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Red and Gold

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I just read The Emperor's Soul and noticed that Frava is also wearing red and gold the first time we see her. But this may just be a coincidence because she is wearing different colors (purple and silver?) later in the book.

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OB spoiler


also, aren't Hatham's colors Red and Gold? 

Red and Gold pops up a lot more than I think it should if it weren't intentionally placed there by Brandon.

Is it possible that it is the sign of the 17th shard in the Cosmere, or maybe another group of worldhoppers?

It could also be Trell, as a combination between two shards (Odium is red, as per the Vision of the Everstorm that Kaladin sees, consuming planets. Is there a Shard that is Represented by Gold?)

what do you guys think?

Edited by ethan_sedai
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5 hours ago, asterion137 said:

Wouldn't that spoil the end of SA though since Era 2 takes place afterward?

Era 2 took place after SA arc1 not the whole Stormlight Archive.

By the way, AoL already spoils something of the Arc1's ending by Brandon's own words (many believes is the Miles lines about "where the honor dies and lie until it's forged stronger than before" or something like that...My books isn't in english).

59 minutes ago, Thanatos said:

Not confirmed. Ryses may or may not die.

WoB says the Odium Shard will survive. Just maybe, maybe not Ryses survives dont know. 

True but everyone else as Odium's Vessel is still a menace. The kind of man/woman who could Ascend to Odium have to be compatible with the Shard and we don't know....He could be worst than Rayse (but very very less skilled)

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30 minutes ago, Thanatos said:


Wouldnt species created by Uncle Andy be compatible to all Shards? Like Roshar people...

It's not a matter of species, almost every sapient being could pick up a Shard.

It's a matter of Connections and attuning.

As you pointed about Sazed, he would not be able to pick Ruin if he didn't suffer as he did in HoA or Kelsier would be completelly unable to pick up Preservation (without Ire's Orb) as He is not Connected enough to Preservation (ironically Kelsier would be able to pick up Ruin as he is really well Connected with it).

34 minutes ago, Thanatos said:

Plus the 'new' Odium (per say) would be a noob like Sazed (single shard wise). Still learning. 

About the new Odium, I already pointed out...He would not have the same skill Rayse had, but remember Sazed was able to re-shape a world without practice as soon as He Ascends and there are forces at work to limit his knowledge. Another Vessel would leard more faster than him and after all, depending of Cultivation's status a noob Shard is still a huge treat.

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3 hours ago, john203 said:

Also, a noob shard _could_ be a threat because they are not as limited by their shards intent. See Vin vs. Ruin

Exactly, there's a balance there. 

New shards are almost free to do what they wish (to an extent). Where the longer they go, and the more skilled they become, the more constrained they are. 

The original Vessels are probably very very different people than those who ascended. 

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One thing to add for the Shardic discussion on new Odium (if there is one). While Sazed was able to move planets and stuff, and his learning was limited, remember that he did dump his entire coppermind collection as he was ascending. The reason that he didn't repeat TLR's mistakes with the moving of the planet is because he was able to draw on that knowledge. So while he would still be very new at being a shard, he would still have a bit of a head start, plus about 300 years of learning, if a little limited by others. New-Odium wouldn't have that, would be a very new shard, and prone to make mistakes alike to Vin or TLR when they ascended. And by Vin's mistakes, I mean those situations where what she did was helping Ruin more than it was helping her, so Ruin would let her, etc. I could see how an experienced shard (even one with only Sazed's experience) would be able to weave loops around a new Shard. The only reason Sazed didn't have this issue as much is because he had a little bit of a head start, and he is a dual-shard so most shards wouldn't want to mess with him.

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oh, sorry. thanks for the mercy! (I'm really glad it didn't have anything to do with anything major, like (removed for spoiler reasons))

also, at this point, it seems like Brandon has seen all of our speculations, and is just putting red and gold all over just to mess with us. 

the reason I say that is because (also removed for spoiler reasons)

Edited by ethan_sedai
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/17/2017 at 10:22 AM, Yata said:

He would not have the same skill Rayse had, but remember Sazed was able to re-shape a world without practice as soon as He Ascends and there are forces at work to limit his knowledge. Another Vessel would leard more faster than him and after all, depending of Cultivation's status a noob Shard is still a huge treat.

Sazed had his Copperminds when he ascended. All of that knowledge was dumped into his head during ascension. None of the other Shards would have that, which suggests that none of them would be able to pick up a Shard and immediately use it to it's full potential.

Also, wasn't there a comment in Hero of Ages that suggests a Shard corrupts the holder and moulds them more into line with the Shard's intent? This was why Leras couldn't kill Ati, but Vin could. Both Leras and Vin held Preservation, but it hadn't turned Vin to the point where the instinct to Preserve overrode her natural instincts.

I'll admit, I am using old data here, which may or may not have changed, or turned out to be untrue, or expanded upon. Namely, I haven't yet read Bands of Mourning, so I don't know how the information contained within will change any of this.

Edit: I also like Ethan_Sedai's idea about Brandon trolling us all because we pay too much attention to such things. 

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14 minutes ago, Bort said:

Sazed had his Copperminds when he ascended. All of that knowledge was dumped into his head during ascension. None of the other Shards would have that, which suggests that none of them would be able to pick up a Shard and immediately use it to it's full potential.

Also, wasn't there a comment in Hero of Ages that suggests a Shard corrupts the holder and moulds them more into line with the Shard's intent? This was why Leras couldn't kill Ati, but Vin could. Both Leras and Vin held Preservation, but it hadn't turned Vin to the point where the instinct to Preserve overrode her natural instincts.

I'll admit, I am using old data here, which may or may not have changed, or turned out to be untrue, or expanded upon. Namely, I haven't yet read Bands of Mourning, so I don't know how the information contained within will change any of this.

Edit: I also like Ethan_Sedai's idea about Brandon trolling us all because we pay too much attention to such things. 

Yeah Sazed had his Coppermind's knowledge but the Copperminds didn't keep information on the Shard-managing. They were just useful to restore the world as it was before. Harmony would probably fix the world in a tons of other way but differently from the original one.

Yeah the Shard's mandate affects the Vessel but it's not a instant event and happen over time, turning the Vessel and this happen faster if the Vessel if far from the Mandate. Vin as you said was both enough fresh as Shard and with the right mindset to attack/kill without a true offensive thought...this allow her to strike Ruin while Preservation was uncapable.

PS: No material in BoM change this (or at least I can't remember it)

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  • 5 weeks later...

yeah, now I'm pretty sure that he is just trolling us.

OB spoiler


I saw Red and Gold quite a few times in OB, and when I got to a point where Szeth is looking at the Purelake, and the describes the sunset as Red and Gold, I almost threw the book.


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Long time lurker, first time poster - nice to meet you all!

Regarding red and gold: just stumbled on this WoB from the Nov 18th signing:



Does red in cosmere signify one Shard co-opting or corrupting another Shard's magic?

Brandon Sanderson


To me this explains the red (there's clearly some co-opting of magic going on) and just leaves gold.

Slight OB spoiler:


Odium has a thing for gold

If I'm right, this has the most interesting implications for what happens in SA Book 5 (seeing as it's set before MB Era 2)

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