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Brandon's "State of the Sanderson"


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Amazing stuff from his blog today.  19 projects, not including media-related projects, forecast for the months and years ahead.


What are you guys most looking forward to from all of the future projects?



Aside from more Stormlight Archive,  the Hoid origin story, and the "Sixth of Dark", I am interested to see what the "White Sand" trilogy is about.



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You can actually email Brandon and get the first White Sand book. If he's not busy. It's pretty alright. Rough by his current standards. Lots of sand. White sand. 


Also: Could "Sixth of Dusk" be that psychic bird thing? I didn't know it was Cosmere when they brainstormed it. 

Edited by Yados
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I blame ALL OF YOU (shouting intentional).  I'm so fully invested (or maybe Invested?) in the Cosmere that I actually feel perturbed to find out he's prioritizing non-Cosmere content.    


I mean, I bet there is some crazy money in getting your YA dystopian superhero trilogy turned into a movie after Hunger Games and Avengers. Can't blame the man for prioritizing it if his publishers think he has the next big thing.


It's not like we're going anywhere. 

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/>I mean, I bet there is some crazy money in getting your YA dystopian superhero trilogy turned into a movie after Hunger Games and Avengers. Can't blame the man for prioritizing it if his publishers think he has the next big thing.

It's not like we're going anywhere.

Wow. +1 for insight.

Though I think I just lost points of Steelheart approval: "it's just avengers but the main characters are teenagers in the hunger games universe."

That's like... Exactly what Hollywood should be looking for.

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Yeah I was talking to the thread starter. M'ich posted while I was posting.


Wow, that's some crazy ninja action.  She sorta alterered the meaning of your post before you even posted.  M'ich has some crazy powers :P .

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I am always awed at the crazy amount of writing Sanderson can do. Really, he relaxes from writing by writing other books. It's like after runniong I rested by running in a different direction. II don't know how he manages it, and especially how he manages to write so much and so good, when one would expect that more production meant less quality.


I'm glad to see all hose new books I will be able to read in a few years, but I'm sad for the mistborn movie.I really would have liked to see the scenery and the fights in a movie - that's what movies are for! - but it's probably not going to be produced. The movie industry must totally ingore the concept of "adult fantasy" or "modern fantasy". I guess they refused to produce it when they learned it was to be a fantasy without any elf or dwarf.


Oh, steelheart would probably be awesome too (i only read the prologue, how do peoplee mention it like they already read it all when it won't be publkished before september?), but just not the same thing. Also, it probably will eventually go nowhere, just like mistborn or the wheel of time movies.

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Am I the only one who misses the second Mistborn trilogy from the list? Due to the previous plan it should be published after Stormlight 5. Yes, It is still faaar away, but the list deals also with books that are definitely future projects (Liar of the Partinel, White Sand, etc)


Edited by Arcanist
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Am I the only one who misses the second Mistborn trilogy from the list? Due to the previous plan it should be published after Stormlight 5. Yes, It is still faaar away, but the list deals also with books that are definitely future projects (Liar of the Partinel, White Sand, etc)



Like you said it's been planned for after book 5 of SA. I wouldn't expect that to have changed really. Remember that Brandon likes to go back and forth between his different series so as not to burn himself out writing. 

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Well, even given the prioritizing of non-Cosmere stuff, it looks like we'll be getting a solid variety of Cosmere material in the future. Looks like Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell, Sixth of the Dusk, Words of Radiance, Shadows of Self, Stormlight 3, and Elantris 2 are all in the pipe for the next couple of years, and Silence Divine, White Sand, Nightblood, the second Mistborn trilogy,  Skyward, and of course further Stormlight novels are also planned for farther out. Looks like a pretty cool variety, here, and I'm not sure whether to be more exited about new worlds or sequels! Is this the first anyone's heard of Skyward, by the way (sounds like it's YA, but it's still Cosmere so I'll be checking it out when it does happen). Cool stuff all around, and best of luck to Brandon in getting it all off the ground.  

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Am I the only one who misses the second Mistborn trilogy from the list? Due to the previous plan it should be published after Stormlight 5.



Would it be a bit more accurate to start calling it the third Mistborn trilogy, since Alloy of Law got promoted from stand-alone to the start of its own trilogy?

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Meh, we don't know that there will be a sequel to Shadows of Self. The second trilogy has always meant the modern day tech one, so starting to call it the third trilogy would really confuse the heck out people, myself included. It's just easier to call Alloy and Shadows by their series title, The Mistborn Adventures.

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Meh, we don't know that there will be a sequel to Shadows of Self. The second trilogy has always meant the modern day tech one, so starting to call it the third trilogy would really confuse the heck out people, myself included. It's just easier to call Alloy and Shadows by their series title, The Mistborn Adventures.


You'll forgive me if I don't start saying that I'm reading "The Mistborn Adventures!!" :P


Myself, I don't really see the Wax/Wayne books as a series so much as a few standalones that happen to be tied together.

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Meh, we don't know that there will be a sequel to Shadows of Self. The second trilogy has always meant the modern day tech one, so starting to call it the third trilogy would really confuse the heck out people, myself included. It's just easier to call Alloy and Shadows by their series title, The Mistborn Adventures.


Fair enough.

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I just always refer to Alloy et al as "The Wax and Wayne series" so I've never thought about it as a trilogy or anything in my mind.

I believe the idea is that he'll write about Wax's adventures until he doesn't feel like writing about Wax's adventures anymore. Very serialized. And you can't spell serialize without seri...e... yeah it's a series in my mind, ok? I still think his "write as I think of more" approach would make it a great graphic novel.

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It's set in the second century of the Lord Ruler's reign, following a Mistborn nobleman called Fendin "Fiddle" Fathvell. There's a bit more info here. If I'm remembering right, Brandon's seeing it as a sort of RPG. I want to say Assassin's Creed like, but that could just be my brain being crazy. I think it will be for PC. The official website is here.

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