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In Mistborn, metal powers Allomancy and cannot be seen by Ruin.

In Stormlight, the currency is Spheres, a kind of metal that also holds stormlight.

In Elantris, metal plates are used to teleport around the city (used by Elantrians).

In the Emperor's Soul, there is soulstone, presumably some kind of metal.

This one's kind of obvious, but Nightblood is made of metal.

Steelheart: He can turn things to steel.


So why do you think metal is of import in almost every one of Brandon's books? Is this just a fad of his or is it actually important to the Cosmere?


(After all...shards are made of metal...)

Edited by WayneSpren
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Not only that, but Soulstone isn't metal either from what I can determine.  It seems to be a smooth rock, fairly easy to scrape even with a fingernail, I believe.  Some speculate it could be remnants of a moon that used to orbit Sel, possibly a focus of Dominion's power.



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So why do you think metal is of import in almost every one of Brandon's books? Is this just a fad of his or is it actually important to the Cosmere?


I think it's simply that metal is generally very useful for many things. People in Cosmere don't have access to plastic yet, so metal is the material to go if you want to make something durable.

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Steelheart: He can turn things to steel.

So why do you think metal is of import in almost every one of Brandon's books? Is this just a fad of his or is it actually important to the Cosmere?

(After all...shards are made of metal...)

First, Reckoners isn't cosmere.

Second, the shards' power physicaly manifesting as metal in its solid form is something unique to scadrial (and Roshar if we count shardblades), as far as we know, as are metals being used to channel their power.

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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