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Sharkbait the Incompetent stood in front of his peers, staring down the hostile glares of half of the court, the Returned, while although similar in size and scale, somehow towering over him. He turned and watched his High Priest Klenimar peering over the shoulders of the gods, proudly wearing his colors of Copper and Blue, a savage grin on his face. If only he hadn't listened to that man, then maybe he wouldn't be in this mess in the first place....

Sharkbait felt true to his names, as he felt like a prized morsel being surrounded and circled in the open waters, a feeding frenzy waiting to begin.

Colors! He thought frantically, what do they expect from me?! The Returned tried to stand proudly and defiantly in his last moments as the other gods closed in on him.

He had a sudden inspiration, a brilliant flash of light and colors, a vision where he saw all of this before. He turned and saw one of the fellow gods, and knew what he must do.

He opened his mouth, ready to offer up the last thing expected from a Returned. "My Breath to --"

He was cut off as he was tackled to the ground, his mouth clamping closed and biting down on his tongue, causing him to cry out in pain. Seems I can't even end up doing that right! He thought morbidly as rough hands seized him from behind, the bright shine of cold, polished metal flashing in front of his face, followed by the spray of crimson in the air.


Shar, the God of Sacrifice, strode determinedly, his golden red entourage trailing behind him, confused and concerned looks on their faces as they followed him to his unexpected destination. He walked his way right up the steps leading into the white and red-framed arches of Redcross' royal palace, the long line of petitioners and hopeful citizens all lighting up from the presence of another god. Truly they were all blessed to receive such a blessing.

He ignored all the calls for attention or sickly cries for help. He already knew what he must do, and he couldn't be diverted from his task. He stepped right past the confused looking petitioner standing in the middle of the room, begging for Redcross' mercy and gift of divine healing, his golden-red colors sticking out on the mostly white room, the colors glowing from the auras of the two gods so close in proximity.

"I don't want to hear it, Shar," Redcross began before the god could speak. "You're supposed to be the God of Sacrifice. Why would I give up my Breath to you, of all people?"

Shar got down on one knee, reaching out and touching Redcross' crossed leg.

"Don't think any begging will move me any, this one's been yammering on for the better part of an hour already." Redcross said, jabbing a thumb at the dumbstruck random citizen.

"My Life to yours." Shar declared, speaking clearly, not stumbling over his words. "My Breath becomes yours."

There was an explosion of light and color, and the sound of a body crumpling, as Shar's lifeless body fell to the floor, the corpse seeming dull and drab compared with the colorful room still surrounding it.

There was a pause of silence. "Um.... thanks?" Redcross finally said to the body. "Wasn't really expecting." He said after another moment before looking up and seeing the shocked face of the petitioner as they stared in horror at the lifeless god in front of them. "Oh, yeah. Um, denied. Next!"


Brightwhisper the Keen dreamed again. This time the courts had voted yet again, and found another innocent soul lost in the bloodshed and politics. His dreams were always filled with death and horrible things, which he was always quite willing to share with his Priests as they scurried around, trying to keep up with him in his dream state.

It was when he awoke that things were always much more interesting. He was free from the duties and tedium required of his dreams. When he was awake, he didn't have to worry about dying.

So he laid down in his royal chambers, surrounded by his soothing colors of deep green and silver, a calming combination that helped him maintain his serene state of mind. As a Returned, he always expected his dreams to be full of omens and prophecies, but even these were more grim and grizzly than he had ever anticipated. Things were always much simpler when he was awake. Scattered images of silver, slashes of dark green, he just needed to figure out why he kept seeing red whenever he would wake up.

His dream ended once more, but this time his day never came.

Brightwhisper the Keen never woke again, and his dream had ended.


Shar, the God of Sacrifice gave up his breath to Redcross the Healer!
Sharkbait the Incompetent was a Returned God!
Shar, God of Sacrifice, was a Returned God!
Brightwhisper the Keen was a Returned God!

Cycle 6 has begun! Since this cycle has been so delayed in being posted, I decided to extend this cycle until Sunday August 9th, 9AM EST! This will hopefully get it back on track with my irregular schedule. Apologies for keeping you all waiting for the write-up!

Edited by Alvron
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For the first time since she had arrived in the Court of the Gods, Ri dreamed.


Much like the first dream that had drawn her here to begin with, little of it made sense. She caught glimpses of blood, shadows, and falling forms, but no faces, no truth to piece together and find her path. Only a warning, and an unclear one at that.


"Raven! Raven, wake up!"


Ri jolted awake. Above her flew Ien, his form that of a crane, but his worry was still clear. "Not that name, Ien," she said between gritted teeth. "Not here."


A knock sounded on the door. Ri froze, then whispered, "Hide."


She hurriedly wrapped her veils across her face, trusting Ien to follow her words. Her veils were finally in place the moment Ke entered the room.


"My lady, you are needed. More deaths have occurred."


Ri sighed,, turning to face her priest. Ke paled. "Did you dream, my lady?"


"Yes," Ri whispered. "A dream of death."


Ke hesistaed before speaking. "I will need to know more to properly interpret it..."


"Later, Ke. Please inform the other gods I will arrive in a few minutes."


"My lady..."


"Now, Ke. Go."


Ke fled. Ri sighed, then turned to the floor. "More deaths, Ien. More danger."


"For the Returned, for the God King, or for you?"


"I don't know." Ri wrapped her arms around herself. "Ke grows suspicious. If she discovers who I truly am..."


"Then we must insure that your priests do not."


I don't even remember who's still alive and who's still dead in this game. However, I have a feeling we're in a bad position. We've only caught one eliminator, so I think we're looking at 3 or 4 more, if I'm remembering the numbers correctly. I can't tell what the pattern that the eliminators are using in order to hit their targets, but I am becoming increasing concerned that the eliminators' numbers include either Wyrm or Jerric, or both, as I would think the eliminators would have killed these two by now. Wyrm, I'm more concerned about you because I am worried that you have been protesting too much against those who have placed votes on you already, and because you started the train of thought that led to phattemer's lynch.


Then again, I thought phattemer was protesting too much, and we see where that got us.


I would like to hear from Orlok and Lopen, as both of you have been playing but haven't made any huge game changing moves.


Jain has been barely active, and so has Vauhsoj. Jain hasn't even been on, so he does have some excuse, but I am also concerned about Vauhsoj, as he could easily be playing the inactive card up as en eliminator. I would like an explanation for your inactivity, please.


Edit: Color.

Edit2: Vote change

Edited by RavenRadient7
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Player List:

Orlok Tsubodai - ??? - Black/Red
-- Haelbarde - Droll the Spontaneous - Maroon/Green -- Murdered Returned
-- Kipper - Aleck the Smart - Purple/Green -- Murdered Returned
Wyrmhero - Redcross the Healer - Red/White
-- Venture Mistborn - Ven the Procrastinator - Green/Gold -- Lynched Returned
-- Phattemer - Heavenpest the Massive - Dark Green/Neon Brown -- Lynched Returned
-- Shallan - Lynchtarget the Innocent - Gold/White -- Lynched Rebel
Bort - Bortholomew the Blind - White/Grey
-- Adamir - Shar, God of Sacrifice - Red/Gold -- Sacrificed Returned
-- Alvron - Brightwater the Keen - Deep Green/Silver -- Murdered Returned
Ser Jerric - Jadebuffer the Eerie - Turquoise and Orange
Lightsworn Panda - Jain the Panda - Black/White
Vauhsoj - Funweaver the Festive - Pink/Yellow
RavenRadiant7 - Ri the Mytsterious - Black/Silver
-- MetaCognition - Metacognition the Thoughful -- Murdered Returned
-- Mailliw73 - Braveheart, God of War - Dark Red/Purple -- Murdered Returned
-- A Smart Guy - Artweave the Painter - Brown/Mint Green -- Lynched Returned
-- The Only Joe - Sharkbait the Incompetent - Blue/Copper -- Lynched Returned
The Mighty Lopen - Gancho the Crass - Purple/White


Eight players left.


At least three are Rebels.


If we get this next lynch wrong, the numbers will be three against three.


Village isn't doing too well.


Well, Adamir did follow through this time. And Alvron was the kill target. Now Wyrm is the only experienced player left. Of course, I pointed out last cycle that Wyrm was about the most likely to be protected in a random selection, followed by Raven and myself, so I wouldn't have expected any of us to be the target this time.


But even if Wyrm is a Rebel, there are two others as well. If I look at who appears to be standing up for whom, it seems clear that Jerric and Bort have been the most supportive. Perhaps Raven as well, though she did express some doubts two cycles back.


Yes, I am being a little facetious, putting my own name into the list. But I am trying to look objectively at those people that I've defended thus far. How solid is my reasoning to pass by them when choosing this next lynch?


(Pre-post addendum: the above was fully written before Raven posted.)

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Thanks Adamir, though it turned out not to be needed.


Point of order, Jerric, I'm not the only experienced player left. Panda has played a lot of games, even if he isn't currently here, and you have been around almost as long as I have, even if you've played many less games than me. Orlok's played a good number by now as well. I'm the most experienced player, yes, but I feel it's a bit odd to say I'm the 'only' one left.


I'm thinking that we're going entirely in the wrong direction now. I'm starting to wonder if Jain is actually an inactive Eliminator, as it would make sense as to why we've not found anything yet. Though I really would feel bad for them if they had two inactives. I've said before though that this is definitely the least useful area to look, so let's discard it for now.


Is it possible that Alvron was actually right last Cycle (or was it the Cycle before?) when he said that he was suspicious that one of Shallan's teammates was in on her lynch? It's possible. He put a vote on Raven before his death, but it seems to me that his primary suspicion of me would be an excellent way to deflect this suspicion onto another player, particularly combined with the apparent focus on getting me lynched. It would also explain why I haven't been killed yet, because, as happens in many games, they're hoping this 'why aren't the more experienced players dead?' line will do it for them without having to put any effort in. There was also a bit of a threat on Adamir, something I dislike. Perhaps trying to reduce player numbers at a faster rate?


I'm going to look more at stuff tomorrow, but it's getting a bit late now. We've got more time though, which is good, so that is at least something we can make use of. I'll do some more thinking tomorrow, and see what I can come up with.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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This is very not good. We really have to get a Rebel today or I don't think we can come back. I'm glad to have the extra time to look at everything since so far I have been completely off target.


Thinking through things right now, I find Wyrm to be suspicious merely because he has been(IMO) the most active player, and yet we've lynched 4 innocents in a row. That's not to say it's his fault they were lynched, I'm embarrassed to say I have voted for 3 of them  :(, but I think he has affected the game quite a bit and yet we've made no positive progress. I'll be rereading everything a lot more to see if this suspicion is justified or not.


Raven, I feel like I've contributed more lately than I did in the first couple cycles, but I have had trouble seeing much to post about as I have never played a game quite like this. 


I'll hold off on voting right now, but I would also like to hear Orlok and Vauhsoj's thoughts. 

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Alright, we need to vote someone off, who needs to be an eliminator. Jerric, I came to the same conclusion that you did: we need to vote out an eliminator this turn, or it's likely that the eliminators will win. I'm removing my vote from Vaunsoj, due to the fact that we need to remove an eliminator, and I don't have enough evidence to decide one way or another with him.


Wyrm, I'm going to need to call faulty comment on your last statement about Alvron, considering his last vote was for you. In fact, I don't believe I've ever been voted for, though I could be wrong. As for your comment about him trying to point out the Shallan as the eliminator's trying to remove an inactive eliminator, he did do so, but he voted for Adamir, not me. In fact, I at the time argued that his vote on Adamir didn't make any sense, because he should have voted for me if he truly wanted to call out someone for lynching an inactive eliminator, because I was the last person to place the vote on Shallan.


At this point, I am inclined to believe that Wyrm is an eliminator, because I believe that he should have been removed by the eliminators prior to this point in the game if he was not, because this is the second time he's openly accused another player of being an eliminator, when the first turned out not to be one, because he's slipped up in his facts in an attempt to get another player killed, and yes, because he's trying to lynch me. I'm willing to admit that fact.


I'll admit, my decision to put pressure on Adamir was not the smartest choice I could have made. I was frustrated with how he had claimed he would sacrifice himself for another, and didn't that first round. I was giving him a second chance, but making it clear that I didn't want to see him "forget" again. Then, of course, it turned out that he was a Returned, and his loyalty was confirmed. It's not the first mistake I've made this game, in my opinion (focusing on Venture, a clearly inactive player, was the first mistake), and I doubt it will be my last.


To wrap this post up, I'm going to say that, as a fellow new player, Lopen, I can understand why you might want to stay back a bit and watch more than play. I think I'm learning more by being very active and saying what I think, but everyone has different styles of learning and playing. Thank you for replying to my semi-poke.


Edit: Color


Edit2: I noticed that you did mention that Alvron voted for you at the end, so that wasn't a faulty comment. Still, I don't believe he ever voted for me, so that is still a faulty comment. Feel free to correct me, if you can quote it.


Edit3: I apologize if I seem a little aggressive here. This is the first time where I feel like I have a solid reason to vote for someone, and I'm trying to ensure all my points are laid out, especially since Wyrm has mentioned previously that the people voting for him don't necessarily have the best explanations.


Edit4: I had to edit this post way too many times. Anyway, it's looking like I'm going to miss the next, oh, 16 hours or so of this cycle. I'm hoping to be able to get on, if briefly, in about 8 to 9 hours, at least to check in on what I missed, but I probably can't put another post up until later. Hopefully, we'll figure something out.

Edited by RavenRadient7
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Hey guys, I'll be out of town tonight and tomorrow.  I am unsure who to vote for this round.  It seems Lopen has been swinging back and forth between insightful analysis and professions of confusion.  Perhaps he is getting help from the other eliminators?

I'm not sure if I'll be on before the lynch.  Goodnight all.

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Vauhsoj, your accusation seems a bit "off" to me. I will admit that right now I am unsure of what to think, but that is only because my "insightful analysis" has pretty much been completely wrong so far. Also, it seems a bit unfair to say you'll be gone and then vote for me, then leave without allowing me to say anything in my defense. Couldn't you have posted this a little earlier? Also, as this is the most crucial cycle for the village we need to vote for the person most likely to be a Rebel. Do you really find me that suspicious?


As I realize he may not reply this cycle I would appreciate it if I could get some feedback on his vote and my defense from you all.

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...he voted for Adamir, not me.


...That's embarrassing. Vote on Raven withdrawn, no further questions m'lud etc. Have no idea how I got those wires crossed :S


I do resent the implication I was trying to get you lynched though. I was hoping to provoke discussion on the point I raised, though obviously in hindsight I should have checked my sources closer before heading off to bed. If I was really trying to lynch you, I wouldn't have called you fairly innocent all these past Cycles. I also didn't call you out directly as an Eliminator in there, for what it's worth.


A worrying number of people are absent at the moment, apparently. I know it's late for poke votes, but I find Orlok's absence really suspicious/distressing right now, considering he has been somewhat around on the forums, apparently. Other than that, I guess I'm at a bit of a loss right now. Vauhsoj' semi-activity is also odd, but if he's away for the rest of the Turn, we aren't going to get much out of him. Hopefully a vote will spur him into some action. If I don't get anything within the next 12 hours, I'll reconsider my options again.


Lopen, you asked about feedback on his vote and your defence. While I would say that a shift in tone could possibly indicate aid from elsewhere (objectively speaking; not accusing you of anything here), it is also possible that a new player just turns out to be a lot better than they think and realise. I'd say his accusation is understandable, but not too useful for us without extra evidence against you. Your point about your analysis being wrong is a good response, but being wrong should just mean you try again, not that you give up on it! :P. Also, remember that we have an extended Cycle today, so his being gone 'today and tomorrow' isn't quite so bad as it seems at first (though it is irritating by all means). We should be using the extra time to generate discussion, rather than just try and cement a lynch this early on. We still have, effectively, another 'Day' to get that sorted out.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Wyrm, I've just finished a week of work experience, and have been trying to show a good work ethic by not using my phone or the forums whilst at work. I promise, I will get back to you! Id taken the extended day to give me a bit if peace and a respite to look through properly before voting, but will put a preliminary vote on Vauhsoj for his most recent post, which strikes me as off... And his saying he'll be out of town seems a pretty good attempt to try to gain a period of non suspicion. That just from this post - I'll probably (possibly) change it when I've caught up properly

Edited by OrlokTsubodai
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Speak of the Tekiel, and he shall appear! ...Admittedly stream-crossing, but I couldn't resist the pun >>. Thanks for such a quick reply. I'll remove my vote from Orlok for now in light of the fact that he promises to be more active in the near future, but he should be aware that it is likely to go back on if he doesn't get back with some analysis as promised in the near future.


The only other active player who hasn't checked in yet is Bort. He's usually around now-ish, though admittedly it is a weekend. I think he's actually the only player not even mentioned so far today, which is rather interesting, one way or another. I'd just like to know what his thoughts are at the moment, and see if any of those provoke discussion.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Like I said, I apologize if I seemed a little aggressive, Wyrm. From the way you pointed out Alvron's comments, I did take your post as an indication that you were trying to get my lynched, and not as a poke vote, as you apparently intended. I'm not quite at a point where I'm willing to take the vote off of you, mainly because you are the person who I am most suspicious of, and I haven't seen anyone else who's made me suspicious of them. I will admit that I thought that your changing of tone, from calling me "fairly innocent" to placing a (lynch) vote down on me was very suspicious, so I'm less suspicious of you now than I was when I first placed my vote on you.


As Jerric said, we need to lynch an eliminator today. We know that the eliminators have been active, considering that they've been choosing targets. By this point, I would have suspected that myself, Wyrm, or Jerric would have been killed by them. However, it recently occurred to me that the last two lynches had Adamir's intention to sacrifice himself for one of the other players hanging over it. Both Wyrm and I were on those lists multiple times, which might have led to the eliminators skipping over us, and choosing another target. Jerric was on another list as well, I believe, and I don't think either of the last two eliminator kills made the list. I'm not saying that it's making me less suspicious of you two, but I am taking it into account.


Considering what I have said above, I am interested in hearing more from Vauhsoj and Bort. I'm not willing to put a vote down on either of them at this point, especially since it might confirm a lynch, but I don't remember either of them being on the lists more than maybe once, and Bort especially might have been a good target for the eliminators to remove, rather than the other two kills, who were both more inactive.


I'll be on for maybe another hour, and then I won't be back for another, oh, 8 to 9 hours, I think. I should be able to manage at least one more post, if not more, before this cycle ends.


Edit: Color Change

Edited by RavenRadient7
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I'm usually 'on about now' (as in, when Wyrm posted) because the previous evenings haven't been filled with an addictive new computer game (Convoy, on Steam, it's rather fun). But, it was a friday night last night, so it didn't matter if I stayed up late (no work, yay!). As a result, I didn't get to bed until after 5am, and am rather brain dead today. I did check in with the thread earlier, about 9am BST, but couldn't think of anything tosay.


For now, I'll place a vote on Orlok. His last post made me think. He has said that his work experience has been keeping him away from the boards. That's fine. But, it's also excellent cover for an Eliminator. A perfectly good reason to avoid being too active and drawing attention to yourself.


That coupled with your vote for Vauhsoj, for basically doing something you've done all game, makes me wonder.


It may be moved later, depending on what you say, but it will do for now.



I'm curious Raven, why would you think I'm a good target for the Eliminators?


Never mind. Your reasoning was in your post. I just missed it the first time round.

Edited by Bort
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Okay, thanks Bort. That's everyone signed in to the Cycle, which is good.


Nothing that people have said has stood out particularly, except that people are really dwelling on 'Wyrm's alive, so he must be an Eliminator'. I've said before that tunneling isn't useful, and it's a good way for us to lose very quickly.


I'm looking more at Lopen now. He hasn't placed a vote anywhere, but he has called out multiple people within a short amount of time. He has also commented that his suspicions of me are because I'm an active player (is that really odd?) and we've lynched the wrong people multiple times. Not really sure that that reasoning works out. Only person I've called out has been phattemer, which was a mistake, but again, it seems to come back to this idea that I've been telling people who to lynch or whatever. I'd like to know why he seems to be focusing on me so much like this.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Wyrm, my last post actually implies that Vauhsoj or Bort, especially Bort, sort of fall under the same "should have been killed by now" statement that you say has been pointed at you so far. I'm not disagreeing with you - it is a common accusation against you - but considering how you were the saved target last round, and I think Bort was only on one list, he might have been a better target than Alvron.


I would like to hear more from Lopen myself. He is playing off of the idea that, as a new player, he's mostly just watching and learning the game. I can understand that theory, but he's not one I'm watching horribly closely at the moment.


The problem for me is that I'm having trouble figuring out who to vote for just from what they've done so far this game. If we can lynch another eliminator this round, we can work backwards from who they've voted for and who they've supported, and try to figure out our last few targets. Without that aid, we're left to just judge based on words alone, and clearly that hasn't worked out great so far.


Again, I'm leaving my vote on Wyrm for now. Wyrm, I doubt it's going to stay on you this entire round, unless everyone else suddenly decide to place votes on you, but I have no idea who to move the vote onto, and I'm going to wait until I have a better idea of who I think a good target is. Perhaps not the best decision, but as you've said, everyone else has signed in, expect Jain who really seems to be out of the game, and I don't have a better idea of who to poke.

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Okay, thanks Bort. That's everyone signed in to the Cycle, which is good.


Nothing that people have said has stood out particularly, except that people are really dwelling on 'Wyrm's alive, so he must be an Eliminator'. I've said before that tunneling isn't useful, and it's a good way for us to lose very quickly.


I'm looking more at Lopen now. He hasn't placed a vote anywhere, but he has called out multiple people within a short amount of time. He has also commented that his suspicions of me are because I'm an active player (is that really odd?) and we've lynched the wrong people multiple times. Not really sure that that reasoning works out. Only person I've called out has been phattemer, which was a mistake, but again, it seems to come back to this idea that I've been telling people who to lynch or whatever. I'd like to know why he seems to be focusing on me so much like this.


Wyrm, I have called out multiple people because, as you stated earlier, I thought it would be best to get everyone in the discussion before trying to lynch anyone. As for why I haven't voted, I didn't think it was necessary to vote for someone I wasn't really suspicious of, I was just wanting to hear their thoughts.


I have been focusing on you as I see you as being the most suspect. Simply doing a quick read through of the game you see that a majority of the dead good guys(or Villagers? as everyone calls them) suspected you and voted for you right before they died. The fact that you voted for Raven(who in my opinion is really the least suspect of all of us) also made me even more suspicious. I thought that post may have been you trying to cast doubt on the one person who voted for you.


I don't have a lot of time right now but I will try to organize my thoughts and suspicions and post them a little later. I'm going to vote for Wyrm for the reasons I listed above.


Edit: I've looked over things a little more now and I still believe Wyrm is the most suspect. I am not certain he is a Rebel but I would rather trust the innocent experienced players that are dead than a suspicious experienced player still living.


I will be on in a couple more hours so I will be available for a little more discussion.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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I find this interesting. Myself, last cycle:

I recall one trick that is commonly used in SE is that eliminators choosing their kills by picking a notable player and killing anyone who shows suspicion of them or votes for them. This gives the impression that those people are on to something and encourages the village to lynch the notable player (who is, of course, innocent in such scenarios). This situation does not require much verbal boosting from the eliminators, but it is also possible that the eliminators feel the need to prod the village into that line of thought.

Is it possible that this is being done to Wyrm?

Lopen, just above:

Wyrm, [. . . .]

I have been focusing on you as I see you as being the most suspect. Simply doing a quick read through of the game you see that a majority of the dead good guys(or Villagers? as everyone calls them) suspected you and voted for you right before they died. The fact that you voted for Raven(who in my opinion is really the least suspect of all of us) also made me even more suspicious. I thought that post may have been you trying to cast doubt on the one person who voted for you.

Did Lopen not read my previous post, and thus came to this conclusion on his own? Which means at least two people are getting that impression of a pattern in the Rebel kills.

Or did he read my post once, get inspired / biased to seek out that pattern? Which means that he found what he was told to see.

Or did he read my post and choose to ignore / not address my alternative conclusion? Which might mean he has a motive for choosing to overlook the other option?

Given the trend of other things I've mentioned in my posts being only responded to by those who tend to write large posts themselves, the third option is possible but quite unlikely.

But still, Lopen, if you are around these parts, I wouldn't mind knowing whether you had read my post before finding that pattern. And if you would care to share your read on the possibility of my conclusion, that would also be appreciated.

Wyrm, I call you the last experienced player mostly out of experience bias. You were a skilled player before I started, as were Maill, Joe, and Alvron. Jain was new about the same time I was. The rest of our players began after MR 2, my last game before this. Thus, my bias. However, if you wish me to give up that terminology, that can be done.

Might as well do up another vote tally, if only for my own ease of consideration.

Cycle Six Vote Tally: (Edited)
Vauhsoj - 1: -Raven-, Orlok
Raven - 0: -Wyrm-
Wyrm - 2: Raven, Lopen
Lopen - 2: Vauhsoj, Wyrm
Orlok - 2: -Wyrm-, Bort, Jerric
Bort - 0: -Wyrm-

Only Jain the Inactive and myself have not voted. Interesting to note that the eliminators (and the villagers) have killed off all those inactives save one. And as I recall, most of the inactives that were murdered had just been stating their intentions to participate more (as well as speaking against Wyrm).

I still find the framing of Wyrm a more likely pattern than Wyrm marking himself by "discouraging" people who speak out against him. In addition, if the eliminators have been holding off on Wyrm, Raven, and myself the last two cycles in light of Adamir's "random" protection, that is no longer a concern. I do not feel that Wyrm is the right lynch this cycle.

Raven has given me no particular reasons to cast a vote against her. And my point about protection applies to her even more so.

Bort's methods have given me the impression that he is a villager and has been doing what he can to try feeling everyone out. He has the weakest support in my light-suspicion block, but I have nothing to hold against him.

Lopen has been considerably more active recently, perhaps due to the weekend. His posts have been making stabs at following my proposals of open sharing, which holds consistently enough with his new player behavior.

Orlok has finished four SE games, and is enrolled in two active games. Slightly more experienced than I am, I should think. But I have not read through the recent games, and I have no idea if he has been staying true to form or not. The posts I have seen from him have not been the most productive. He voted for Kipper and Venture before this, but has otherwise abstained from voting.

Vauhsoj has mostly done roleplay and unexplained votes throughout the game. When pushed into giving an explanation, they were mostly attributed toward spontaneity. Online regularly enough to post, but does not join in with the general discussion.

Jain is inactive, and I think Wyrm already summed that case up about as thoroughly as possible.
I plan to come back to place a vote after ruminating on this for a little longer, but then I shall be retiring for the night and the rest of the cycle.

Edit to avoid a double post:
I will place my vote on Orlok this cycle. Reasons as stated above, combined with not being convinced enough of the other choices. I expect this cycle will get messy.

Edited by Sir Jerric
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  Sir Jerric, this is why I left myself open to talk about things. I felt like my reasoning had flaws, but I wasn't sure what they were. When I read that post about eliminators killing people who were suspicious of Wyrm, I didn't think it likely at the time. I think this was because the people who had been killed by the Rebels hadn't really been that suspicious of him. At least it didn't look like it to me. 

  Then Alvron and Joe died and both seemed to have strong suspicions of Wyrm. I think this caused me to view Wyrm as more likely guilty than innocent. He then voted for me, which I think then caused me to rush my accusation post a bit therefore overlooking a major flaw in it. Thinking it over with that post in mind, I think it is possible that that strategy may have been used.


  I really think we need to kill an eliminator that can give us more clues as to who the other ones may be. Orlok does seem a little suspicious but I don't think his posts will help us find the other eliminators very much. I'm going to look at all of his posts and see what they say or don't say in them if he was an eliminator.


Edit: I looked at them. They were not very informative. I can see how you and Bort are suspicious of him, but I'm torn about whether to vote for him or not strictly on him not being very active.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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I'm going to vote for Wyrm this cycle, having read the whole game through. He has been directing the village successfully cycle after cycle to lynch innocents, and dominating and controlling discussion - indeed, I suspect that the tactic being used by the entire eliminator team is that of controlling the discussion entirely. Regardless of whether or not you agree with me on Wyrm's guilt, the level of onformation we would gain from his death is worth the loss, in my argument, allowing us to go through and analyse his posts, and trust him if innocent, and if not, at the very least his activity has given us plenty of material to disseminate.

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Of all the times for my internet to go belly-up :S.


So currently, there is a tie between myself and Orlok. Miscounted the votes. Apologies. I am tying the vote here. We need to get an Eliminator lynched this Turn, otherwise we have as good as lost (barring Jain being one). As such, I have no choice but to remove my vote from Lopen and to vote for Orlok, in the hopes that he is one and it's not a contest between two Villagers.


I must admit though, his latest post makes me lean towards doing that regardless of the voting situation. He seems to be trying to get people to lynch someone that they may not fully believe is guilty - and that is incredibly dangerous when we're at this stage in the game. Why lynch for information when it is quite possibly the second-to-last Cycle of the game? Answer: Because it's a call to bandwagon onto me instead of being sensible and using the evidence presented previously.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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No Wyrm, I did not say that. I meant that you appear to be the most guilty to me, having read your posts. Further, the manner in which you have directed this game, yet successfully avoided actually lynching any eliminators strikes me as extremely odd. I'm addition to this, we must include your early attempt to prevent meta's plan, conveniently going for an early lynch on one of the only players with enough experience to call you out on your plan to control this thread. Not only this, but we must consider GM balancing; with Meta, and I believe Alvron, dead, and both villagers, according to convention, at least one of the very experienced players should be an eliminator - in this case pointing once again, to you.

The asking to lynch you regardless of people suspicions was partly because your control over this thread is monumental, and people will have some reluctance to lynch you as a result. I was attempting to reassure the waverers by pointing out that in the very worst case scenario, we at least discover that what you've been saying has been well intentioned, and thus can look at your plentiful suspicions without having to balance them against the (in my mind likely) event of you being an eliminator yourself

Further, tying the vote only helps the eliminators - by giving them a kill and us no information - allow yourself to die, if innocent, and gain a vast deal of information both about those who have tried to lynch you, and safety in assessing your suspicions.

Edited by OrlokTsubodai
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The idea of 'let myself be lynched' is no longer valid when we could very well lose with this lynch. If I let us go to 3-3 without even a fight, we are entirely dependant on what side Jain is on. If Jain is an Eliminator, then it becomes 3-2 in our favour and it's possible we can win, IF we hit Eliminators only and Jain does not return to the game and no-one misses a lynch. I don't feel too confident when it comes to the first thing there, it must be said. If Jain is not an Eliminator, however, then it effectively becomes 2-3 and we've lost. Simple fact of the matter is that I cannot die just to get my info into the trusted status right now, especially when there's a very real possibility the other player up for the lynch is an Eliminator.

Obviously at the moment, if the coin flip is not in my favour, I die and things look grim for us. If not, and you are an Eliminator, we should be alright. We can definitely come back from it if we lynch your other two people the next two lunches. Difficult, but not impossible. I've done that before, after all. If we're both Village then things are very dire. Hopefully Jain is an Eliminator and we can come back from another Village lynch, but at the very least I don't want to rely on other people remaining inactive here. I'm not going to die for someone who more and more seems to me to be an Eliminator by suggesting the use of mid-game tactics to obtain information. It's too late to do that: we simply don't have enough of a buffer anymore to do that.

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Wyrm, that is just what I was about to post. Therefore, I am changing my vote to Orlok for the reasons Wyrm just stated.


Edit:I would just like to clarify my thoughts about Orlok's posts. The first one accusing Wyrm and wanting him to be lynched for information is a little excusable as it doesn't seem like he's been on that much lately and might not understand the situation. But for him to suggest it again after Wyrm has said we basically have to lynch an eliminator today or we will lose is why I voted for him.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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I hate it when all the discussion seems to happen during my night cycle. At this point, the vote is for Orlok, and I don't have the power to change that. If he is an eliminator, we have a chance. It is possible that he is an eliminator, especially in light of some of his recent posts, though I am not convinced. If he is not an eliminator, then we are in dire straits. Wyrm points out that it would depend on if Jain is an eliminator, but I think it really depends on if we can actually find and come to a consensus on who is an eliminator. If we can't, it doesn't matter if we have the majority or not: the eliminators can both jump on whoever someone has targeted, and we've lost.


At this point, I'm not changing my vote, simply because it's not going to make any difference, save widen the gap between Wyrm and Orlok. It's nothing personal against you, Wyrm. If Orlok is an eliminator, then we can look for clues in his voting choices that suggest his and his teammates' strategies. If he is not an eliminator, then we're back to square one, and the eliminators probably take this game, even if we do have a slight majority (assuming Jain is one).

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