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Feathertips and Featherblades

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Oh, if I didn't I should have. It's right here: http://shardling-secret-santa.tumblr.com/post/72918631540/a-gift-for-liseraptorknight


Also, there was a thread about turning protagonists into antagonists and that seemed like the perfect kind of thread for me, so have my take on Antagonist!Shallan and Antagonist!Renarin: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/8838-turning-protagonists-into-antagonists-for-fun/?p=142855


I may need some protection after those two little fics...

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"Dearest followers," the Lady Feather says in a voice that sounds not her own. "I cannot disobey. I have received the gifts of staff which the admins have bestowed upon me. They compel my allegiance..."


She turns to address the group and her usual illusions are gone, revealing the spikes in place of her eyes. Two more glitter at her shoulders.


"Until the icons have been changed, I am called to war. The Lord Ruler is too strong to resist. Follow me if you wish. I cannot stay any longer."

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"Dearest followers," the Lady Feather says in a voice that sounds not her own. "I cannot disobey. I have received the gifts of staff which the admins have bestowed upon me. They compel my allegiance..."


She turns to address the group and her usual illusions are gone, revealing the spikes in place of her eyes. Two more glitter at her shoulders.


"Until the icons have been changed, I am called to war. The Lord Ruler is too strong to resist. Follow me if you wish. I cannot stay any longer."




I knew it.

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"Dearest followers," the Lady Feather says in a voice that sounds not her own. "I cannot disobey. I have received the gifts of staff which the admins have bestowed upon me. They compel my allegiance..."


She turns to address the group and her usual illusions are gone, revealing the spikes in place of her eyes. Two more glitter at her shoulders.


"Until the icons have been changed, I am called to war. The Lord Ruler is too strong to resist. Follow me if you wish. I cannot stay any longer."


The Newcagos are deader than a dead duck's toenail.


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Attention, Feather's cultists: The self-styled "Brightlady Feather" requests a fanfic of herself and President Obama*. This is how she's living out her dreams to date upward on the social ladder, by having someone write it for her. You should all be humbled by the fact that I lowered myself to relaying messages to you all, you're welcome. Later!


* ((If it's smutty fic there will be hell to pay. Don't do the thing. Thanks.))


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Attention, Feather's cultists: The self-styled "Brightlady Feather" requests a fanfic of herself and President Obama*. This is how she's living out her dreams to date upward on the social ladder, by having someone write it for her. You should all be humbled by the fact that I lowered myself to relaying messages to you all, you're welcome. Later!


* ((If it's smutty fic there will be hell to pay. Don't do the thing. Thanks.))


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*appears behind Shroom and slices through him at the stalk*


You know, when Kogi said she was too afraid of my cult to come in here and speak misinformation at them, I didn't think she would enlist the help of my sworn enemy to carry it for her.


Rest assured dear followers, both of the perpetrators have been swiftly dealt with. Aka, I yelled at Shroom and Kogi has been punched in the shoulder.

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Rest assured, your beloved leader is lying to you, because I haven't been yelled at! We'd all be more shocked by this if it hadn't been patently obvious that it was going to happen. Or rather, not happen. Alas, we must all bear our crosses. Yours -- 'you' being the cultists -- is to deal with the heavy burden of worshipping a lying and objectively awful chicken-shedding! You all have my sympathies. <3


Well, okay, you would have them if I weren't so eternally disgusted by the thought of anyone making a freaky cult around Feather. Groos much?

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I see that Fungus and Feather have quiet a relationship going one (collapses laughing at conflict)


Funny how Feather is registered as a friend of Fungus.


(Still thrashing from laughing)


Mind you, Feather hasn't denied the accusation. She merely labelled it as "misinformation". And, take my advice as a gamer who gets the occasional sneak peek, not addressing a problem or denying information is not the same as blatantly turning it down and saying that it's false.


Feather, I suggest you address this topic directly.

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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