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Please help with a term: Trailman


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I'm wondering what a "Trailman" is. I didn't find that word in my dictionary. In the German book it's translated as "Pfadsucher" what I would (re-)translate as "path-searcher". 


Can anybody explain to me what a "Trailman" is? 


Thank you in advance. 

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I think the context is the flute Hoid is playing, and later gives to Kaladin.


A trailmans flute...



During the course of the story, Hoid used a special, ancient flute called a Trailman's flute.


Hoid on coppermind




Apparently I was a little slow to quote...

Edited by Binnut
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“This is a Trailman’s flute,” Hoid said, inspecting the length of dark wood. “It is meant to be used by a storyteller, for him to play while he is telling a story.”

This one? I think, in this context,  "Trailman" mean a traveling minstrel or storyteller.

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Thanks Satsouni and Binnut. 


(Blame me, I never think about google.) 


Though it might be an interesting question what herd of cattles Hoid led to which destination I think Satsouni's definition is more exactly. 


(And sorry, I wanted some open-minded ideas and therefore I intentionally didn't give the whole quote.) 



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Definitely related to Worldsingers or something.like them. In any case, I'm pretty sure Brandon just wants you to imagine a flute that a man on a trail many years ago would use. I'm sure he knows exactly what his Trailman's flute is supposed to be and also knows that we don't.

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Apparently nobody but me wondered about this Trailman's flute. Though I like Satsouni's description I'm not really sure about it, because Hoid gives the flute to Kaladin and wants him to keep it and learn how to play it. Hoid did not tell Kaladin to give it to Sigzil (what would be more logical). Maybe sometimes we will learn more about it. :)

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