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Hey there 17s! I've been here a while and haven't actually said anything. You can call me Moru, as many people do. Or you can shorten it to Mo, which is closer to my real name. I'm nineteen, turning twenty in June. I work in a restaurant as a hostess, and I masquerade as a server sometimes. I spend all of my free time role playing and managing three sites. Yes, it takes a lot of time, but I manage.

Most of all, I love Brandon Sanderson's writing. The Mistborn trilogy is probably my favourite book series. I can't wait for Alloy of Law. I'm so obsessed with Mistborn that I have begun to name my animals after characters in the books. Yes, I have a black lab named Kelsier. He's sometimes referred to as a Koloss (because he has so much extra skin...) and often times as TenSoon whenever he has a really big tongue-stretching yawn. Kelsier is incredibly mischievous and lives up to his name whenever possible.

I ramble a lot, but sometimes there's a nugget of wittiness buried deep within my rantings. You can usually find me lurking around message boards of all kinds. I also write a lot of codes. I'm trying to learn javascript, but I am already fluent in html and css.

When I get out of college (which I still havent started yet...) I want to be a seamstress for theater. I want to be the one to make or design the costumes and fit them to the actors. I also want to be a web designer on the side for some extra money. I think I'm going to get certified in the use of Photoshop and website creating and then start that little thing up. My favourite things to code are forums because they're easy.

Anyway, Hello. =)

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Hey there 17s! I've been here a while and haven't actually said anything. You can call me Moru, as many people do. Or you can shorten it to Mo, which is closer to my real name. I'm nineteen, turning twenty in June. I work in a restaurant as a hostess, and I masquerade as a server sometimes. I spend all of my free time role playing and managing three sites. Yes, it takes a lot of time, but I manage.

Most of all, I love Brandon Sanderson's writing. The Mistborn trilogy is probably my favourite book series. I can't wait for Alloy of Law. I'm so obsessed with Mistborn that I have begun to name my animals after characters in the books. Yes, I have a black lab named Kelsier. He's sometimes referred to as a Koloss (because he has so much extra skin...) and often times as TenSoon whenever he has a really big tongue-stretching yawn. Kelsier is incredibly mischievous and lives up to his name whenever possible.

I ramble a lot, but sometimes there's a nugget of wittiness buried deep within my rantings. You can usually find me lurking around message boards of all kinds. I also write a lot of codes. I'm trying to learn javascript, but I am already fluent in html and css.

When I get out of college (which I still havent started yet...) I want to be a seamstress for theater. I want to be the one to make or design the costumes and fit them to the actors. I also want to be a web designer on the side for some extra money. I think I'm going to get certified in the use of Photoshop and website creating and then start that little thing up. My favourite things to code are forums because they're easy.

Anyway, Hello. =)

Welcome to the site, my name is Eerongal, and i'll be your moderator today.

(actually it appears that statement is pretty accurate, since i am a moderator, and you are part of the group that manages site coding)

Anywho, i have a relatively good grasp on javascript if you ever have any questions (though i'm no expert. I'm actually a software engineer by trade, but my exposure to JS is limited, so i have a grasp on the language, but can't tell you any of the nuances.)

Anyways, welcome to the site, and look forward to seeing you around.

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I spend all of my free time role playing and managing three sites. Yes, it takes a lot of time, but I manage.

You do indeed (nyuk nyuk)!

Welcome, Moru! I'm glad you took some time out of lurking & coding to say hi

Edited by Puck
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Well hello there Lurker :D <3 glad to meet you. If you ever need any programming help, I'm a pro. Literally. Rather than Eero's engineering path, I'm just a code monkey :D

What you more into, designing or programming? For they are oft separate jobs, and thinking separate also helps actually doing things. What programming languages do you know? Any sample code we can look at, Oh oh oh, do you have a github account? *nerdgasm* :D

Yeah,....prepare yourself


Hope you enjoy messing around in the site code as much as I would. :D


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Well hello there Lurker :D <3 glad to meet you. If you ever need any programming help, I'm a pro. Literally. Rather than Eero's engineering path, I'm just a code monkey :D

What you more into, designing or programming? For they are oft separate jobs, and thinking separate also helps actually doing things. What programming languages do you know? Any sample code we can look at, Oh oh oh, do you have a github account? *nerdgasm* :D

Yeah,....prepare yourself


Hope you enjoy messing around in the site code as much as I would. :D


Oh? i didnt know you were a programmer, too, joe. What languages do you consider as your core languages?

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Hello Moru, I do costumes too! And I don't think I'm the only one here who does. Good luck with that! Do you know where you'll be going to college? I started college wanting to do theatre work ... it's still a possibility, right now though I'm working in a historic textile collection and doing costume commissions on an individual basis.

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  • 10 months later...

Anywho, i have a relatively good grasp on javascript if you ever have any questions (though i'm no expert. I'm actually a software engineer by trade, but my exposure to JS is limited, so i have a grasp on the language, but can't tell you any of the nuances.)

Well, I am mostly good at fixing codes, rather than writing them. I am familiar with standard javascript (something that I want to get better at. Practice be damned. XD) So I may come with questions at the ready. Thanks for the welcome ! ^-^

What you more into, designing or programming? For they are oft separate jobs, and thinking separate also helps actually doing things. What programming languages do you know? Any sample code we can look at, Oh oh oh, do you have a github account? *nerdgasm* :D

I'm pretty much into designing. I like the coding aspect, making the design look the way I want it to... but yeah. I'm pretty much fluent in HMTL and CSS... but beyond that I'm only a beginner. Javascript is easy for me to fix if I need to, but to write it, I wouldn't know the end of the code from the beginning at this point. I'm learning slowly, but in managing sites and working almost 40 hours a week, that process has been slowed tremendously.

and... I don't have a github account. I ... don't know what that is. XD

Hello Moru, I do costumes too! And I don't think I'm the only one here who does. Good luck with that! Do you know where you'll be going to college? I started college wanting to do theatre work ... it's still a possibility, right now though I'm working in a historic textile collection and doing costume commissions on an individual basis.

I don't know where I'm going to end up going. I have my doubts about becoming a costumer, as well. My sewing machine is out to get me, I swear. XD I get frustrated really easily. I'm trying to get better about it, but eh. At this point I may just major in english and start writing books. XD

I still have a few years before I can even really ...feasibly manage work and school. Plus I would need financial aid to go, and I can't apply for it. (Whole big parental kinda thing. Even though I pay my own bills, and have no help from them, the fact that I'm 20 means that I'm a 'dependent.' and I have to wait until I'm 24.)

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