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A discussion about descriptions


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So, here's the game:


WITHOUT looking at any comments posted so far, go straight down to Reply and describe, in your fullest capacity, the following characters:


 - Kaladin

 - Shallan

 - Dalinar

 - Adolin

 - Jasnah

 - Sadeas


You can cast with actors if you like, but let's not post pictures, at least not on this first page, so as not to distract people scrolling down to write their replies. Ideally, don't even check the book for details! I want the impression that reading the novel has left in your head. If you've a writing mind, consider this a writing exercise. Feel free to describe as many details as you like. I chose a handful of main characters, but kept it short... if you want to add Navani or Wit or Renarin to your list, go right ahead.


After you post your impressions, only then should you go back and read what others have written, and discuss! This isn't a contest, there are no "right" answers. The only hard and fast "facts" in this discussion come from descriptors that are laid out in the text (Shallan has red hair. What shade of red is open to discussion), but even there I'm curious to see if there are any descriptors that are consistently forgotten, missed or interpreted differently. So don't worry about being wrong or right, just descibe them as you imagine them to look.


This is not any part of what's going on with the books, nor any part of my work for Dragonsteel. This is something I'm curious about on my own time. It is possible that I might come back to this thread at a later date to mine it for resources, but I'm not doing any portraits of the main cast for Brandon (some of you are probably already familiar with his policy on "official" likenesses, to which I fully subscribe). That being said, I'm more obsessed than average (I think) in seeing visual interpretation from the novels done "right", as it were, and a conversation like this may be helpful in the future.

Edited by Inkthinker
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Kaladin - Young male (18-19), athletic, black hair, brown eyes, tan skin.

Shallan - Young noble lady (17-18), petite, red hair, green eyes, tan skin.

Dalinar - A Prince of Alethkar, 50's, solid musculature, black hair, tan skin, gray eyes, neatly dressed.

Adolin - Prince of Alethkar, early to mid twenties, heavier athletic build than Kaladin, blond hair with black highlights, blue eyes, neatly dressed.

Jasnah - Princess of Alethkar and sister to the king, mid-thirties, black hair, tan skin, light eyes, intense.

Sadeas - Heavy build, late forties, thick featured, black hair, arrogant.

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Ok, so I've been listening to the audiobook this week and things are a bit fresh in my mind.  I've put my individual descriptions in spoiler text so as not to make it a giant wall.


General descriptions: I've always pictured the Alethi people as East Indian types.  The skin color and the general features (epicanthic fold, etc) always brought south east Asia to mind, and the bright-colored and asymmetrical dresses always remind me of a sari. As for the military uniform, it's fairly well described in the books.


  • Kaladin -

    19/20 years old with a strong, square face, though never really described as especially handsome - I imagine more of a warrior's face, with scars in addition to the brands, and young, but with early worry lines. Long black hair (shoulder length), with natural curls.  I imagine him with a bit of a curious frown on his face most of the time, but with a good smile, on rare occasions he smiles.  Nearly black eyes of course, but I imagine they either sparkle with life, when he's fighting and protecting, or dull and lifeless when he's in his melancholy moods.  I always imagine Syl around him, sitting on his head to annoy him or on his shoulder when she wants to talk. He has the dark tan skin of the Alethi, made even darker by constant work in the sun. He moves with purpose and confidence even when he doesn't feel it, which contributes to his superiors feeling intimidated by him, which annoys them. Tall and athletic, with just a touch of teenage lankiness to give away his true age. Wears his bridgemen vest over a patched and stained shirt, and trousers cut short with sandels.  I also like to to think of him as wearing a nice Kholin uniform as I hope we'll see him in the second book.

  •  Shallan -

    16/17 years old. Probably the most Caucasian looking of the characters, though I always imagine her still having the epicanthic fold.  Red hair - I personally picture it more of an auburn than a ginger red, though descriptions of her "bright red hair" may lean more towards that. I imagine it to be very long, and a bit unruly if she doesn't put it up.  Bright green eyes, always observing things around her carefully, usually bright and clear looking unless she's feeling guilty, which happens often, and dark and clouded when she gets flashbacks. Perpetually has a sketchpad in her hands.  I sometimes imagine her as walking and sketching at the same time and bumping into things. She wears makeup, but I imagine her as not wearing overly much - just some light lip and eye paint. I imagine her as often off in her own world when she's drawing or otherwise not actively engaged in something. Obviously young, a bit short and rather average figure. She wears dresses like a good Vorin, fitted on top, high collar, wrist length right sleeve, nearly floor length left sleeve.

  • Dalinar -

    Tall, though not as tall as Kaladin. Short, neat black hair with a bit of silver, in his mid 50s but still a strong warriors athletic frame. A strong face, not particularly handsome.  I always imagine a prominent square nose and heavy brows, a strong square face and jaw.  I believe he has blue eyes.  His face is lined and tan, from worry and sun exposure.  I always imagine he has some faint scars, though nothing too serious.  Probably has had a few broken noses in his time as well. He moves like a warrior and a prince, walking with purpose, straight a tall.  In WoK I imagine him with a weary and worried expression, exept when he's with his sons (and late Navani of course). Always wears his Kholin uniform, perfectly kept, never stained or faded.  

  • Adolin -

    Around 22/23 years old, probably the character I picture as the happiest of all in the list.  Not carefree but not burdened in the way the others are.  A handsome face, I imagine he's almost always smiling or with a lopsided grin.  Blue eyes, traditional Alethi eye shape.  I always picture him as a shade or two lighter skin than his father, even when tanned by the sun, which he got from his mother.  Mostly blond hair, with a stray lock of black here and there.  I imagine he keeps it a bit longer than his father would like, and he's constantly mussing it on purpose to give it an artfully messy look. I think he inherited his father's jaw line, but his mother's nose and other delicate features.  Just a bit shorter than his father, he looks like an athlete his age should look, having lost all of his boyish lankiness. He moves with purpose, though sometimes hesitates when he's uncertain. Always wears his uniform as well, but I always like to imagine he sighs heavily every morning when getting dressed.  Attracts ladies with his charm and good looks (not to mention he's a future high prince).

  • Jasnah

    34/35, and beautiful.  I imagine her as a classic beauty, with fine features.  She has long thick black hair, always in artful styles, and perfect tan skin. Violet eyes, which are far too observant and clever. Taller than an average woman, moves with confidence, perfectly straight and with perfect posture. Wears traditional but very fine style dresses. I imagine that she looks younger than her years, with very few lines on her face as of yet.  I imagine that when she's alone she can put her guard down just a little, sometimes resting her head tiredly on her hand, elbow on the table, but only for a moment. She tends to act like she's better than everyone around her, but not in a smug way, just a commanding way. I picture her with a book or small notebook always in her hand.  She wears perfect makeup, red lips, painted eyes, rouge, flawless skin, all perfectly matched to her clothes, and features. I always picture her with tasteful and expensive, but never gaudy jewelry.

  • Sadeas

    Mid 50s, rounder than a warrior probably should be though not overweight or fat certainly.  A round face, large round nose, ruddy complexion even for Alethi  (I always think of the tomato from Veggietales for some reason) Black short hair, a style that doesn't help his face any.  Not particularly handsome.  I always imagine him with gray or yellow eyes, though I don't remember if his eyes are described in the book. Moves with more arrogance than purpose, shorter than Dalinar or Adolin. Smirks more than smiles, tends to look down on almost everyone. He tends to tell lies hidden in truths, and is always trying to gain influence without actually being in charge of everything. I picture him as the sleazy CEO type, bending the rules as far as he can to get more, but is always careful he will never ever be caught doing something wrong. Wears his uniform only when he has to, and tends to stay at the forefront of fashion trends, though I always imagine there's a pretentiousness to his clothes and bearing.

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Agsihdtgb, he's amazing!!! At leading, fighting, and being an overall good guy.

/>/>Don't be surprised when you hand Kaladin Stormblessed a spear and he knows how to use it.


Shallan is sarcastic, very funny, smart, pretty, a surgebinder, has a Shardblade, and has a dark side.


He is the Blackthorn. He can't be stopped and is an amazing fighter and leader. He is a great guy and cares for others. He is (theory) a surgebinder. He had a shardblade and has shardplate. Overall a really honorable guy.


The son of Dalinar and brother of Renarin. He is getting ready to become a highprince in his fathers place. He can't keep a girl for any reasonably long length of time. He is brave. Has a shardblade and plate.


He is the younger son of Dalinar and has a blood issue. He might get Dalinar's shardplate. He is quietly witty and brave but has to hold back because of his blood problems. He is very quiet.


A heretic scholar, surgebinder. Very strict sometimes annoying


I don't even know how to describe how much of a jerk he is. I mean the tower battle? Arghh! I hate this guy soooooo much! He has shardplate and

Dalinar gave him his blade.

Edit: after posting this I realized everyone else has appearance descriptions. But ah well, mine describes personality (and yes it's a biased view)

Edited by Mailliw73
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An interesting challenge, Thinker of Ink...

Be warned that I haven't read the book in over half a year, and have never had a good mind for detail, so weight this pretty low on the "insight into the mind of a close-reader" scale.


-Scarred forehead (though honestly that one comes up last in my mind, usually)

-Bonded with Syl

--Friends with Syl

-Suicidalally protective

-Darkeyed, prejudiced (rather justifiably) against Lighteyes

-Expert spearman

-Regret about Tien



-Bridge 4's heart, leader



-Red hair, freckles





-Surgebinder (Lightweaver, we know now)






-Honorable to a fault





-Lighteye, Highprince

-Father of Adolin/Renarin


-Enemy of Sadeas

-Grey shardplate

-Elokhar's uncle




-Dalinar's son





-Blue shardplate

-Angry, at turns, with his father, his father's decline, and others saying his father is in decline






-Lighteye, princess

-Shallan's mentor




-Possessed of a temper

-Strict, but fair (yes, that's a cliche. Oh well, it fits)






-Red shardplate

-Mildly overweight

-Dalinar's former friend, rival, betrayer

-Wants a shardblade (really really badly)

-Has bridgemen

-Swore an oath with Dalinar to protect Elokhar

--Fulfilling it in a roundabout fashion

-Assured, smug

-Has a fashion sense


P.S. Honestly, just let Feather get whiff of this thread and you'll have all the description you'll ever need. ;)


P.P.S. Sorry for the muddle, this is just a bit of free-association and I didn't want to mess up the core of it with "fluff" connectives. Have a fun time reading :)

Edited by Kurkistan
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Err... This is a kind of thing that gives me trouble in real life - I can't describe people well, and in general, don't think of them in words, so, erm. Kinda simplistic:



A good person. Not bloodthirsty enough. Is shiny.


An ok person. Smart. Easily spooked by Cryptics.


A little too obsessed with that book. Nice person, sometimes. Good thinking with Shardblade and Elhokar.


Unimpressive. Weird.


Can be a target of admiration. A bit too closemouthed.


Evil, sometimes stupid, but devious. Traitor. 'Nuff said.

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Warning: links point to fan and Words of Radiance art!


Having recently looked at Way of Kings fan art, I don't trust myself with descriptions, but I'll mention something that (really shouldn't have...) surprised me. Turns out Kaladin's "hair was shoulder-length" - turns out Rambo Kaladin got that one right. I always imagined him more like Botanica Xu's or exmakina's sketches. Straight, unkempt, shaggy, barely maintained. 

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Tall, black shoulder-length hair to hide his slavebrand, lean muscled,
tan "alethi" skin.



Average hight, waist-long red hair, pail skin, freckles, fairly thin.

And, though I don't think it's ever discribed, I imagine her having a slightly long face, perhaps akin to a foxes



Tall and broad shouldered, short graying hair, warrior's figure perhaps some scars and a slightly misshapen, angular face



A little shorter than his father, black hair peppered with blond, stiled like one of the backstreet boys. Handsome face, muscled physique and fairly light skin, though, of course, not as light as Shallan's.



Long black hair, almost always done up, oval shaped face with high cheekbones, about the same hight as Shallan. A little more filled out than Shallan.



brown hair, wavy, a little shorter than shoulder length, a round face, short (not a dwarf though) looking not as athletic as he is.

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/>Warning: links point to fan and Words of Radiance art!

Having recently looked at Way of Kings fan art, I don't trust myself with descriptions, but I'll mention something that (really shouldn't have...) surprised me. Turns out Kaladin's "hair was shoulder-length" - turns out Rambo Kaladin got that one right. I always imagined him more like Botanica Xu's or exmakina's sketches. Straight, unkempt, shaggy, barely maintained.

I did too. I didn't realize it was supposed to be that long.

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A little shorter than his father, black hair peppered with blond, stiled like one of the backstreet boys. Handsome face, muscled physique and fairly light skin, though, of course, not as light as Shallan's.


LOL Upvote for the backstreet boys reference =)

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Nice! Interesting variations, but a lot of consistency, which is good. I should clarify, I'm mostly interested in physical descriptions, that being my bailiwick.

I'm almost positive that Alethi don't have the epicanthic fold. Nearly certain, anyway.


On the topic of hair lenth, "shoulder-length" is a term that allows for a good bit of interpretation. I would take it to mean anything from the collarbone up to the base of the neck. Interesting that there's a couple opinions on the length of Adolin's hair... I see it as being quite long and straight, at least down to his shoulderblades, but now I have to go check for text to support that (or at least nothing to contradict it).

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Canonically, I think all Rosharan races but the Shin have an epicanthic fold. That's why the Shin seem child-like according to everyone. I'll have to think about how I view the characters. I find that the picture in my head often bears little or no resemblance to the text.

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Q: 2) Several times in Way of Kings, you have characters think of the Shin as having big or round eyes. Do the Shin really have giant eyes, or do all the other peoples of Roshar have an epicanthic fold on their eyes?


B: 2) You are right, actually. Normal eyes on Roshar are those with an epicanthic fold. The Shin do not have this. Note, however, that they wouldn't look "Western European." Roshar races are fairly far off from what we imagine as Earth ones. The people most likely to look Western European to you would be those from Mistborn.


This was from a reddit AmA a few months ago.  


A length for Adolin's hair is never mentioned as far as I remember,  it's just the comments like "stylish mess" as it's usually described seem to me to be more of a middle length, as long hair doesn't really seem easy to go with a "messy" looking hair style.  But that's personal opinion.   

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