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Oh, the memories of TWG

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I've just spent countless hours in the TWG Archives, re-reading some of the awesomeness we old TWG-ers have recorded there. I stayed solely to the Rants and Stuff board, and we were truly an hilarious bunch. A decent portion of that hilariousness can be found in the Stupid Titles threads (VI, VII, VIII, and IX in particular), but there is plenty elsewhere. If not, I could've just resurrected Monsta's "RIP These Crazy Titles" thread from a year and a half ago. Also, on the note of the titles, I kept a list of those titles. It's not completely comprehensive since I do have gaps in what the titles were for some levels, but I'd bet it's far more comprehensive than any other list is out there for them....if any admins are interested in it. I know some people kind of miss those titles, and the mystery at the level up and all of that crazy awesomeness.


Anyway. One of the things I noticed in my re-read is that I could be rather clever. And funny. I'm not that funny anymore. Sad, that, But this post isn't supposed to be about that. We were ALL funny. And there were some great times there. Like Chaos' Impeachment from the Hero of Ages. Or his attempt at Dueling to the Death because he contested that perfectly legitimate request for impeachment. Or Peter's admittance to being a Shardbearer when nominated as the new Hero of Ages (and I believe this was before Way of Kings was published). On a side-note, since sortitus and I were elected as dual Hero of Ages, and never impeached, and sort isn't around anymore, does that mean I'm the sole Hero of Ages? I don't think we ever decided on a set term limit, and unless Chaos can prove he overthrew us for being lame Heroes, it didn't happen, and I am still co-Hero, without a co. Which makes me sole. :)


Moving on. Silk can thank me and Monsta for her nickname. That story can be found here. Or at least, that's the post where that story begins. It continues for at least a couple pages. I can't remember how long.


I also just found this little gem. I really wish he had've finished that story. I was looking forward to reading it....


And I could go on. And on. And on. But I won't. I guess the point of this post is that I am enormously glad we have access to the Archives. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to go back and re-read all this stuff, reminiscing and busting up with laughter--and believe me, I laughed. A lot. Out loud, shoulder-shaking, hand-to-mouth, unable-to-look-at-the-computer-screen-or-else-I'd-laugh-even-harder laughter. At work. It was terrible. And absolutely fantastic.....and I am so heading back there now. I need to re-read those parts about the naked snowboarding and drunken Japanese karaoke (where the "drunken" part is due to habusake). Great times....

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I wasn't at TWG long (maybe a year? I forget) but I remember a lot of those from the numerous archive binges I did back then. Good times.


In regards to Chaos and his position as Hero of Ages, I think it's a moot point now, since 17th Shard is less a democracy, and more of a tyrannical oligarchical hegemony. "Spikeocracy," I believe, is the term that has been applied to us...

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Ooh, I hadn't heard that term before. Spikeocracy. I like it. It fits. Also, that makes sense. I mean, even when Chaos was elected to be Hero of Ages on TWG, he abused his power by demanding to be The Lord Ruler as well, which is a little contradictory to the Hero of Ages....Hence his impeachment.


Archive binges are fun. I joined about 3 or 4 years into TWG, and even then I missed out on a lot. Like, apparently, there was initially some sort of game attached to the titles where you could attack other members, and get weapons and stuff when you level up. That sounds awesome. And I missed it.

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Funny you should mention UtopiaGreen. It was actually a thread on here (I think it was the "Do we *need* downvotes" thread) that got me over to the archives...and then I just couldn't pull myself away for hours on end.


Would it be possible to start some sort of game like that on here? With the levels and stuff? I know very little about site construction, and virtually nothing about whatever something like that would entail. All I know is that it sounds like fun, and I'd like to do it.


EDIT: Also, in my further archive binging, I realized that I had purged my memory of the fact that Sort and I hold the record of "shortest time in office" for holding the Shards. Yes. We did get impeached. I guess the people didn't like us using our powers to create two new Shards for us to hold, giving up on the power they'd elected us into. Although, I still kind of think Irony and Discord were better, since Harmony holds Preservation and Ruin. Also also, I think it's safe to say I was the scapegoat. Not only was there an option on the vote about just removing me from office, Kaz later put forth the option of hanging me....  :unsure:

Edited by little wilson
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EDIT: Also, in my further archive binging, I realized that I had purged my memory of the fact that Sort and I hold the record of "shortest time in office" for holding the Shards. Yes. We did get impeached. I guess the people didn't like us using our powers to create two new Shards for us to hold, giving up on the power they'd elected us into. Although, I still kind of think Irony and Discord were better, since Harmony holds Preservation and Ruin. Also also, I think it's safe to say I was the scapegoat. Not only was there an option on the vote about just removing me from office, Kaz later put forth the option of hanging me....  :unsure:


Sort needs to be around here more. That slacker. He doesn't show up here nearly often enough! All in all, i do miss the TWG days. Hard to think it's been what...3 years since it was shut down? It's been a while...Good ol' times.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My favorite thing to do on there is to reread our hero of ages theories.  If I remember correctly, my theory about the mist spirit and the deepness were particularly embarrassing.


I did, however, support the theory that hemalurgy stole the other powers, which can't be said for everyone (Chaos, haha). 


Man, remember when we didn't know what hemalurgy did?  Or when we figured out that "piercings of the hero bit"?  Or when Ookla would troll us with ambiguous statements about our level of correctness?  Those were the days, haha. 

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My favorite theory:

'Kredik Shaw is a giant hemalurgic construct'.

I mean, it'd have been a COOL reveal. 'Yeah those giant metal spikes? They're repelling the mists across the ENTIRE PLANET. You know how the Lord Ruler kills all those skaa and drains their blood into the fountains? It's necessary to SAVE THE WORLD.'

Edited by Phantom Monstrosity
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I forgot about that one!  I thought I was soo clever too.  I agree that it would have been cool.  Too bad it didn't follow any of the rules of Hemalurgy at all :P


Hey, at the time it was plausible the Lord Ruler could have stuck skaa onto the peak of every spike, and made it into a giant hemalurgic jester cap.

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Ah, this is the gem I was referring to before.  Never gets old :)  Sorry Chaos.

I believe Andrew convinced me this was not so. Hemalurgy is its own magic system: it does not grant the power of Allomancy. That's like saying if you burned the supposed 16th metal, it would give you Feruchemy--except that "burning" metals has nothing to do with Feruchemy, which uses the metals as storage devices.

I find it doubtful that Hemalurgy would give you the power of another magic system, because Hemalurgy appears to follow a different model than simple power-stealing. I like the theory that Hemalurgy uses the metals as sort of "lightning-rods" for the body's energy. It "burns" the body's energy through the metals, whereas Allomancy burns metals... through the body. It seems to me that Inquisitors could just get Allomancy from the 15th metal (the one Elend ate).

That's my theory, and I'm going to stick to it until I have a reason not to. Of course, even as I'm writing this post, I am seeing some very clear flaws in this... It's probably best to not listen to me too much.

But then there is also this one from Reaves, which I think was probably accurate at the time:


lol thats what i was thinking, havent seen Vintage, Chaos, or Ookla in a while. And i defintely think Comatose=craziest theorizer ever!!

Especially given what I said about Kredik Shaw (Wish I could find that quote!)

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