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Just finished WoR. I have a few question about the future of the Stormlight Archive


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Hey all, just a few questions. (I'm new).

  • What is this about subseries I see thrown around? I just would like to know what people mean when they use it in respect to the series.

  • What is supposed to happen after 5 books even though there's supposed to be 10?

  • How did Jasnah survive exactly, even if she did teleport? 


 I also noticed that there is a spy in Mistborn and a spy in Stormlight Archive named Felt. Any connection?


Thanks for answering if you do! I can't wait for Oathbringer.

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So Stormlight as a whole is 10 books, but that will be broken across two five book arcs (generally referred to as the front/back five).  There will be a time skip of about 15 years in-world between Stormlight 5 and Stormlight 6 (Brandon will also be taking a real-world break between those books where he plans on writing the Era 3 Mistborn trilogy, but it will NOT be 15 years real time).  The back five will feature a slightly different cast, though the main figures from the front five will still be around (in roughly the same level involvement as the back five main characters will have in the front five).


It's very hard to kill a Surgebinder if they have access to Stormlight.  So while she did get stabbed through the heart she was able to heal from that.


The Felt thing has been pointed out multiple times but there has been no confirmation from Brandon if there is actually a connection.

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Hey all, just a few questions. (I'm new).

  • What is this about subseries I see thrown around? I just would like to know what people mean when they use it in respect to the series.

  • What is supposed to happen after 5 books even though there's supposed to be 10?

  • How did Jasnah survive exactly, even if she did teleport? 


 I also noticed that there is a spy in Mistborn and a spy in Stormlight Archive named Felt. Any connection?


Thanks for answering if you do! I can't wait for Oathbringer.


  • I personally don't know what subseries you could be talking about? Mind eloborating on that or do you mean the five book split?
  • A timeskip, I'm not entirely sure how long but I think something in the range of 10~15 years, so some characters are going to be recurring.
  • Stormlight healing has healed wounds much much worse than a simple stab wound from a knife. A wound like that is literally no danger at all to a Surgebinder, as long as they have Stormlight.
  • May be a Worldhopper, I am not sure if Brandon ever confirmed him.
Edited by Edgedancer
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So Stormlight as a whole is 10 books, but that will be broken across two five book arcs (generally referred to as the front/back five).  There will be a time skip of about 15 years in-world between Stormlight 5 and Stormlight 6 (Brandon will also be taking a real-world break between those books where he plans on writing the Era 3 Mistborn trilogy, but it will NOT be 15 years real time).  The back five will feature a slightly different cast, though the main figures from the front five will still be around (in roughly the same level involvement as the back five main characters will have in the front five).


It's very hard to kill a Surgebinder if they have access to Stormlight.  So while she did get stabbed through the heart she was able to heal from that.


The Felt thing has been pointed out multiple times but there has been no confirmation from Brandon if there is actually a connection.

Thank you! It's all making perfect sense now.

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  • I personally don't know what subseries you could be talking about? Mind eloborating on that or do you mean the five book split?
  • A timeskip, I'm not entirely sure how long but I think something in the range of 10~15 years, so some characters are going to be recurring.
  • Stormlight healing has healed wounds much much worse than a simple stab wound from a knife. A wound like that is literally no danger at all to a Surgebinder, as long as they have Stormlight.
  • May be a Worldhopper, I am not sure if Brandon ever confirmed him.


The first post got what I meant on the first question, sorry I may have not explained it very well. Thanks for answering.

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about jasnah, there is a scene released about her (that may be part of book 3 or may be cut out entirely) that explains how she survived: no real spoilers, but I spoiler it anyway:

she had gems sewn into her dress to always have stormlight with her. when she was stabbed she drew it, healed her wound, and elsecalled to shadesmar, but she accidentally trapped herself on the other side, unable to come back to the physical world.


Unfortnuately i cannot find a link, but maybe someone will provide

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Okay okay wait- how did I miss Felt? I'm usually much better at noticing things like that, but I don't even REMEMBER a Felt! Can anyone point out where he appeared in Mistborn and where in SA?

He was a scout if I recall correctly at the end of WoR

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