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Hello everyone.


I've been a fan of Brandon Sanderson for a few years now; having read Elantris after hearing about his selection to complete the Wheel of Time.  From there, I proceeded to read Warbreaker, then Mistborn, and I was hooked.  As an engineer, the way he reveals the magic systems really resonates with me; more-so than with any other fantasy author I've read thus far.  My favorite book from any author at the moment would have to be The Way of Kings, and I'm eagerly anticipating Words of Radiance.


I've been lurking on here for a while, and decided it was probably time to sign up, particularly with a Steelhunt code to win.  I'm very grateful btw, and at the same time somewhat disappointed it didn't require more knowledge drawn from the books.  I'd like to participate in similar hunts in the future that do.  I've mostly been dropping by the forums to get my fix for new readings from upcoming books, but I'm being drawn more and more into the Cosmere theory postings lately.  I probably won't be able to contribute much, but if I get the time and opportunity, I will.


Thanks for the great site.  I'll probably be sticking around for a while.

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Welcome, jcoop.  Glad to have you with us.  Some book knowledge would have been cool with the Shardhunt.  But, it appears that they thought it a good idea to give everyone a tour of the site to highlight its many fine features.  So, what kind of engineer are you?  I'm a metals and materials guy.

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As a scientist and an engineer myself, I find it not at all surprising that Brandon's magic systems draw you in - they are science on more levels than one. Plus, the fact that he is a heavy-duty outliner/architect means that his books are crafted with extreme precision. A testament to that is the frighteningly high number of fan theories that rely on little more than a casual remark, or even a single word of phrase, here and there. And what's even more worrysome is that even though I rant about people not providing enough evidence, I have seen some really plausible extrapolations from such small data sets. It's one of the many things I love about Brandon (and, to be fair, Pat Rothfuss) - he is a true wordsmith. If he writes a certain word, it's not by chance.

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Thanks Shardlet and Argent for the welcome.  I'm a software and electrical engineer -- software by profession, electrical by hobby these days (microelectronics, embedded systems, robotics stuff mostly when I find the time).


I agree Brandon is definitely a wordsmith.  I especially like that you can miss most of the foreshadowing hints and finer world details revealed in the first read and still enjoy the book immensely.  Then go back and re-read; finding a few more details missed that makes each re-read a little more interesting each time.

I do like Pat Rothfuss as well, but my eagerness for his next book has already faded by this point.  I'll still read it when it comes out, though.  On the other hand, Brandon really knows how to keep his fans interested.

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