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Definitely The Way of Kings. I really enjoyed the Mistborn novels, Elantris, and Warbreaker but WoK took it to the next level. 

I think most people on this forum, with a few notable exceptions, put the Way of Kings rather high on their list. It is on mine, anyway. And I recommend you the Emperor's Soul too, a solid #2 for me!

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I think most people on this forum, with a few notable exceptions, put the Way of Kings rather high on their list. It is on mine, anyway. And I recommend you the Emperor's Soul too, a solid #2 for me!

I actually just saw Emperor's Soul at the bookstore the other day. I'm glad to hear such praise for it as, I must admit, I was a little skeptical reading the cover intro. How is the magic system? It seemed quite strange. Though, the same could be said of Awakening and Biochromatic Breath. 


Welcome, hunter Jäger. Are you german or do you perhaps study german?

Thank you! I am indeed. I was born in the US after my family moved here from northern Germany. 

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The magic system is great and conforms real well with the more complex and technical magic system of AonDor (and probably Sel in general). But I don't want to spoil it to you, so I shan't go into it. Suffice it to say, that I to had my doubts before I actually read it. Just get through the first few chapters (as with any book, really), and you'll find, maybe not his best book all-in-all, but an exiting one and almost certainly his most well written one.

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I think most people on this forum, with a few notable exceptions, put the Way of Kings rather high on their list. It is on mine, anyway. And I recommend you the Emperor's Soul too, a solid #2 for me!

I probably would have put it at a solid 3 but I wanted to show some love for Shadows as I had just read it and loved it to bits.

Edit: forgot to welcome you jager, so welcome and a happy upvote to you =)

Edited by Iredomi
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Well I am officially excited to read the Emperor's Soul now! Thank you all, for the recommendations as well as the warm welcomes!

Und dankeschön Mailliw73!

Also, if anyone would be so kind, i had two quick(ish) questions. First, is there any particular etiquette for posting and replying to theories in Cosmere Theories?

Second, I have seen two different posts containing tables of surges and KR orders. One indicates the middle order on the right side(the one right beneath Windrunners) to be the order of Skybreakers. However, the other post specifically names the top, golden order of the two in the very center to belong to Skybreakers. Both of these posts claim that the info comes straight from Brandon. Is it known FOR SURE which one is correct?

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The answer to your second question is Skybreakers are, for sure, the second order of the Knights Radiant. Brandon first told us that they were the tenth, but that turned out to be a mistake and was later corrected. That's probably the reason for the discrepancy.


Also, you can usually find that sort of things on our wiki: http://coppermind.net/wiki/Knights_Radiant

Our articles are generally pretty well cited.

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Also, if anyone would be so kind, i had two quick(ish) questions. First, is there any particular etiquette for posting and replying to theories in Cosmere Theories?

Just be polite and avoid double-posting (edit your own posts instead). Other than that, just ramble on!

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