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Reputation Points?

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Maybe it's because I'm still so new to these forums, but reputation doesn't mean anything for me yet. But as I can guess that it's important for people, I give a possitive to the posts I like or I find interesting in some way. Or for charity, just like there. B)


P.S: Of course kidding about the last one. I think that this is not in this forum's polythics, but if someone wants points ask for them. Trainee is a good position for me.

Edited by Gaelan
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Have to admit that this is the first forum where I notice an active reputation system. Congratulations for who had the idea, in almost all the forums the reputations is given by the number of posts and the number of answers that they get. Definitely funnyer this way.

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I like the reputation system because it gives me an opportunity to see which ideas and things I am posting are resonating and appreciated by the community.  The ranking levels make it fun as well.  It also helps me to know that I am welcome here and people value my input.

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The points don't mean something to everyone... I don't exactly care.  (Though, I guess I post so little that it doesn't really matter too much either.)  Sometimes it's just about having fun!


Enjoy the downvote. <3 *peace*

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To be honest I find the system frustrating for two reasons:


1) If I see something I like, my instinct is to up vote it, but I'll post something (I'm specifically not talking about something recent) and people will discuss it at length and even comment that it is a novel or brilliant idea, and I'll of course be very flattered by all of this... but I'll watch the post's reputation number sit at a frustrating "0" forever! It does my head in a little, and makes me wonder if there is something detestable about my writing style which causes ideas that would otherwise warrant an up vote to merely cancel out whatever horrible quirk I'm not aware of* (is there such a thing as smelling bad textually?).


2) It makes me anxious. I'm sitting on 24 or so at the moment, and I've made far more than 24 posts... therefore all it would take is for someone who has it in for me to search for all of my posts and down vote them all for me to drop down to Nega-spren or whatever. I realise that there are probably systems in place to prevent that kind of thing, but still... it kind of scares me.


I don't want to irritate anyone with this, it is my understanding that people calling for the removal of the system is one of the frustrations of those running this site and I certainly don't want to be a bother. This just seemed like a neat topic for me to vent these anxieties in.

Edited by Kadrok
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I don't want to irritate anyone with this, it is my understanding that people calling for the removal of the system is one of the frustrations of those running this site and I certainly don't want to be a bother. This just seemed like a neat topic for me to vent these anxieties in.

Nah, you're fine. We don't want to censor anyone at all. Although, barring some unforeseen circumstance, the rep system is not going anywhere. I would, however, like to speak to some of the points you've made. 


1) If I see something I like, my instinct is to up vote it, but I'll post something (I'm specifically not talking about something recent) and people will discuss it at length and even comment that it is a novel or brilliant idea, and I'll of course be very flattered by all of this... but I'll watch the post's reputation number sit at a frustrating "0" forever! It does my head in a little, and makes me wonder if there is something detestable about my writing style which causes ideas that would otherwise warrant an up vote to merely cancel out whatever horrible quirk I'm not aware of* (is there such a thing as smelling bad textually?).

That's very kind of you to generous with your upvotes. However, everyone has their own policy on what is worth an upvote in their opinion, and there's nothing to do about that. We can't require someone to upvote a theory. Try to take the compliments for what they are, and not worry too much about rep. If you consistently post things that people like, it will come in its own time. If it's any consolation, you're well ahead of where I was. It took me about three months to get a single upvote. And in the end, it's just a number. Personally, I think having interesting and engaging discussions with people who have similar interests to me far more valuable than a little green number. And honestly, there's a correlation between how much you post and your rep. Hang around long enough and keep posting your awesome ideas and you'll be fine.


Also, a bit of friendly advice. Even if you don't mention specifically what instance you are referring to, it's bad form to talk or complain about upvotes you feel you deserved. It certainly isn't going to engender any feelings of sympathy. :)


2) It makes me anxious. I'm sitting on 24 or so at the moment, and I've made far more than 24 posts... therefore all it would take is for someone who has it in for me to search for all of my posts and down vote them all for me to drop down to Nega-spren or whatever. I realise that there are probably systems in place to prevent that kind of thing, but still... it kind of scares me.

This is a non-issue. Firstly, you seem like a reasonable enough guy, so you're probably not going to offend anyone so badly that they would do that to you. Secondly, the problem would be dealt with immediately. The Spikeocracy may be a dictatorship, but it's a benevolent dictatorship. :P As soon as we found out what had happened, there would be an investigation, followed by a return to your rep level and punishment to the person who had abused the system. We don't take this sort of abuse lightly. I'd also like to point out that this is practically unheard of. I know the members of 17th Shard, and as a group we're generally a fairly positive friendly community of level-headed adults. Give us the benefit of the doubt and trust us. I've been on the staff here for approximately two years (I honestly can't remember xD). I have only seen this happen maybe two times, and the problem was solved right away. This should not be a cause for concern.


Hopefully this addresses your concerns and was somewhat helpful. :)

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Just to clarify one of my earlier posts, I wasn't trying to get people to give me rep points. I was trying to figure out what kinds of posts make rep points. I've tried to post consistently, but I guess I haven't said anything particularly interesting yet.


Honestly, I get lost in some of the forums for the Cosmere novels; it's been awhile since I've read some of them. I'm working on re-reading some of his earlier novels. Maybe then I'll have something significant to add to the discussions...

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I'd like to point out that it's not just theories that can get people upvotes. I've seen upvotes fly in particularly witty exchanges, for good recipes in the food thread, and just about anything. The important thing is that you're having fun and enjoying yourself with fellow Sanderfans.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to dig this old thread up again, but something else occurred to me regarding the reputation system... the bonus powers we're accruing are cumulative, right?


I'm at 41 (Full Shard-bearer) right now, so I've got me some sweet sword and armour action going on (It's like being in the Cosmere Brotherhood of Steel!). I just want to make sure I still have my Awakener and Mistborn powers from my earlier ranks (and whatever else I've had thus far).

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