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Which questions do we want answers to?


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Next week I will be attending a signing.

What are the questions we want answered most? I will do my best to try and get as many as I can. Perhaps I could email him to see if he wants to do lunch and maybe an interview for the site? I will see what I can do.

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A very generous offer, Miyabi. In order of importance:

Thread. What happens when a Pulser is burning Cadmium and in a speed bubble? She'd be burning her Cadmium 20x faster than usual--so far as her bubble and those in it were concerned--and her slow bubble would extend far outside the area made "normal" by the effects of the speed bubble, so where does all that extra energy go?

Thread. Would it be easy for a Forger who'd once almost lost her arm (freak guillotine accident) to make a stamp to lose it temporarily, or would it require some more involved Forging than "my arm actually got cut off that one time"?

-On that note, is Resealing a subset if Forging, or a separate system like Bloodsealing is?

Thread. Do bigger gems hold more stormlight for longer than smaller gems? So a broam, if it's 20 times heavier than a chip, would hold 20 times more stormlight and take ~2.7 times longer to lose it all: a chip lasting for 6 days would let a broam last 16, for instance.

I included the threads for everyone's edification. :)

Edited by Kurkistan
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So many questions... I could really come up with an endless stream of these...  I'll limit to these three though.


Did Seons exist when the Aonic peoples discovered Elantris?


What year did the Reod occur in the Selish/Elantrian calender?


Is the word "Hoed" based off an Aon?  If so which one?


...that ended up being four... oh well...

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Current status on possible interview is checking to see when he is going to start signings books before the actual signing. lol

Keep in mind this is the day of the Steelheart release.

If the interview happens I would like the questions for the interview to be more professional question be things along the lines of:

We have seen hints of the overarching Cosmere story arc. What was the inspiration behind the story?

When we reach the end of the Cosmere will there be something else, or do you feel this will take your whole writing career to achieve?

Things like that.

These other questions are great and I will try to ask them if I can, but I also need some more ideas for the larger scale questions. haha.

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Oh, you meant actual questions, the kind normal people ask authors...




I got nuthin'  :mellow:

Upvoted because I am as you are


By the way, I imagine that he will RAFO my questions, but just asked what Miyabi demanded.

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This isn't a "large scale question", but it's a topic that generated 100 posts and almost melted the forum into a ball of slag and fire...

Weight has nothing to do with allomantic Push/pull strength.

Basically, is there something genuinely magical about weighing more, and "I weigh more so I push harder," is literally how it works? Or is it just the physics of mass and inertia, and the characters are all unreliable narrators because they don't understand that?

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He's an author and we keep expecting a physicist. Same thing with some of gold's inconsistencies. I honestly feel sorry for him when he tries his best to explain things and we're all THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT BECAUSE OF THIS EDGE CASE.

If you do happen to ask about storing Breath in metal without the Ninth Heightening, make sure you specify that it's storing and not trying to awaken that we're looking for.

Edited by Pechvarry
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Normally, I'd be inclined to agree with that kind of opinion, Pech. The problem is, Brandon has historically been scary-good at thinking of everything. And I mean everything. The only real inconsistency I can think of is Feruchemical brass, but that was more a high-level whoopsie than a "how this works" one, and he managed to Realmatically square it. 


Well, and perhaps how attributes are stored in Feruchemy, but there's still some wiggle room there.

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