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Hoid's Flute


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Brandon has stated that Rashek was fond of playing the flute. When asked if Hoid's flute was the same, he said his infamous-yet dreaded-RAFO line.


We know that WoK comes after Mistborn. Is it possible that Hoid stole TLR's flute after his death?

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Actually, in WoA Vin enters TLR's little hut "building within a building" and notes a small wooden flute on one of the walls. I asked Brandon at a signing back in January of 2014 if it was the same and he just said "there are more connections than coincidences in my books." Thus, if it is the same flute then he would have had to steal it somewhere between the WoA and when Vin demolishes Kredik Shaw in HoA. (presumably when he goes to take the bead of Lerasium)


When Hoid gives the flute to Kal he mentions something like "You have no idea how long I've had this" which could be an indication that he took it from Scadrial...

If it is the same flute there would have to be a reason, or perhaps he just thought to grab it on the way out...


Either way, perhaps it's more of the idea and/or reasoning behind why he took it (assuming it is the same flute) that is the more important part

Edited by Shadowspren
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This is basically why I joined this site. I love finding out these awesome connections that I never saw or thought about. If that really is TLR's flute then Hoid must be crazy mad at Kaladin right now!


Thinking about things like this makes me so excited to read Hoid's story. I know it's still a long way off, but I also know there is going to be a lot of awesomeness between now and then!

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This is basically why I joined this site. I love finding out these awesome connections that I never saw or thought about. If that really is TLR's flute then Hoid must be crazy mad at Kaladin right now!


Thinking about things like this makes me so excited to read Hoid's story. I know it's still a long way off, but I also know there is going to be a lot of awesomeness between now and then!

Why would he be crazy mad? Didn't he give it to Kaladin?

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But now the flute of the Sliver of Infinity himself, strongest and probably only fully mistborn feruchemist to ever live, is probably buried in a pile of abandoned junk left behind in the warcamp somewhere while everyone leaves for Urithiru!

What a waste.

Besides, he has the moon sceptre too. For all we know the flute was useful for something before he gave it away.

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But now the flute of the Sliver of Infinity himself, strongest and probably only fully mistborn feruchemist to ever live, is probably buried in a pile of abandoned junk left behind in the warcamp somewhere while everyone leaves for Urithiru!

What a waste.

If it is really the mythical flute, then probably we´ll see it again.

Anyway, it was veeery stupid (suspiciously stupid, I dare say) to give it to Kaladin.

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IIRC, the flute isn't magical/invested (i think it is somewhere on the AMA cause i'm getting nowt on TL) but there is this interesting WoB




Mr. Sanderson,

Thank you so much for your marvelous work and for your prolific nature. I'm so grateful that you report loving what you do so deeply as it means I get to read what I love so often. And thank you for regularly returning to the AMA!

My question for you is this - I got the heeby-jeebies when Shallan heard about Amaram's collection of flutes within just a few pages of Wit bringing up the flute Kaladin lost?

All I can think of is that either: A) Wit's flute will end up among Amaram's collection to resurface later or B) In his work with the Sons of Honor, Amaram or his fellows have stumbled across some flute-related magic or splinterization and his flutes are the brethren and sistren of Wit's flute.

Is either of these the case? Or is there some other significance to Amaram's collection of nigh forbidden flutes?



It is significant. It is not a huge deal, but it is significant.
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