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Idos Domi! I found another Aon in the Elantris Map

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Well, it is farfetched but out of all the Sel magics that I have seen, Elantrian magics are the only ones whose strength depends on distance. Now a part of that could be due to the Aon Rao but why would Rao vary according to distance? Wouldn't it just amplify anywhere? Could it possibly be that the Aon Ela tells the amplifying effect to focus on Elantris?

There are ways to modify Aons so that they would have effect but this might be an Aon Equation. It would be a small Aon Ela inside Aon Rao's center. I don't know much about Aon Equations (I am just basing this off the coppermind wiki) but if an Aon could be drawn inside another Aon in order to modify the other Aons then I guess Aon Ela would center or focus Aon Rao on ... where? Probably Elantris since that is where most of the focus on AonDor through Aons is strongest.

If so it would explain why it is so strong in Elantris and weaker in foreign nations, even in the high day of Elantris's power. Ela tells the AonDor to focus its power on Elantris rather than spreading the power across the world. Now, this could prove to be interesting especially since Aon Rao is repaired but Aon Ela is still broken. I imagine that with Aon Rao flooding power through Elantris, Elantris will have a large power of AonDor available to Aons simply because that is where most of the power enters before leaving but without Aon Ela focusing the power on Elantris, the AonDor might simply flood out of Arelon and eventually settle down to equally blanket the entire world. In which case, the Elantrian's power will come to be strong everywhere, including foreign nations... such as Fjorden. (This could lead to interesting military campaigns. Anyone interested in seeing Elantrian armies with mobile Aon Reos fighting Dakhor monks in Fjarden's capital?). However, as a consequence, perhaps, the AonDor in Elantris after the Reod will be weaker than the AonDor before the Reod unless Aon Ela is repaired. 

Good eye, EagleOfTheForestPath. It makes Aon Rao make a lot more sense.

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Well, it is farfetched but out of all the Sel magics that I have seen, Elantrian magics are the only ones whose strength depends on distance. Now a part of that could be due to the Aon Rao but why would Rao vary according to distance? Wouldn't it just amplify anywhere? Could it possibly be that the Aon Ela tells the amplifying effect to focus on Elantris?

There are ways to modify Aons so that they would have effect but this might be an Aon Equation. It would be a small Aon Ela inside Aon Rao's center. I don't know much about Aon Equations (I am just basing this off the coppermind wiki) but if an Aon could be drawn inside another Aon in order to modify the other Aons then I guess Aon Ela would center or focus Aon Rao on ... where? Probably Elantris since that is where most of the focus on AonDor through Aons is strongest.

If so it would explain why it is so strong in Elantris and weaker in foreign nations, even in the high day of Elantris's power. Ela tells the AonDor to focus its power on Elantris rather than spreading the power across the world. Now, this could prove to be interesting especially since Aon Rao is repaired but Aon Ela is still broken. I imagine that with Aon Rao flooding power through Elantris, Elantris will have a large power of AonDor available to Aons simply because that is where most of the power enters before leaving but without Aon Ela focusing the power on Elantris, the AonDor might simply flood out of Arelon and eventually settle down to equally blanket the entire world. In which case, the Elantrian's power will come to be strong everywhere, including foreign nations... such as Fjorden. (This could lead to interesting military campaigns. Anyone interested in seeing Elantrian armies with mobile Aon Reos fighting Dakhor monks in Fjarden's capital?). However, as a consequence, perhaps, the AonDor in Elantris after the Reod will be weaker than the AonDor before the Reod unless Aon Ela is repaired. 

Good eye, EagleOfTheForestPath. It makes Aon Rao make a lot more sense.



Stamp magics will also fail to work a certain distance away from MaiPon - hence why we didn't see any stamps in Elantris.  

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Just the increased amount of power would probably make the decay more obvious, to be honest.

And as ssid above, stamps fail from a distance. The nations for ChayShan and Dakhor abilities are much closer to Arelon than MaiPon and the Rose Empire. We also don't know how strong they are supposed to be.

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I'm actually thinking the giant Aon Ela has something to do with using Aon Tia.


Maybe if an Elantrian doesn't know exactly where he is but can still make Aon Tia work, he can refer to the big Ela in his Aon equation to return to Elantris from wherever he is without having to bother finding out exact distance and direction.


Alternatively maybe it turns the center of the city into (0,0) in a Cartesian coordinate system they use with the permanent Tia stations all over the city.



Just the increased amount of power would probably make the decay more obvious, to be honest.

And as said above, stamps fail from a distance. The nations for ChayShan and Dakhor abilities are much closer to Arelon than MaiPon and the Rose Empire. We also don't know how strong they are supposed to be.

Dakhor was also used in Teod, which is even further from Fjorden than from Arelon. You're right in saying that we don't know what it's supposed to be like at full power, but to me the Bone Monks seemed about as powerful in Teod as they did around Kae.

It's been suggested that they retain some permanent (passive) powers wherever they go on Sel, but that the more active powers (like teleportation) also grow weaker with distance from home.

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Interesting. I thought the streets formed an interesting shape, but didn't recognize it as an Aon. Do you have a Reddit account? I feel like Brandon might comment on something like this if it were a Reddit discussion.

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Don't have one, that site confuses me and I can never find anything.  :rolleyes:

Might be worth trying it though.


Maybe Peter is now interested enough to ask for us and share the answer? Pretty please, Peter?

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Yeah, I saw that too. The cover makes much more sense though - it's a stylistic choice. Given that it's established that giant Aons - e.g. Rao - may have interesting effects, I would be really surprised of that Ela doesn't either produce an effect, or help Rao work somehow.

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Well considering Ela means Focus, it's possible that the giant Ela is what causes the city itself to glow, and potentially also acts as a "cell" tower for AonDor. It would help explain why AonDor is more powerful the closer to Elantris a practitioner is.

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Well considering Ela means Focus, it's possible that the giant Ela is what causes the city itself to glow, and potentially also acts as a "cell" tower for AonDor. It would help explain why AonDor is more powerful the closer to Elantris a practitioner is.



I think that's sufficiently explained through the Aon Rao. But it could indeed be a contributing factor.

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I think that's sufficiently explained through the Aon Rao. But it could indeed be a contributing factor.


I meant it more in a way of a signal boost, not a power boost, i.e. Rao boosts the power, making the system function, while Ela boosts the signal, allowing it to function further away from the city. But your guess is as good as mine.

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Well put Rao and Ela (Spirit and Center) may generate something like "This is the Country's Core" and operate the already know boost of AonDor and its users.
Something like an explicit declaration to the Dor, not an Implict one like the others (For Implicit I mean that in the other country are simply the cognitive aspect of the people that give to a country is center, capital or borders).

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Here's something noteworthy. If the giant Aon Ela does, in fact, serve some function, it's highly likely that Raoden hasn't added the chasm line to it. Which makes me wonder what consequences, if any, Elantris will have to deal with.

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Here's something noteworthy. If the giant Aon Ela does, in fact, serve some function, it's highly likely that Raoden hasn't added the chasm line to it. Which makes me wonder what consequences, if any, Elantris will have to deal with.


Maybe that's where the mould came from? I don't think we ever worked out what, specifically that was. (Although, an early draft made it dead mitochondrial bacteria things.)


Also, possibly relevant. The leatherbound cover has Aon Ela portrayed strongly on the front. Probably because it has some special significance. I would say this is a confirming factor.

Edited by The Young Bard
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Mmm Young Bard I don't think.

The mould seems to be a simply fungus, without anything magical.

Without the new line the the Aon Ela has no function at all.


I was thinking that maybe it may be another boost for the AonDor for the Hard Time. That concentrate more Dor on Elantris from the country.


Or maybe It's part of the "plan to rebuild the Shard" that someone has thought time ago.

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From the Worldbuilders AMA:



Q: Brandon, the updated Elantris map (from the anniversary edition) includes a city map, and the interior of Elantris looks awfully like Aon Ela. Was it indeed designed so the streets for Ela, and if so - does this merely augment/support the giant Aon Reo, or does it have a separate effect?

A: This was designed this way! It is separate from the shape of the city itself.
Q: But does it have an actual effect, or is it just aesthetic?
A: It doesn't have an effect at the moment. It might once have.
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