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I have another theory that is most likely incorrect, since I havent read every book that takes place in the cosmos or anything.

But maybe at least a portion of the reason Adonalsium (am i spelling that right?) Shattered was because of how out of unity it was. It seems to me that each of Adonalsium's Shards (well, a bunch of them) fight with each other quite a bit, and each have their own personalities. Maybe Adonalsium was being tormented by itself/himself/herself and then that somehow contributed to the Shattering?

Of course, I'm probably totally wrong since I havent read everything about the cosmos... but I'd like to know that I'm wrong, not just guess.

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I don't know that I totally agree. Harmony would be a good example to counter your idea. Ruin and Preservation are two intents that oppose each other, however when held in balance by Sazed he maintains Harmony. I don't know if all the other shards match up with an opposite shard or intent, but based on the limited information we have regarding the shards and Adonalsium I think that as long as balance was maintained the shards and intents coexist fine.


That being said, Sazed hinted in Alloy of Law that if his actions lean too far towards one shards intent it causes imbalance and unknown problems. Perhaps this is what happend to Adonalsium, similar to what you have proposed.

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I have another theory that is most likely incorrect, since I havent read every book that takes place in the cosmos or anything.

But maybe at least a portion of the reason Adonalsium (am i spelling that right?) Shattered was because of how out of unity it was. It seems to me that each of Adonalsium's Shards (well, a bunch of them) fight with each other quite a bit, and each have their own personalities. Maybe Adonalsium was being tormented by itself/himself/herself and then that somehow contributed to the Shattering?

Of course, I'm probably totally wrong since I havent read everything about the cosmos... but I'd like to know that I'm wrong, not just guess.


I wouldn't say that the shards have "personalities" their holders do.  Therefore those personalities wouldn't have been a factor.  We also do not know whether the actual intents of the shards even existed before the Shattering.  (I personally believe they did not which kind of forms the basis of by "Adonalsium cannot be put back together" theory).


We also do not even know if Adonalsium had a "holder."  (though recent knowledge certainly points to "him" having one.)

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We also know that there was - and still is - a force out there strong enough to oppose Adonalsium. Maybe not strong enough to match it and cause it Shatter, but enough to resist. It's a simple answer, and I am wary of those, but I am willing to take this one for now.

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I've thought about this before, but I don't think it's likely. The Shards are all unrestrained extremes; they aren't individually complete and healthy personalities. Even the ones on humanity's side are fundamentally inhuman and just happen to align with what people want; Preservation was mentally incapable of killing Ruin. People have the attributes of the Shards in some sort of balance; the "good" ones are the ones where the preferred balance point is closer to them.


But put the Shards together and they'd keep each other in check. Given how the Shards work, it wouldn't be voices in the holder's head but a series of competing emotions and thought patterns like normal humans have.

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Some signing. That's all we know.


Always best to link to the signing in question, Argent ;). (Method: Theoryland, search for "Adonalsium", skim down signings looking for shattering)



Before Adonalsium shattered, was it consciously opposed by something, be it people or another cosmic force? Is whatever opposed it still around?
Yes. Yes.


As I've said before, the opposition to Adonalsium could have been a group of people (Rayse and co., perhaps?) or organization, as opposed to some cosmic force. The question even remains as to whether that opposition played a real role in Adonalsium's Shattering; and if it did, to what extent.


Furthermore, opposing Adonalsium needn't be a matter of "strength": Vin & Co. were certainly no match for Ruin, in terms of strength, but could still "oppose" him.

Edited by Kurkistan
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I've cited enough to know how to do it, you should know that... 


Yes, but Stroniax or another member a month from now might not know how easy it is and/or a good methodology.


That was also a gentle chiding for not citing it yourself, especially since the quote in full has slightly different implications from your paraphrase of it and Stroniax explicitly requested more information on the quote's source.

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What is this Theoryland? Google just turns up a Wheel of Time site.


Well now don't I feel sheepish?  ^_^


It's a database of Brandon and Robert Jordan quotes, usually lagging a few months behind on signings and whatnot.


You search for key words, then if you want to link to an individual question you have to click on that question's signing, find the question again, and add "#<question's number>" to the end of the url. Yes, it's annoyingly complicated. But easy enough, once you get it down.

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  • 4 weeks later...

On the matter of Adonalsium shattering and something opposing him is there any further information on what Hoid refered to in his Warbreaker cameo when he claimed to come from


a distant place where two lands meet and gods have died.

note the plural?

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That being said, Sazed hinted in Alloy of Law that if his actions lean too far towards one shards intent it causes imbalance and unknown problems. Perhaps this is what happend to Adonalsium, similar to what you have proposed.

I do not think Harmony is on its (his?) way to shattering. Yes, there was a small, but important, power difference between Ruin and Preservation before Harmony's ascension, but it looks like he is able to divert that excess power to achieve balance:



How is Harmony balanced when a part of Preservation's power is expended on human sentience? Isn't that what caused all the trouble to begin with?

Brandon Sanderson

Indeed. Hm... What could Sazed be doing with that extra power...



It is also true that Harmony does encourage his followers to do more good than bad - which I think was the "hint" from tAoL you were referring to - but I do not think this affects how his dual nature is balanced. According to Vorin theology (different series, but still the same Cosmere and subjected to the same rules), good and evil in the universe balance each-other out, so it is up to mankind (I chose to think other sentient beings are included in this as well) to tip the scale in favor of good through their own actions. I feel like Harmony could easily work much in the same way.



On the matter of Adonalsium shattering and something opposing him is there any further information on what Hoid refered to in his Warbreaker cameo when he claimed to come from

a distant place where two lands meet and gods have died.

note the plural?

I missed this. Good catch, though I do not think this helps a lot without further information. Up-vote even so! :P


Also, was it ever confirmed that Hoid is from Yolen? (EDIT 2: Coppermind says "it is commonly believed", so I assume not)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Also, was it ever confirmed that Hoid is from Yolen? (EDIT 2: Coppermind says "it is commonly believed", so I assume not)


At present, the only direct info we have on Hoid's origins comes from non-published works.  So, while those establish that he is from Yolen, that is subject to change.  Though, unless Brandon changes the setting for some of the major events or substantially changes the background for his most important character, I expect that he will ultimately canonically be from Yolen.

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