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The Shannara Chronicles TV series

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So anyone else here read the Shannara books? Seen the trailer for the TV series? What were your thoughts?


I guess 'trailer' isn't the best term. First look more like (doesn't give you much of an idea about what it's about unless you've read The Elfstones of Shannara). Is cautiously optimistic at this stage.

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I was literally just about to make a thread about this, I am so hype!  Shannara was the main series that got me into fantasy back in Elementary school, and Elfstones is my favorite.  I've been following along with the news regarding this for a while now, and I'm still super excited that it is actually happening.


I was really impressed with the First Look video, and while a lot of things look nothing like I pictured them they are beautiful.  They're definitely playing up the post-apocalyptic angle, which really isn't as obvious in the earlier books, but makes sense given the current fascination with them in popular media.


I also came across this interview with some of the cast (Allanon, Eretria, Wil, Amberle, and John Rhys Davies as Eventine) where John Rhys Davies really sings the praises of the show.


I just can't wait, because it just has to be good.

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Yeah, seeing the collapsed buildings was like 'whaaaa... I don't remember these being there!', though that they were isn't suprising based on what we now know of the origins. I hadn't noticed any of it in the books (apart from Antrax, which is quite obvious). Thinking I might have to reread the books now. Been way too long since I read that first series. 

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I thought it was a bit of an interesting choice to adapt, Shannara doesn't quite have the same tone as GoT (Assuming they're trying to ride it's success) but I'm certainly not complaining. Hopefully it goes better that the 'WoT' pilot. *grumble grumble*

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Hey so I found video of the SDCC panel:




I also found this interview with Terry Brooks and it's really clear that he is fully behind and satisfied with the show, which is a good sign.  While it doesn't necessarily guarantee it will be great, it is a vital part ('cause if the author doesn't like how it was handled it's generally just bad, just look at the Earthsea miniseries).

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I read Sword of Shannara and Elfstones, didn't enjoy either very much although the post apocalyptic stuff that I picked up on was pretty cool I thought. I started Wishsong, but when I realized that it was just going to be more of the same I stopped. I'll be interested to see how the show goes. My dad was a fan of the series for a long time, although he hasn't really kept up with it, so he's pretty hopeful. If they balance the post ap with the fantasy, and make sure the writing and acting is good and fun, than I could see myself watching the it.

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I read Sword of Shannara and Elfstones, didn't enjoy either very much although the post apocalyptic stuff that I picked up on was pretty cool I thought. I started Wishsong, but when I realized that it was just going to be more of the same I stopped. I'll be interested to see how the show goes. My dad was a fan of the series for a long time, although he hasn't really kept up with it, so he's pretty hopeful. If they balance the post ap with the fantasy, and make sure the writing and acting is good and fun, than I could see myself watching the it.

I wasn't a big fan of Sword or Elfstones.  Wishsong is much better, i think, but it the structure is pretty similar.  doubt I'll watch the show, but the visuals do look pretty good.

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Meh.  I could not get into those books.  I read the first one, barely made it all the way through.  Tried to read the second one twice, never managed to even get a quarter of the way through it.  


Years later I tried to re-read the first one...couldn't do it.  Just bored the crap out of me.  Sorry to those who loved it but...those books are just not for me, so I can't see a show based on them as interesting to me.

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I must say, I feel I used to be much more patient with books. Like I enjoyed the stories, but the actual prose it self wasn't necessarily that interesting, if that makes sense in the slightest. 

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I must say, I feel I used to be much more patient with books. Like I enjoyed the stories, but the actual prose it self wasn't necessarily that interesting, if that makes sense in the slightest. 

having recently re-read a bunch of stuff that I originally read in high school or middle school, I think I know exactly what you mean.  There were plenty of series I enjoyed the first time through that I felt didn't really hold up on later readings

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Read some of the books several years ago now and never really got into them. What do you mean post apocalyptic stuff? Is it on earth after some war or something?


Edit: Just saw the trailer, looks alright, will give it go when it comes out.

Edited by SmurfAquamarineBodies
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Read some of the books several years ago now and never really got into them. What do you mean post apocalyptic stuff? Is it on earth after some war or something?


Edit: Just saw the trailer, looks alright, will give it go when it comes out.

Big Shannara Spoilers:

'The Genesis of Shannara' series, and then the 'Legends of Shannara' series, bridge the gap between the 'Word & Void' series, and the original Shannara books. So yeah, the world of Shannara is set years after a nuclear apocalypse - the fallout plus the resurgences of magic is what accounts for the variety in species. It also, I guess, gives some context to Antrax.

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