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Hey everybody, just letting you know that I'm not going to be able to be very active for the rest of this game. I've got stuff going on with work and school. I'm not dropping out and I'll try to stop by when I can. =/ sorry guys. Hopefully I'll be done with everything in time to save the day at the last minute.

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I was just trying to poke some people and make sure they were active since 2/3 of the day was already over, and at the end, I was worried that someone would try to bandwagon on my vote again and lead to a bad lynch.

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Yo guys. I'm ashamed to say that I forgot the game had started, and since I hate Day One lynches anyway, no biggie.

Uh, other than that, I got nothing. Just be aware of my presence...

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As night fell, Ronzo suddenly noticed something.  “The bridges are broken!” he gasped.  “See?  I told you all that there were saboteurs here, but you didn’t believe me!  But do you think that these bridges just collapsed by themselves, ganchos?” Ronzo shook his head.  “Don’t be ridiculous.”


Nobody really paid any heed to Ronzo, and instead looked on in concern.  Maybe they finally see the truth… Ronzo thought.  Now all I have to do is find these mysterious perpetrators.  Nobody else had seemed to go on his hunch with the man who had been shouting at Kip Sturm.  However, that man (Findilti, was it?) seemed to have not been present since that incident.  Peculiar.


Oh well.  It was nightfall, and time for the Ronzo to get some rest.  Even a mysterious case that could potentially mean life-or-death couldn’t stop him from getting his beauty sleep.


Well, I was hoping that someone would get lynched, so we could get something to analyze, but apparently that didn’t end up happening, so we’ll just have to wait until tomorrow.  I should be able to post and actually look over things extensively starting Saturday evening (y'know, assuming that I survive until then).

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No extension was expressly called for, but with the sheer number of action-relevant clarifications that have come in, (and minimal number of actual actions) I think people probably need one. (Plus, I only just got back and caught up on things, and I'm dead tired.)


As such, the Night has been extended by twenty four hours. You've got until 11PM CDT Friday to get your actions in, if you wish to take any.

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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Bortholemew the Blind paused, watching as the dawn grew... darker? Surely it should be the other way around. Looking up, he watched, as the moons of Roshar began to track backwards across the sky, until it was merely early evening. Again. This was a very strange land.


As he pondered the mysteries of Roshar, and the mystery of what happened to the bridges, Bortholemew pulled a brown paper wrapped parcel from his beard, opened it, and said, loudly enough for everyone to hear... "Would anyone like a beardnut? They're chocolate dipped."

Edited by Bort
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as eradin watched the sun falling down in the sunset his hopes followed the sun to their doom. the lost of the bridges was a death sentence for him he is not a parshendi he cant jump pleatus how they will keep going? and will he be alive to see urithiru - if they will get there?


eradin walked to his tent to rest and get some sleep - if someone will not stub him in the back in his sleep or if he could sleep with the fear in him...

Edited by eramit
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This has been a rather uneventful first cycle. Hopefully our Radiants have been doing some work. :)


*EDIT* Adding in some thoughts. I've had some time to think about the Squiring and how our Radiants should squire. The Diagramist Radiant(s) is probably going to squire tonight, but they will get no advantage out of it other than if we happen to kill their radiant, they will have the squire already created.

Aonar, I'm assuming a squire does not lose their abilities when the Radiant who made them die. Is this correct?


There are two scenarios our Radiants are sitting in now. They have a 74% chance of blind hitting a good guy (assuming that 7/20 are diagramists, may be higher if it's only 5 or 6) and you still have a chance that they are already a Radiants, which is a wasted try (but, from what I gather you don't lose your radiant charge?).

The second option is waiting, and have the chance of getting off'd before you can use your Squire.

Ultimately only two Radiant types have the ability to verify who they squire before they squire them. So. it's up to you guys if you want to shoot blind, or wait until you have more information (if you're a Lightweaver or Elsecaller I strongly recommend scanning someone tonight and squiring them tomorrow night)

Slow Friday afternoon at work. ;)

Edited by Macen
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Damnation, Torren, you were supposed to be grumpy  <_< 


Torren held the spanreed upright with one hand. He wanted to watch the ruby, to not waste a moment of contact. Whoever had destroyed the bridges was attempting to cut them off from the rest of the Highprinces' forces, and that made his spanreed both invaluable and dangerous. Instead, he closed his eyes and counted breaths. He could hear distant footsteps and conversation, but nothing stirred near his tent.


The spanreeed twitched, and he opened his eyes. It lifted into the air of its own accord. He placed the small bottle of ink under it, in the centre of the circular paper. The reed inked itself, and began writing, at an angle he had to crane his neck to read.


Information. A question.


He twisted the dial, and picked a more natural angle for his wrist. First the code phrase - Past month three - then the message. Connection division. He paused. Trap. Person knowledgeThe bridges were broken; a trap, by an unknown trapper.




Two; sword. A Shardblade was lost. Danger Alethkar knowledge.


Discovery person knowledge. Protection sas roior. The spanreed abruptly fell, the ruby no longer flashing. A small puddle of ink pooled under the nib. Torren considered his orders: find those responsible, and protect his Highprince's interests. He had no intention of letting the perpetrators get away with their crimes, but his contact seemed reluctant to acknowledge Alethkar and its king as his first loyalty. He realised, unhappily, that if the refugees needed aid, he might not be able to provide it.

Edited by twelfthrootoftwo
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The cycle is now closed. Sorry about the lateness of it. I got press-ganged into building cupboards a couple hours ago, and wasn't able to get much done on the write-up. Results will be up momentarily, and PMs will be out soon as well. The write up will be finished either sometime within the next couple hours or so, or tomorrow morning, depending on how things go.

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Plurn was so bored, he brought out his penny whistle.  There was nothing for him to do and he had a serious case of insomnia.





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Day Two: Taking the Sky


Etam was running.


He had been doing his usual rounds when a crack sounded, loud enough that it seemed to shake the very stone under his feet. It was only his quick reflexes, honed by years spent in Thanadal's army, that saved him. As the leapt to the side, a stone no larger than a sphere had thundered into the ground where he'd been standing, kicking up a cloud of dust and sharp shards of crem.


Stormfather! What in Damnation was that?


Before his thoughts could go any further, another piece of stone whistled by his head, close enough to ruffle his hair. Knowing better than to stay still, he ran.


And so he fled, like a leaf before the stormwinds. He didn't wish to, but what other choice did he have? He knew instinctively what pursued him. One of the Knights of old; a being capable of commanding the forces of nature themselves. It was at that moment he realized he was afraid. More so than he'd been in a long time. 


He'd been a slave, the last time he'd felt real fear. Etam was never branded, but that didn't change what he had been. Stolen from home and family, paid less than a Herdazian chouta vendor, and conscripted to fight and die in a war with no purpose; there were probably true slaves that had it better.


It had been his first plateau assault. He'd found himself to have a knack for the spear, but that was little comfort when facing the ranks of Parshendi archers.


As it turned out, his fears were well founded. Etam was struck by an arrow in the first moments of the attack, and half-trampled by his fellows as he collapsed. 


Lying there on his back, deaf from the sound of battle, and delirious from pain, he made a realization. The sky was beautiful. Even here, in the midst of death and war, even when Etam had been robbed of everything he held dear, and didn't know from one moment to the next whether he'd live or die, the sky was still beautiful.


He had stopped being afraid, then. Etam still did his best to protect his own, of course, but he knew that there were some things that could not be taken from him, and that gave him strength.


Holding tight to that memory, he refused to flinch as sections of rock shattered around him. The plateau's edge was coming closer, and the stone projectiles kept coming, although, he noticed, never closer than a foot or two behind him. They want me to jump, do they? I'd be happy to oblige.


Putting on a burst of speed, he planted he spear against the ground and leapt, hanging in the air over the chasm.


It was a jump he'd managed to achieve many times before. Just as he was about to land on the other side, a stone clipped his ankle, breaking bone. Unable to stand, he fell backwards, into the chasm.



He'd landed on his back, and a narrow strip of stars was visible up above. That was a comfort, at least. Etam's body was numb. His arms wouldn't obey him, and his legs, twisted and torn by the fall, felt no pain.


Footsteps sounded in the chasm behind him. "I am sorry for this."


Whoever had spoken stepped over Etam, blocking his view of the sky. Etam groaned ineffectually, trying to articulate one last request. 


The shardbearer paid him no heed, raising the Blade, and plunging it down in one smooth motion.



Someone else was hidden in the chasms, watching as Etam had his last two true possessions taken from him.


Storms. Can I still save him?


The murder was joined by a small group. They seemed to be arguing intently about something. Come on. Get a move on. I don't know how long I have.


A decision had apparently been made. Most of the group began to move off, while one stayed behind. After a moment, they reached down and touched Etam's corpse, which began to glow with a soft white light. When they removed their hand, the body shot away, off into the night.


...I guess not.


Waiting for the last of the murderers to disappear into the chasms, the watcher faded back into the night.



Etam (Metacognition) has died! He was a Refugee!


Day Two has begun! You have 48 hours to decide on a lynch, unless an extension is called.

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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Storms guys, I died. That doesn't mean that you have to wait till my body is cold! :P 

You have the information from the night, at least unless you think Aonar is hiding something within the write up (which, in that case, I wouldn't count on it and I don't even know what he's put in it. This is Aonar we're talking about here! :P ). 


I don't regret my death. I go on to a better place... hopefully. But you might look into getting yourselves another scout now! :P


Errr, I mean- Boooooooo! 

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Bortholemew the Blind offered Smeagol a beardnut. "Very tasty, and very scrumptious," he said to the small, odd creature. "I don't think we'll find many fish around here, but we'll see if we can't get you some once we reach Urithiru."`


Another great reference there Aonar :)


I'm going to be out for a lot of today and tomorrow, so I may not be able to post much. I'll be back when I get the chance though.

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So I guess the discussion needs to start somewhere... Macen, can you elaborate on this discussion of role distribution? Specifically, why those powers and why those numbers?


Jain: This post reminds me of your LG12 defensiveness. Comments?


That's all I've got for now.


Edit: blue

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So I guess the discussion needs to start somewhere... Macen, can you elaborate on this discussion of role distribution? Specifically, why those powers and why those numbers?

No specific reason. Other than gut feeling and experience from previous games for the numbers.

As far as skills, I just think those are the 4 powers I am very confident are in the game. I think some of the other roles could have possibly been left out.

*EDIT2* I changed the wording from certain to very confident because I realized how that could be misinterpreted. :/

Let me know if you have any other questions! :)

P.S. I'm out of town for the weekend, so I'm only on my phone. :(

*EDIT* fixed color.

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I have a plan. Well, about 12% of a plan.


More an idea really.


Why don't all of the refugees come forward and identify themselves? We can then have them scanned and our Radiants will know who can safely be made Squires.


I'll admit, that's about as far as I thought this plan through, so I know fine well I'm not looking at the flaws. I figured I'd get my idea out early in the cycle, so everyone can pull it apart and either discard it, or turn it into something workable. I'll be thinking about it too, and will add anything else I come up with later.


Of course, the obvious downside is that if the Refugees do come forward, it's pretty simple to then work out who is Radiant, and who isn't. Perhaps we can come up with a way around this, PMs or some such, but this is why I opened it up for everyone to discuss.


On another note, if you are someone who can scan people, I'd like to request that you scan me and confirm me as friendly. It may not mean much now, but later, once your role is public, you can immediately say who you have and haven't cleared.

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"Oh yes precious! Beardnuts are tasty! GIVE THEM TO US!!!... umm, please?"

Well, i guess the problem is guaranteeing the safety of the scanners while still getting their information out there. And verifying the scanners themselves are, in fact, refugees.

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I'm missing Hael's quicklinks already.  :(


I think the primary problem with your idea is there's no foolproof way for the non-scanning Radiant's to know who of those who come forward are clean and who's not. It'd be too easy for some diagramist truthwatcher/lightweaver to PM a village radiant and manipulate them into squire-ing a fellow diagramist.


edit: spelling/punctuation

Edited by Emerald101
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I have a plan. Well, about 12% of a plan.


More an idea really.


Why don't all of the refugees come forward and identify themselves? We can then have them scanned and our Radiants will know who can safely be made Squires.


I'll admit, that's about as far as I thought this plan through, so I know fine well I'm not looking at the flaws. I figured I'd get my idea out early in the cycle, so everyone can pull it apart and either discard it, or turn it into something workable. I'll be thinking about it too, and will add anything else I come up with later.


Of course, the obvious downside is that if the Refugees do come forward, it's pretty simple to then work out who is Radiant, and who isn't. Perhaps we can come up with a way around this, PMs or some such, but this is why I opened it up for everyone to discuss.


On another note, if you are someone who can scan people, I'd like to request that you scan me and confirm me as friendly. It may not mean much now, but later, once your role is public, you can immediately say who you have and haven't cleared.

yes there is a lot of flaws there as emerald101 said what are the other 88%? but you have my word i am not a murderer!

(dont belive me - thats fine)

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There's another HUGE flaw with that plan. If all of the refugees came forward it would tell the eliminators EXACTLY who all of the radiants are, allowing them to pick off all of our most valuable players.

Not to mention that I'm guessing we have one, maybe two (if we're lucky) radiants with transformation. That's only 4 scans every 3 cycles, at best. Maybe if we get REALLY lucky and get two squires with transformation as well, then we could get get in 2 scans per cycle. At that rate it would still take us about 8-10 cycles to clear all the refugees, by which point the eliminators would probably have killed all our radiants anyway.

And that's the best case scenario. More likely we're only going to be able to average 1 scan per cycle.

Edit: got my powers mixed up. That's what I get for not checking the list that I made.

Edited by Herowannabe
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There's another HUGE flaw with that plan. If all of the refugees came forward it would tell the eliminators EXACTLY who all of the radiants are, allowing them to pick off all of our most valuable players.

Not to mention that I'm guessing we have one, maybe two (if we're lucky) radiants with transformation. That's only 4 scans every 3 cycles, at best. Maybe if we get REALLY lucky and get two squires with transformation as well, then we could get get in 2 scans per cycle. At that rate it would still take us about 8-10 cycles to clear all the refugees, by which point the eliminators would probably have killed all our radiants anyway.

And that's the best case scenario. More likely we're only going to be able to average 1 scan per cycle.

Edit: got my powers mixed up. That's what I get for not checking the list that I made.


Minor nitpick: Not to detract at all from what you've said here, but Bort did point that out. (granted in less extreme terms, but still.)

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