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Q&A at Spokane Barnes & Noble


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I didn't have a recording device, but I asked three questions while he was signing books for me and my daughter and friend. A few were answers I hadn't heard before and he gave me info I didn't ask for which I hadn't heard elsewhere. Enjoy!

If Hoid were tempted by a Shard, which one would it be?

Are Nightwatcher and The Old Magic related?
The Nightwatcher is related to The Old Magic and is related to a Shard.
Which Shard? RAFO
There are 2 Shards on Roshar
Odium's presence is felt on Roshar, but he is on Brayse, the 3rd planet in the system.
Is that Shard on The Silence Divine? Oh, you mean Ashen. Ashen is mostly barren with small fertile patches

There are 2 Shards on Roshar, however Honor is dead.

If a Shard ruled Talents (Alcatraz), what would the Shard be? Betrayal, or inner self-contradiction, people contradicting themselves in some way.

Edited by theofficetroll
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I spoke with Brandon afterwards to get correct spellings. He said it was actually "Brayse".

Also did you explicitly mention Ashen? Because Brandon thought you knew to ask about Ashen. Though he must be misremembering if that transcript is accurate XD Because I've sure never hears of Ashen before. Interesting it is so desolate.

I have audio of a new Words of Radiance interlude as well as a few other things, which I'll post later. Check twitter for my up to date information.

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I'm curious what else he said.


I kind of wish I'd asked why Hoid would take Endowment, but it feels like it would fit fairly well.


I also wanted to ask him about White Sand, but since I haven't finished reading it yet I'm not sure what questions I could ask which won't be answered later in the book :-P

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Humm. If it's spelled "Brayse" that's quite a coincidence, considering that Rayse is there.



Also, by the way, to anyone who was planning on making wiki articles out of these, we're gonna hold off on that until we get specific spelling confirmation from Peter.

Edited by Windrunner
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Me spelling it "Brayse" was me, I am uncertain on the spelling. (I have sent a PM to Peter asking for the correct spelling, which Brandon could not quite remember.) I spelled it Blaise or Blaze for him, and Brandon said "No, it's with an R". So I switched to Braise, but then he said he knew there was a y in it, so naturally I switched the "i" to "y", which coincidentally was just like Rayse.

We shall see what the correct spelling is.

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Wow, I'm surprised he revealed the name of Ashen since he said here that he wasn't going to reveal its name until Silence Divine was released.  It must have been a slip.  But a slip I am happy about.


I agree with Windy that Brayse is likely Damnation.  I wonder if the interval between Desolations has anything to do with planetary alignment between Brayse and Roshar, when they are closest and Odium's power is at its peak on Roshar.

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I don't think Betrayal is necessarily one of the Shards. Brandon seemed really surprised by the question and was searching for a word to fit the idea. He wasn't entirely happy with the word Betrayal and was searching for a better term to fit the concept which was essentially "that part of you which is fighting against you" or self-betrayal or "own worst enemy." It didn't seem like he was looking for an existing Shard which would fit the world :-)

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That's entirely possible.


My initial reading made me think Brandon said the name of the shard, then, realizing he'd directly stated it, added in some other descriptions that were appropriate and would diffuse focus from the name. 

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I don't think Betrayal is necessarily one of the Shards. Brandon seemed really surprised by the question and was searching for a word to fit the idea. He wasn't entirely happy with the word Betrayal and was searching for a better term to fit the concept which was essentially "that part of you which is fighting against you" or self-betrayal or "own worst enemy." It didn't seem like he was looking for an existing Shard which would fit the world :-)


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That's entirely possible.


My initial reading made me think Brandon said the name of the shard, then, realizing he'd directly stated it, added in some other descriptions that were appropriate and would diffuse focus from the name. 


A definite possibility. I might poke at him some more about it this weekend if I get a chance.





That's a really good! If I get a chance, I'll mention that to him this weekend (and possibly as an excuse to ask if there IS a Shard named Betrayal.


Thinking about it, Betrayal might be the Shard of Ashen (The Silence Divine), as Investiture is based on your body betraying yourself... Just a thought.

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Referred to by whom I wonder? The Seventeenth Shard? Do they know about solar systems? Do they have spaceships?


Brandon has said the worlds "already had their names and that the all the planets existed before the shardholders got there." I'd assume system names are similar.



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Hmm.  I wonder how much of the "accidental" reveal was actually carefully planned.  He has been working very hard on the second book afterall.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is at least alluded to in Radiance.  If that is the case, he wouldn't have a reason for tight security any longer.

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