and surrounded with lies.

"The stronger the truth, the better hidden it is, the stronger or bond." You might be on to something Fishy my boy  ;)


Perhaps the Cryptics are attracted to liars, but seek the truth itself. VERY odd considering lieing is the last Honorable (IMO) action a person can take. 

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And Kaladin will have a cocky prince with spiked hair as rival that wear  armor almost all time and don't like him very much, but in the end they will be friends.   ;)


Does this mean we get to start a 'If Stormlight Archive were like DBZ' thread?

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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"The stronger the truth, the better hidden it is, the stronger or bond." You might be on to something Fishy my boy  ;)


Perhaps the Cryptics are attracted to liars, but seek the truth itself. VERY odd considering lieing is the last Honorable (IMO) action a person can take. 


This reminds me of a certain passage in the sample chapters of the draft to The Liar of Partinel

"Sometimes, even the liar must speak true. Otherwise, his lies hold no weight"


*Slightly off-topic but it just reminded me of it*  :P

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In a more serious note. Lie spren and Honor spren don't like each other.  So what will be Sly reaction when she see Shallan new puppy spren ?


If she say to Kaladin that Shallan are suspicious or something, that would put wood in the fire, because Shallan "will" marry Adolin that already don't think that Kaladin as is best buddy =)


Implications, implications, plot get thick, me like =)


PS: Another thing the Vonirism "edited" the true about Radiants odd thing don't you guys thinks. I say more anyone remember someone that liked to "edit" history to make things go in the way he desired ? Like let me see..... yes, yes a certain shard in a metalic planet =)

Edited by Natans
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Thanks. :) Any other liveblogs, please keep me informed. :)


Light above... I should have realized I was exposing myself by posting in here... 


For future reference though, it's far from comprehensive, but I try to keep Adonalsium's liveblog page up-to-date as best I can! There's quite a few over there. Megan's Way of Kings liveblog (tinandpewterstrength) you've already read, I know, though she's just started Warbreaker and that's new. I think the only person currently reading Way of Kings is Ada (airred), and she's getting fairly far through it! There's also some old ones up there that are completed. (And some that are probably done but I haven't updated yet. Whoops I'm a bad mod.)

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 VERY odd considering lieing is the last Honorable (IMO) action a person can take. 

i totally agree- very odd- I can't help but think we don't have the whole picture or have mis-information here

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PS: Another thing the Vonirism "edited" the true about Radiants odd thing don't you guys thinks. I say more anyone remember someone that liked to "edit" history to make things go in the way he desired ? Like let me see..... yes, yes a certain shard in a metalic planet =)

Don't mean to get petty here but does anyone remember when I suggested Just that (in reference to Vorinism and the Heirocracy altering knowledge) and ya'll were all "No, it was the Sunmaker, he promoted The Thrill and is a puppet of Odium"?  Not saying that's not also true, I'm just saying that my early forum theories are in line with a young heretic Jasnah.  Good company  B)

Edited by AG Rooster
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Don't mean to get petty here but does anyone remember when I suggested Just that (in reference to Vorinism and the Heirocracy altering knowledge) and ya'll were all "No, it was the Sunmaker, he promoted The Thrill and is a puppet of Odium"?  Not saying that's not also true, I'm just saying that my early forum theories are in line with a young heretic Jasnah.  Good company  B)


Using your sacred right of brag =)


Man I wished know how use the tumblr, so may nice things going on in there kingdon, but that thing is beyond me =(

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Man I wished know how use the tumblr, so may nice things going on in there kingdon, but that thing is beyond me =(


The Adonalsium page catches a good portion of it. Though not all of our silly commentary on the sides. It's surely not so hard to navigate is it? (Also tumblr's like 300% easier to figure out with an account. The dashboard is quite a bit more user-friendly than a lot of people's actual blogs are.)

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The Adonalsium page catches a good portion of it. Though not all of our silly commentary on the sides. It's surely not so hard to navigate is it? (Also tumblr's like 300% easier to figure out with an account. The dashboard is quite a bit more user-friendly than a lot of people's actual blogs are.)


Thank you Lady,  I tried to enter a few time before but to me is dificult keep track of everything i get lost and don't know where to go. I have to few free time so i kind like things that are easy to find =(


I will give another shot later tks for the link =)

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The Adonalsium page catches a good portion of it. Though not all of our silly commentary on the sides. It's surely not so hard to navigate is it? (Also tumblr's like 300% easier to figure out with an account. The dashboard is quite a bit more user-friendly than a lot of people's actual blogs are.)

Feather, I was going to live blog wok but I don't think I can do it again I'm too darn twitchy to read it again without WoR in my brain already. Should I just message your blog when WoR comes out and I've begun blogging that?

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Shallan can see Ivory unless he decides to be shadowy and Jasnah can see Shallan's cryptic.  Nobody else can see Wyndle.  Will they be able to see Syl? I guess Wyndle talks about that. 


"Ivory" is black. 


In the Nohadon vision, they speak dawnchant.  In the Purelake vision ancient Selay.  Maybe the Radiant era was long and included the change from dawnchant to other languages. 


I bet there's a Form that lets Parshendi do that...

There's a Form for that :D .

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Nobody else can see Wyndle.  Will they be able to see Syl? I guess Wyndle talks about that. 



maybe only those who have a bond with a spren or are on the path to bonding with spren can see the other spren/all spren that are bonded

Edited by zandi
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"The stronger the truth, the better hidden it is, the stronger or bond." You might be on to something Fishy my boy  ;)


Perhaps the Cryptics are attracted to liars, but seek the truth itself. VERY odd considering lieing is the last Honorable (IMO) action a person can take. 

aren't Cryptics\liespren of Cultivation, though? 


on other note- we have a sort of confirmation as to why predicting the future is considered blasphemous by vorinism\the ardentia! because seeing the future is not of Honor, whom we know to be not very good at it (unlike Cultivation and persumably Odium), and as Honor is the Almighty and Odium's enemy....yeah, visions=Odium=Voidbringing (well, sort of):)


I just LOVE how Kaladin's chapter ends with him thinking Dalinar will be hard-pressed in his attempt to reinstate the KR, "unless he has help"! we are all worried about the information-sharing issue between our main characters, but by letting Kaladin in on that conversation, Dalinar just might unknowingly prompt Kal to really trust him and share his own knowledge.


I also loved how Teft and Moash (so far only them, but they just so happen to be two of Kaladin's most trusted friends) call him Kal:) :P 

I'm sorry I'm totally fangirling over here LOL


I'm liking Shallan more and more with each chapter and can't wait for her and Jasnah to get the the Shattered Plains! 


Mmmmooorreee pleaasseee!!

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Feather, I was going to live blog wok but I don't think I can do it again I'm too darn twitchy to read it again without WoR in my brain already. Should I just message your blog when WoR comes out and I've begun blogging that?


Sure, here or on tumblr will work! Just link me to it and I'll spread the word! I will say that it's a bit easier for me if you tag all of your liveblog posts with a single tag. Then instead of needing to reblog every single one, I can just make the link send people straight to your blog with all posts under that tag in chronological order. Something like #wor liveblog or really whatever you'd like to use. Send me a link when you do things! I like it when people link me things.

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"The stronger the truth, the better hidden it is, the stronger or bond." You might be on to something Fishy my boy ;)

Perhaps the Cryptics are attracted to liars, but seek the truth itself. VERY odd considering lieing is the last Honorable (IMO) action a person can take.

They are attracted to liars - and they force them to voice the truth. They change you for the better, in fact. One might almost say they CULTIVATE honesty.
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"They are attracted to liars - and they force them to voice the truth. They change you for the better, in fact. One might almost say they CULTIVATE honesty. "

Aha- now that is a connection that makes sense! +1!

I can see how that would work- but why the conflict w honor spren?

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