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Can (or should) all spren turn into weapons?

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One thing I don't understand is are all radiant's spren able to turn into weapons? Can Lift's plant spren turn into a weapon ? I mean all spren seem to have different abilities and obviously give certain abilities but is turning into a  weapon something all spren should be able to do. Does shallan's and jasnah's spren sword debunk this theory? I'm getting the feeling that they all can but I hope that they don't. Lightweavers spren (shallan's) should be able to solve puzzles and detect lies but turn into a flying weapon doesn't make sense because IT CAN'T FLY and it doesn't seem to shape shift (based on pattern). I think giving the different spren different abilities would make it more interesting and more diverse. 


** and by all spren I mean ones that bond to radiants

Edited by willistillam
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What do you mean it can't fly? He usually blends in with a surface of some kind, but once in a while we see him as inky black floating ball of impossible patterns.


And we see him act as a Shardblade in WOR.


And yes, WOB confirms that all Orders had Shards, although some individuals did not use them due to preferences to not engage in battle.

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What do you mean it can't fly? He usually blends in with a surface of some kind, but once in a while we see him as inky black floating ball of impossible patterns.


And we see him act as a Shardblade in WOR.


And yes, WOB confirms that all Orders had Shards, although some individuals did not use them due to preferences to not engage in battle.

Can pattern fly as so much as hover (he doesn't seem to move when doing this)?

and I did note that pattern does turn into a sword, but i was wondering about the other orders.

I do feel that my theory is wrong but I can have hopes.

And what is WoB (typo, words of brandon)? 

And I have only seen confirmation for a few orders not all.

Edited by Rock chef of dung
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well, there is the peacespren who won't turn into a weapon but will instead become a loudspeaker to start a negotiation. but it's not much use against odium.


please tell me it can bind to some one and offer surges


the surge of screaming

the surge of picketing

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I guess it depends on how you look at it - it seems that "shard" is the term for a bonded spren taking physical form (bonded spren are otherwise not always visible to everyone, and also not generally solid matter). So a spren can probably become anything - and weapons (and maybe armor, although the nature of plate is still open I think) are just one subset.


I think all bonded spren can be weapons - but as said above not all may want to be weapons.

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I suspect they all can at least turn in to some form of weapon or  at the very least some sort of armour. The Knights Radiant were formed to protect the people of Roshar from the Desolations. I doubt pacifism comes very close to their purpose or ideals. However we have seen Syl's ability to turn not just into a blade but also a spear, an axe and a shield. Some orders probably utilise their shards more for shielding than for their offensive capabilities.

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If an order didn't have shard blades they couldn't open the oath gate.

We don't actually know this for sure. For all we know one of the orders unique abilities allow them to operate them. I suspect Dalinar will be able to operate oathgates despite not having a shard blade.

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They can definitely turn into anything that occupies the same kind or type of dimensions and complexity as a sword, spear, or hammer.  This would imply they could also turn into windows, shovels, a brick with a face in it capable of speaking, a slipper (singular, not a pair), and possibly the most comfortable (and yet really, really uncomfortable to wear) pants ever.  The list above is far from complete, but I feel confident that it is also 100% within the capabilities of spren.


That said, should spren turn into weapons?  Well, if the world is literally facing destruction, you should use whatever tool you can to stop that.  If it means a hammer and nails, use that; if for some reason the answer is a flamethrower, then thank god and use it.  Spren versatility is limited, but we're not sure on what the physical limits are.  So far what we've seen are limits of inventiveness and imagination.  Presumably, at some point during the duel with Szeth at the end, Kaladin wished for a death ray to just kill him already damnit, but Syl did not comply (I guess it's possible that he didn't, but if so that means Kal is weird because how can you be flying in a magical storm of death fighting the incarnation of chaos and death in your world while wielding a magical talking sword who happens to be your best friend and not wish for a death ray?  Or does that make me the weird one somehow?)  But I digress.  


The answer is cheetos.  I forgot about the actual question, so now you have asked what I am going to eat for my midnight snack, and the answer is cheetos.  The poofy kind, because cheesy poofs are awesome.  I love me some fake-cheese flavored styrofoam.

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