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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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@StormingTexan I think that list is a good 'starting' point. I don't have all of them but I got through reading just Everything's Eventual, especially the connected stories in the collection, and Salem's Lot beforehand, but I was just starting reading his books at the time so I didn't grab everything just to understand all the connections and references in the series. I started The Stand afterwards but found it pretty dull. I think there's other stories but it gets more into 'oh, so that explains that' territory along with small connections like the character Mordred from the final books having a form connected to It.

Overall it's tricky saying what needs to be read and what should be read since it changes depending on who you ask. Me personally I'd say anything that has Flagg, Salem's Lot (because of Callahan being a major player later), stories concerning the Low Men and The Talisman and The Black House because of one character getting their story finished in DT. Any others I think would be considered fluff or just marginally connected because of the Five Degrees method (one example is all the psychic characters like Carrie and Charlie having a tiny connection but it's just barely there and all the Derry stories being connected just because of It and it's small connection so the ones connected to It have nothing to do with DT but It does)

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Just finished The Rithmatist and all I really need to say is Brandon, hurry up with the sequel! I have to know what the deal with Nalizar and the Forgotten is, why the Shadowblaze appeared to Joel but not binding with him and if Joel will eventually achieve his dream of becoming a Rithmatist.

Also a strange curiosity here. Normally when a main character doesn't get much in the way of descriptions I picture them similar to me, but with Joel I pictured him as being dark skinned and somehow it fit. I know from other things about him he probably is supposed to be European in appearance but I couldn't imagine him that way at all. This mental image wasn't something I imagined by the end of the first couple chapters, it was how I imagined him since the first paragraph. I guess I was influenced by some of my favorite Sanderson characters who just happened to be dark skinned :)

Welp, next up is Steelheart. I'm hoping to finish this before the state testing starts so that I can demolish Words of Radiance at that point.

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I recently finished the second volume of the Belgariad, which really put me in a slump. I tried to read Path of Daggers afterwards but that wasn't happening. I'm currently reading Heir's of Power, which is okay. Not 100% sure what is next.

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Been devouring Fitz 2 and it’s even more epic then the 1st time. By breath has caught so many times... beautiful book. Have to reread 1-6 before I tackle 7-9. Barely even reading Crimson Guard I’m so taken. Managed about 104 pgs yesterday which is quite a feat for me these days.

Edited by Briar King
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18 hours ago, TheOrlionThatComesBefore said:

That's Royal Assassin, right? One of the best fantasy sequels out there, and that ending! 

Yep and yep the climax is just a nail biter. It almost turned out semi right and in an instant it went beyond horribly wrong. Trying to atleast get to the halfway point of Assassin’s Quest asap. The 1st half was my least favorite bit of the 6 Fitz I read.

cant wait till I get to crack Fitz 7 open for the 1st time. I probably could have just done that but oh well the reread has been a blast.

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Just finished Steelheart. Not my most favorite of Sanderson's stuff but it was still good (honestly I doubt he'd release anything that was a stinker). I don't really have anything to say other than 'Well at least I can start reading Words of Radiance now when the state testing starts on Monday!'

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Book 2 of the Healer trilogy titled Scent of Magic, by Maria V Snyder.  Then maybe the Witcher novel series by Andrej Sapkowski (spelling?).  in October I plan on reading the Thone of Glass series by Sarah J Maas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished Shadowrise and now I have to wait until May for me to read Shadowheart by Tad Williams due to my self imposed allowance. I guess I could get a library copy, but the print is so small I have to do the Kindle copy for this series. I am excited to see how it all ends on the fourth and final book.

In the meantime I am reading Old Mars edited by George R.R. Martin and Dozois. This book is a delight and filled with new short stories based on the old pulp mars stories; I am a big fan of The Martian stories by Ray Bradbury and its fun to see similar stories in this collection. I may be the only person wishing Martin would do more of these anthologies he edits; I have only read the first three Song of Ice and Fire books and that was back in 2001 I believe....I have already come to terms with the idea that his series will not be completed so he might as well continue with these fun short story collections.

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1 hour ago, Ammanas said:

Finished Shadowrise and now I have to wait until May for me to read Shadowheart by Tad Williams due to my self imposed allowance. I guess I could get a library copy, but the print is so small I have to do the Kindle copy for this series. I am excited to see how it all ends on the fourth and final book.

In the meantime I am reading Old Mars edited by George R.R. Martin and Dozois. This book is a delight and filled with new short stories based on the old pulp mars stories; I am a big fan of The Martian stories by Ray Bradbury and its fun to see similar stories in this collection. I may be the only person wishing Martin would do more of these anthologies he edits; I have only read the first three Song of Ice and Fire books and that was back in 2001 I believe....I have already come to terms with the idea that his series will not be completed so he might as well continue with these fun short story collections.

I’ll have to check that out I’m a HUGE fan of the Barsoom books. 

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6 hours ago, StormingTexan said:

I’ll have to check that out I’m a HUGE fan of the Barsoom books. 

I liked the John Carter movie and have been meaning to read them. Are all eleven or so worthwhile or does it take a dip in quality after book five where he starts to follow different characters outside of the Carter family?

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2 hours ago, Briar King said:

 but 3 lost me

Did it lose you because you couldn't remember the two previous books or you thought it was a drop in quality? I liked it because the reader finally got some much overdue information on a lot of stuff. Tad Williams has a gift of writing about basically nothing...the plot barely crawls forward in the first three books but the author somehow makes to read enjoyable; from what I understand Williams slams on the accelerator in the final book and I am looking forward to that.

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2 hours ago, Briar King said:

Finished Fitz 3 3 days ago and on pg 210 of 4. About a month has passed since I started Fitz and in that time I haven’t read more then 20 pgs of Crimson Guard. Ha that’s also why I been silent in thread there.

RotCG is my favorite Esslemont outside Path to Ascendancy. I hope it goes smoother for you when you start back up again. 

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