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Star Wars Rebels


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Well, I finished season one and watched the two-parter opening season two, so I figured it was time to start this topic! Anyone else watch the show? What do you think?


For my part... it's okay. I don't know why the first season was so short, but I feel like that hurt the show a little bit; it feels like they haven't really gotten a chance to explore the characters below the surface (with the exception of Kana, Ezra and Hera). I'd like to see a bit mroe depth to Zeb or Sabine, and especially to villain's like Khallus.


Honestly, the early episodes gave me something of a Firefly-vibe; a group who stole from the oppresive Empire, but still had to do the "normal concerns" like food, fuel and where they were sleeping. I wish they had explored that angle a bit more, of a group of people just living their lives while sticking it to the Empire -rather than an organised Rebel Cell- but... I suppose that would have been a very different show.

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I watched the first season (or part of the first season, something like 11 episodes) in a single day when I found them all being broadcast, back to back, all day. on the whole, it was enjoyable, although there were some major facepalm moments (I'm a huge SW fan, or I was, and it makes me cringe to see some of the things Disney are doing).

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  • 11 months later...

I didn't want to create a new topic for a show like this, so forgive the necro.  The season 3 trailer has been posted, which was interesting but nothing new… until the new commander of the Imperial forces against the Rebellion is revealed.

That's right, Grand Admiral Thrawn is officially canon again! :D:):wub:

I can't even begin to express how awesome that is!  He's by far my favorite character in the EU, and I was nearly devastated to realize that the new Legends categorization would make him no longer officially canon, so having him once again included (and by extension, the Timothy Zahn books made at least much closer to canon as well) is ridiculously awesome.




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On July 18, 2015 at 6:11 PM, Briar King said:

I like it. I don't like Clone Wars.

Personally, I like Clone Wars more,  because some episodes in season 4 and 5 were REALLY good. I haven't seen much rebels, but it has Darth Vader in it, so maybe I should give it a try. 

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1 hour ago, WayneSpren said:

Personally, I like Clone Wars more,  because some episodes in season 4 and 5 were REALLY good. I haven't seen much rebels, but it has Darth Vader in it, so maybe I should give it a try. 


I actually watched it since then. It's ok but it suffers a lot from GL God syndrome. That's his right but it's annoying most times.

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25 minutes ago, Briar King said:


I actually watched it since then. It's ok but it suffers a lot from GL God syndrome. That's his right but it's annoying most times.

I assume you mean George Lucas by GL? Haven't heard that term, but if so, isn't he completely uninvolved now?

Edit: As for Thrawn, it looks to me like they're going to nail his passion for understanding culture and art, too. I hope they don't gimp his tactical genius in any way. I want to see him totally devastate at least one battle, effortlessly and almost like he could see into the future...and then turn around and explain his logic as if it was obvious (but not condescendingly).


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Ah, gotcha.  Yeah, Clone Wars had a lot of that feel.

I thought I remembered Thrawn having pupils, though I do with they glowed a bit at least.  I love the look of the eyes even if they're not exactly as Zahn described, though.

I wonder if Timothy Zahn has been brought in as a consultant or something?  Which makes me wonder if his other super popular character might make it into the new canon as well?

Yes, I want Mara Jade, and not just in the show, but I want her to be in Episodes VIII and/or IX.

Edit: They didn't show him, but I wonder if Pellaeon will be there as Thrawn's second in command? I love his character too, plus he was a great way to showcase Thrawn's genius by having him mentoring Pellaeon. The way he was talking about understanding culture and art sounded like he was talking to someone, and I hope that was Pellaeon instead of Tarkin or someone else.

Also, *fingers crossed*, Noghri?:ph34r: 

Edit 2: Apparently Zahn will be writing a new book called Thrawn, which will be canon as well.


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