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Alethi Bookmarks

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I'm Not Sure About All The Rules, But This Sounds Like An Excellent Project For KickStarter. You Could Have The Monetary Backing Promised Before Production And Could Probably Reach A Larger Audience And Offer More Professional Looking Bookmarks.

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Sweet!  I will pm you soon with details.





I have to say, I'm willing to do the quotes, but they might be a bit hard to all fit in the space.  However, if I can fit it, I'm totally willing to.   :D

Sounds good. If space becomes an issue, having just the first ideal itself would be just as good, i.e. "Life before death. Strength before weakness." on one side, with "Journey before destination." on the opposite side.

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That would absolutely be doable. :D. I am hoping to get the order form finished soon, and then I'll be pming/posting instrucations.

Edit: Okay, so I just need to finish the order form and then I'll be posting instructions! Thanks to everyone for your interest and helping get this started!

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Just some quick questions:


Is shipping $5.95 per bookmark or per order?


If we are planning to order more than one, would it be okay to just use the Phrase section for added details, or would you prefer that we submit a separate order for each bookmark?

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I think that we could fit multiple bookmarks into an envelope, so it would depend on how many you were wanting to order as for how much shipping you'd need to pay.  PM me and I'll work out details with you.


If you're planning on ordering multiple bookmarks, but the coloring is going to stay the same (three that are red ink with gray background) then one form is fine.  If you'll be changing background color, please submit a request for each (both for tracking purposes and for ordering.  :D)  Thank you!

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Thank you.  Going to order mine this week.  Not sure what to put on it yet...


And sorry for being an idiot, but even after looking at the form, I am not sure how much each bookmark costs.  I only see the price for shipping.


Thanks :)

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I like this idea a lot. Are you planning on taking any pictures of them as you complete them, before sending them off? It could be a good way to show people the true finished product. Especially for the bookmarks that are likely going to be the most requested...."Life before death, Strength before weakness, Journey before destination", etc....


I'll have to figure out what I want. But that First Ideal sounds good....Also, I would totally chip in on a Kickstarter. This from the girl who NEVER chips in on Kickstarters. Partially cuz I don't really have a whole lot of money, and mostly cuz as much as I like the people doing them, I wouldn't really use what's being funded. And I'm a somewhat anal about my money in that regard. If I'm not gonna use it, I'm not gonna buy it. Bookmarks, however, I will use. Especially one as cool as this. Totally beats my scrap of scratch paper that is my current bookmark. 

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Though I lack the extra funds for this right now, I do like the idea. A suggestion, what about putting the english translation in small subtext below the main text? It would be nice and much more accessible, especially if one forgets what that bookmark says that they've had for several months or years.

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