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What is the sound of one hand clapping?

It sounds a lot like the sound of two hands clapping, except with a bit more regret and pain in the tone, since the single hand knows that it should have a parter, but is instead eternally alone, forced to watch in envy at all the other hands clapping in pairs.

Single hands lead sad lives.

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What happened to all the other Joes?

In the Beginning, there was Me. I was alone in the nothingness that was before the Universe. Eventually I created this world to entertain myself. I created humans to worship me. But eventually, they forgot me. they started worshiping others, such as the King of all Kobolds, and the Sparkleless Twilight. So I decided to fracture Myself into multiple Joes. I sent all these Joes, these pieces of myself across the world sop that all would remember the name of Joe.


So when I say I am the Only Joe, it really means I am all the Joes. They are all shadows of Me.


Favorite sandwich?


Toasted white bread

Layer of Homeade Strawberry Jam.

Triple layer of Medium Cheddar Cheese

Layer of Harvest Cheddar Potato Chips

Two slices of Fred Meyer Turkey

Blood of a thousand Orphan Pandas

Another slice of White Bread, this one untoasted.

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In the Beginning, there was Me. I was alone in the nothingness that was before the Universe. Eventually I created this world to entertain myself. I created humans to worship me. But eventually, they forgot me. they started worshiping others, such as the King of all Kobolds, and the Sparkleless Twilight. So I decided to fracture Myself into multiple Joes. I sent all these Joes, these pieces of myself across the world sop that all would remember the name of Joe.


So when I say I am the Only Joe, it really means I am all the Joes. They are all shadows of Me.






How do you like your waffles? 

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Do you like olives?

Olives and i once shared a magnificent friendship. We did everything together. Watched TV, played Mario Kart, built LEGO Creations, everything a pair of friends could do, we did. But one fateful day, a man, filled with jealousy at our funtastic Friendship, slipped Olives into my sandwich, and I realized how delicious they were. Our friendship started to break off at that point, since i started eating him on Pizza and on sandwiches. So while I once liked Olives, I no longer do, preferring to eat them instead. (Hope that answers your question)I'm surprised no one has asked me for anything yet. Have you guys not read the title of this thread?

What is the most effective way to troll someone?

See Above. 

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Can I have... a hug?

Man, there aren't as many pictures of Kobolds being hugged as I thought there would be. This was the best one I could find:


Why do you think about the impending doom at the hands of the illuminati?

Pfff. You really think they'll manage it before the  The Freemasons, Scientology, FEMA, the New World Order, the Federal Reserve, Citigroup, Halliburton, Google, the Vatican, Bilderburg, Walmart, the Rothschilds, the Knights Templar, HAARP, the UN, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, the Koch Brothers, George Soros, the Trilateral Commision, the Knights of Malta, the CFR, Exxon Mobil, the Zionists, the Vril Society, or the Lizard People?

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