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Shadows of Self: BYU midnight signing


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My daughter has a concert this evening just south of campus, so I'll be on campus right after that (probably around 7-8 pm).  I was thinking that it would be easiest to just grab a table in the Wilk (warmer in there than outside), and then get in line around 9:50 for the signing.


I will try to bring my extra decks, for those who may be interested in joining us but don't have decks handy.

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I think some of the reports are just being posted elsewhere. I put one of mine in the main tour thread here. The other is in the Elantris spoilers thread here. Seonid put his on the Cosmere Theories board here. Those are the only ones I've come across so far, but I know there are others.

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Hmm, that's too bad. Previously people would follow the setup and put them in one place, but thank you for pointing them out!


Edit: ah, I had actually seen all of those. Not quite signing reports with many questions. Brandon doesn't come to my area so I like to live vicariously through all the signing reports on tours.

Edited by masaru
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Here are 3 questions I got answered (I was uncertain where to post them).

Unfortunately, I was very tired by the time I asked them, and didn't get a recording or written record. So, I will be paraphrasing Brandon's answers. Perhaps these questions and the paraphrased responses will inspire further, more scientific questions, asked by people with more scientific rigor than I.

Q - Could an Allomancer or Feruchemist Burn or Feruchemically Fill molten metal? Would that affect the Investiture?
A - Something to the effect that it would be very painful and damaging, but yes, one could Burn and Fill molten metal, and yes, it would affect the Investiture.


Q - Do Highstorms manifest in Shadesmar? If so, how? A giant wall of glass beads?
A - Yes, they do manifest in Shadesmar. You will need to read to find out how.

Q - If one used Hemalurgy to give a fallen Elantrian Feruchemic gold, would they be able to Fill health?
A - (pondered for an extended period of time) No, they would not be able to Fill health.

[here I asked whether a huge reserve would appear if they had been trying to Fill health while fallen and then were restored] No, it would not stack and then suddenly appear once they were restored.

[here I began to feel I was slowing the line too much, and was trying to let Brandon move on, but the question interested him enough that he went on. The following is extremely paraphrased and my remembrance (written not too long afterward) might be affected by my tired, overwhelmed mind:] Hemalurgic spikes would do very strange things to Elantrians. You could get more from an Elantrian with a Hemalurgic spike than from most other people.

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So I am back and catching up with stuff, so I have info from the signing! The signing was a ton of fun and we had a booth and a sweet banner. It was fun to chat with people, and meet people like Joe and Kalyna, who I'd never seen before.

So, here's info.

Briefly in the Q&A:

Someone asked about the Mistborn video game. Brandon grimaced a bit and said they are targeting 2017 now. He said there have been so many problems getting started that he considers the project vaporware. He has not had anything playable. He did say that he likes the company, though.

There's going to be something more in the Reckoners universe (I think?) for Brandon to keep in touch with that publisher.

During the line itself:

We had a 17th Shard booth but it was far from the signing itself, so I don't have much. But some people came to talk to us about what happened:

Someone asked for a "future quote from Harmony." Brandon said that no one had ever asked that before. He wasn't sure if the quote would be exact, so we'll need to check back around Mistborn 9, but he wrote in the book: "It is yours." That's awesome.

Someone asked Brandon about Allomantic bronze detecting Feruchemy. Brandon responded with yes, but no one on Scadrial knows how to do this (at least now). The interesting thing is that Brandon said that Allomantic bronze could theoretically detect any "Kinetic Investiture". Note that I am capitalizing Kinetic there, as Innate Investiture was. Pretty awesome to get that new term. I am assuming it is the difference between a metalmind being Invested and actually using Feruchemy, or a person having a lot of Breath and someone actually Awakening.

Later, I heard Brandon talking about something called "Apocalypse Guard" where there's a group that goes to worlds to prevent their destruction.


There's a symbol for Harmony now, created for the signing. Here it is.


Now for my things that were signed. The following are massive spoilers. If you open these before reading the books... it's your fault.

Info on Shadows of Self.


Q: Is the metal in Bleeder from a Shard that we know of?

A: Yes.

Info on Elantris


Q: What series is Vax associated with?


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"Kinetic" Investiture is a nice term. I'm guessing it's what I've been calling "specialized" Investiture (like a Steelpush (which only does one thing), as opposed to "raw" Investiture like the mists), but it might just mean Investiture "being used", like Surgebinding as opposed to the "static" Investiture found in something like a Shardblade just sitting around.


A Returned is constantly eating Breath - will that be detected? I'm guessing it would be, as Breath seems kinetic (in that it causes you to have a color aura and is constantly being used and regathered).


SoS spoilers:

Chances of it being Autonomy or Odium have skyrocketed. Note too the question is about "a" Shard, so is that confirmation about it only being from one Shard as opposed to an alloy?

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"Kinetic" Investiture is a nice term. I'm guessing it's what I've been calling "specialized" Investiture (like a Steelpush (which only does one thing), as opposed to "raw" Investiture like the mists), but it might just mean Investiture "being used", like Surgebinding as opposed to the "static" Investiture found in something like a Shardblade just sitting around.


A Returned is constantly eating Breath - will that be detected? I'm guessing it would be, as Breath seems kinetic (in that it causes you to have a color aura and is constantly being used and regathered).


SoS spoilers:

Chances of it being Autonomy or Odium have skyrocketed. Note too the question is about "a" Shard, so is that confirmation about it only being from one Shard as opposed to an alloy?

Windy and Weiry suggested "Potential" Investiture, to mimic potential and kinetic energy in physics, and I will use that too. I do not believe merely having Breath is "Kinetic," it just means you're more Invested. Something has to happen for that to work. Sure, Investiture can have effects, but I think you actually have to use it.

I always assumed it was a single Shard, but hey. Odium and Autonomy seem the obvious options.

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I was thinking kinetic vs static friction, but potential could work too. Hm.


What about Stormlight? It's constantly leaking from you, and it's being used to heal/give you strength. Allomantic pewter is picked up, so wouldn't Stormlight be? And in a parallel to that, more Breath gives you benefits too, like a greater lifesense/Investiture sense like burning bronze. I lean towards it being detected.


Edit: Highstorms are detected by the Parshendi listening in on their songs. Assuming the listener's abilities are similar to Allomantic bronze, that would make Stormlight Kinetic Investiture - though perhaps not Breaths (which are part of your soul, and Allomantic bronze doesn't detect that presumably... or does it?).

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I find it interesting that Harmony's - or harmonium's, rather - Allomantic symbol is practically double lerasium. I downloaded the lerasium Allomantic symbol from the Coppermind, rotated it so the straight spike and the dot formed a vertical line, duplicated it, flipped the dupplicate along the y-axis, and got the attached.


It's not exactly the same (the left and right spikes are curved, whereas the harmonium symbol has them straight), but it's so close, I am willing to glaze over it. 


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I find it interesting that Harmony's - or harmonium's, rather - Allomantic symbol is practically double lerasium. I downloaded the lerasium Allomantic symbol from the Coppermind, rotated it so the straight spike and the dot formed a vertical line, duplicated it, flipped the dupplicate along the y-axis, and got the attached.


It's not exactly the same (the left and right spikes are curved, whereas the harmonium symbol has them straight), but it's so close, I am willing to glaze over it. 

While that is good theory, I spoke with Issac and he specifically told me that it was his best attempt to mix Lerasium and Atium. As an artist he said that creating a new symbol that is based on other symbols is never going to be even proportions.

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While that is good theory, I spoke with Issac and he specifically told me that it was his best attempt to mix Lerasium and Atium. As an artist he said that creating a new symbol that is based on other symbols is never going to be even proportions.


This is what I assumed initially - I saw the outside arc of lerasium, saw that harmonium had two of those and atium had none, so I figured harmonium would be double lerasium, and maybe atium will cancel some of the extra spikes or something. But once I was done superimposing the lerasium symbols there was just no room atium. But obviously I can't argue with Isaac. Maybe the mix is more conceptual than actual - the straight spikes of atium with the curved lines of lerasium. 

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At the release party I was a volunteer and was able to asked many questions to Brandon that you may or may not find very interesting. Here are some of them.




Q: Is Frost's longevity due to characteristics that are innate to his race, from magic of his world, or from being a shard holder?"

A: From his race's characteristics.


4. Vasher has a large store of breaths while he is on Roshar - He didn't clarify if he was holding them all or if the had invested them in something/ However, he did say that Vasher gives off a biochromatic aura at the time of WoR.


I hope this was enlightening and helpful.


This is interesting and answers that question from the second letter. Safe to say that Frost is 99% unlikely to be a Shard. I wonder how Brandon plans to write out Frost's species' characteristics

As the for the second point, it may be prudent to re-read Zahel's/Vasher's scenes with a closer eye peeled

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I wish I could get 10 rep, just by posting two names!


My question to Brandon was why the Lord Ruler spiked himself.  I didn't clarify initially that I meant with hemalurgic spikes.  Once I did, Brandon said he thought they were not hemalurgic but only metalminds, and Peter backed him up on that.

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I don't know, there is something weird about his atium metalminds. I've seen WoBs on both sides. Maybe Ruin gets to talk to you if his Investiture touches your blood. So you can accomplish this either by atium piercings or with a regular Hemalurgic spike (in which the metal itself is clean, but the Hemalurgy lets Ruin buzz in).

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