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Thanks to the mysterious 17th Sharder in front of me in the signing line


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I've been a long-time Sanderson fan, but didn't know about this community until I went to a signing at my local bookstore and heard the guy in front of me ask Brandon some really interesting questions. After I collected my signatures and had a brief chat with Brandon, I tracked down the guy and asked him about his questions. He introduced me to some theories of the cosmere and mentioned this website. A few months later, while I was re-reading of TWOK in prep for book 2, I had some questions and my google-machine again directed me to 17th Shard. I figure that signs from the universe, just like jackalopes, always travel in pairs so I should take heed and spend some time on this site. There is some great stuff on here and I've enjoyed reading the forums, so I've decided to dive in and join.



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Cool way to find the site. Welcome to the forums. :)


Do you remember the questions he asked? Whoever it was probably posted his questions/answers here, if you want to hunt him down and thank him more specifically. ;)

Edited by Kurkistan
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He asked two questions. I can't recall the first, but the second was whether there was a way to planet jump in the cosmere that didn't involve magic. Brandon jokingly responded that a long-distance spaceship would do the trick, though he didn't seem to be suggesting there were such ships. It was the planet-jumping question that confused me because until then I hadn't realized the books were taking place on different planets in the same universe. That is what I tracked him down to ask about.


I'll have to poke around and see if he posted about it on here; I doubt it, though, since he didn't get a real answer to the question.

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If you were in Houston then it was probably Sir Read-a-Lot; we tend to record even evasions and non-answers because what Brandon evades or refuses to answer (or just misunderstands, prompting us to phrase things better in the future) is of interest to us as well as direct answers.

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