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If you want, Phoenix can go either way here - join Converter or start a rebellion. He could even work for Insight. Your call, Comatose. You think Insight would have minions, especially High Epics?


Insight would not have minions per-se.  But he does want Corvallis brought down.  My thought is that he would notice Phoenix's attempt to help Converter, and then free Converter tomorrow, and bring them together.  Then, he'd let them do their own thing, trusting they would wreak the havoc he wants.  


I like the idea of a dream team of Iconoclast, Converter and Phoenix. The Triple Threat of Terror :P


I like the team idea two, or even with Coverter and Phoenix working separately.  At the very least it will give those characters more people to RP with.  


I was just re-reading Firefight and I was curious, what is the power situation in our cities?


Portland: the grid was destroyed by two electricity Epics a bit ago, wasn't it? so no power whatsoever, yeah?


The Dalles: any power? Arsenal could probably whip up a generator, so probably the military buildings do at least, yeah?


Corvallis: I doubt Cornucopia could grow any generators. Does Corvallis have any power? And if so, where from?


Astoria: No clue. 

Cornucopia could make pretty much unlimited fuel and raw materials so all they'd need is a few engineers to make some gas generators and they'd be fine on power. Or they could use solar or wind farms since they have a weather manipulator.

Portland only has sporadic energy, mostly focused in thoughttown, the other two I'm not sure on.

I would think Corvallis has excess power. Considering the draw of Corvallis is a safe haven, almost a paradise, not giving the citizens power seems...weird? Particularly when you consider the ease of acquiring generators (dig hole, throw in generator, have Cornucopia do her thang), not to mention Rainmaker's capability to abuse wind energy and solar energy. Then there's the Williamette, which can be used by mills to make electricity, and considering the length of the river engulfed by the bubble, there's plenty of opportunity to fit more mills. By combining all of these options, providing power to the city, even if only at night, should be doable.


As for other locations, the Williamette would at least be able to provide power to locations near the river. I'm not familiar with their situations otherwise.


People have already commented on length about this, but Corvallis does have power, with no shortages.  Right now (according to Wikipedia) 21% of Corvallis's power is green.  With Cornucopia and Rainmaker's abilities, I see no reason why they couldn't bump that up to 100%, with a combination of wind and sun manipulation, and planting full power cells to create more and power generators if the power fails for any reason.  


that is true. So would there be any specific places of power infrastructure Iconoclast (or the dream-team Converterclastix) could target to kill power, if only temporarily? Doesn't sound like it, unfortunately :P Would all the generators just be housed in one building/area and connected to the grid? Or spread out?


There's an existing powerplant here, right near the river.  Rainmaker would have other smaller power generating areas (Specifically for wind) elsewhere in the fields around the city, but for convenience let's say this is the main hub for conventional (no reason Cornucopia can't plant fossil fuels, unless she has a moral objection) and solar power.


How do we want to do the Converter freeing? Which Epics do we want rescuing her? Phoenix and Iconoclast can both go for it, and Insight could free her very easily. We can work in that Insight is trying to take down Corvallis, and has given Phoenix and Iconoclast some nudges to destroy it - behind-the-scenes nudges like notes or messages. Insight could easily free Converter just by moving the restraints/Converter into his Cognitive space. Phoenix can supercharge Converter out of the prison as long as IcyHot wasn't there, and possibly if he is (Converter changing heat to electricity or kinetic energy). Iconoclast could sneak in and kill the guards with his hand turning to bone or something similar. 


Also, I want to get a Jumpdrive post in (could also use this to work Inhuman in as a field agent sent to check out something). Jumpdrive is probably monitoring the situation from a hidden base (filled with computer screens) via remote cameras on the guards or remote control helicopters, and will be analyzing the situation. After Converter escapes, which he will be watching, I think he will try and find Insight, Phoenix, Iconoclast and Converter (whichever participate in the freeing) and will get some new cameras in infrared or ultraviolet, energy emissions sensors, etc. 



Insight is the Epic Comatose created who kidnapped Euphoria (see his Epics of Oregon post). Phoenix was already going to help Converter, though mainly because Converter seemed to have the most destructive potential to the city. Iconoclast has not aided either before; I was merely suggesting that Insight could be manipulating Iconoclast and Phoenix into destroying Corvallis from behind-the-scenes (if Comatose is fine with that). 


You could have IcyHot and Resistor be nearby but not there, or chase down a diversion (Iconoclast's ghouls or Phoenix would work well here). Mannequin controlling guards (possibly from a distance to avoid messy deaths) would be a good idea, and knowing Gleeman IRL, I'm sure he would be fine with that, though we should still ask him. 


Where is Converter going to be held? I don't remember if there was a location or base discussed for imprisonment. I'll check the first few posts of Corvallis though.


Rainmakers HQ is the University of Oregon State's campus. It's the center of the city, as well as the location Bubbles puts up the bubble from. I'm not sure where Rainmaker will want Converter kept. If it's up to Buttercup it won't be there, due to the locations mild importance.


As for Converter, my intention was not to move her, and to leave her out in the field.  With her ability to redirect momentum and pretty much fry or freeze anyone who gets close to her, Rainmaker would be very worried about moving her until they can find a way to subdue or overcome her powers.  My thought was that the chains they are using could be anchored to the ground, and Rainmaker's people could construct a shade shelter to keep the sun out.  Once that's done, Rainmaker would shroud Converter's area in clouds to block even more sunlight out, lower the temperature as low as possible (as she is already doing), and then would place winds blowing outward in a perimeter all around the prison, preventing anyone from getting close.  


She'd also place guards to watch that perimeter of course.  IcyHot and Resistor would be natural choices, but I'm sure she'd trust Buttercup to make that staffing decision.  


As for the rescue, I'm thinking Insight tracks down Phoenix, leads him back to the field, and then phases Converter out of her chains, setting them free, and then watches what they do from there.  My hope is that Phoenix and Converter can keep a low profile for a bit, and avoid attacking Rainmaker directly for a while, choosing instead to make attacks and destroy bits and pieces of the city and then vanish.


Perhaps, once Converter is freed, and if she links up with both Phoenix and Iconoclast, they could stock up on supplies and ghouls and then eventually attack the power plant, where Converter could maximize her power.  Then, they could hole up there in a base, forcing Rainmaker to lay siege.   


Just some ideas.


I think I got to all the questions.  I haven't read the Dalles thread yet, but I'm assuming Brandon is just hanging out trying not to be noticed as per usual.  

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Once the day is wrapping up in the Dalles I'd like to write a Quicksilver post, giving his perspective briefly on the events of the day and the considerable gamechangers. He's learned at least one weakness, and gained alot of detail, plus we need to wrap up with Busdriver Reflections and their new recruit.


In the meantime I'll try to get a Prankster post up, but no promises since I've got a training seminar today.

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I haven't really commented on the Vapour Snake Plotline yet, because I've been so focused on Corvallis stuff, but let me just say I am really looking forward to this :).  

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Once the day is wrapping up in the Dalles I'd like to write a Quicksilver post, giving his perspective briefly on the events of the day and the considerable gamechangers. He's learned at least one weakness, and gained alot of detail, plus we need to wrap up with Busdriver Reflections and their new recruit.


Sounds good. Which weakness did he learn today?



Autumn reaction posted. Suggestion made. :ph34r:


Excellent. :ph34r:

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I haven't really commented on the Vapour Snake Plotline yet, because I've been so focused on Corvallis stuff, but let me just say I am really looking forward to this :).  

It's definetly going to be better than spending time with Deathwish. :P (Thanks. :) )


Excellent. :ph34r:

I'd say it excells excellency. :ph34r:

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It's definetly going to be better than spending time with Deathwish.  :P (Thanks.  :) )


Let's see. An honorable man who requested solitary confinement to avoid hurting others, or...



"Hey Autumn. Is it hot in here, or is it just me? 0ca2fc0b5dfbb3a19971a203d5a055cd.png"



It seems to me Autumn's choice is very clear. :P

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Now I almost want a scene where Deathwish asks "What does he have that I don't?" so Autumn can say "Class!" :P



Autumn Glass, Autumn Glass

All she wants from a man is a little class

But on each and every date, alas

She finds all her lovers are just plain crass.

Autumn Glass, Autumn Glass.

Edited by Kobold King
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Reader is a slontze.  -_-



Reader the slontze, Reader the slontze,

He spends all his days spouting insults and taunts

His star-granted power he constantly flaunts,

Making punching his snout all that Autumn wants.

Reader the slontze, Reader the slontze.

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Wow, Reader sucks so much that at this point, the most shocking thing he could do would be holding the door open for someone. <_<


And the only reason he'd do that was so that he could make fun of a disabled person who couldn't do it themselves.  :unsure:

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Wow, Reader sucks so much that at this point, the most shocking thing he could do would be holding the door open for someone. <_<



"Wait," Autumn said skeptically. "You're... you're holding a door open for me?"


"Of course," Reader smiled. "Isn't that what gentlemen are supposed to do?"


"You're no gentleman," Autumn retorted cautiously.


Reader managed to look offended, blinking his eyes as if holding back some powerful emotion. "Really, Autumn," he protested, his lips quivering. "Doesn't that Bible of yours say to forgive and forget? Doesn't it say that if a sinner repents, you're supposed to greet him with open arms?"


Seeing Autumn's expression unchanged, he bowed his head with his eyes closed. "I... I understand," he said quietly. "I shouldn't have expected such a sudden change of attitude from you. It'll take time for... for people to leave who I used to be behind, as I have." He began to let the door swing close.


Autumn continued staring at him in surprise, but little by little a hopeful smile started eating at her lips. "No, no," she butted in, stopping the door with her foot. "I think it's wonderful that you want to change. Not that--well, the thing is--"


"It's fine," Reader laughed, taking the door in both hands again. "I was a slontze and I know it. But let's let walking through this door symbolize leaving the old me behind."


Sincerely heartened now, Autumn beamed at him at walked through the door.


Only for him to immediately slam it shut and bang her on the nose.



"Ha ha! You should see the look on your face! Remember when your Aunt Lily found out her husband was cheating on her? You look just as betrayed as she did! Ha!"

Edited by Kobold King
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"Wait," Autumn said skeptically. "You're... you're holding a door open for me?"


"Of course," Reader smiled. "Isn't that what gentlemen are supposed to do?"


"You're no gentleman," Autumn retorted cautiously.


Reader managed to look offended, blinking his eyes as if holding back some powerful emotion. "Really, Autumn," he protested, his lips quivering. "Doesn't that Bible of yours say to forgive and forget? Doesn't it say that if a sinner repents, you're supposed to greet him with open arms?"


Seeing Autumn's expression unchanged, he bowed his head with his eyes closed. "I... I understand," he said quietly. "I shouldn't have expected such a sudden change of attitude from you. It'll take time for... for people to leave who I used to be behind, as I have." He began to let the door swing close.


Autumn continued staring at him in surprise, but little by little a hopeful smile started eating at her lips. "No, no," she butted in, stopping the door with her foot. "I think it's wonderful that you want to change. Not that--well, the thing is--"


"It's fine," Reader laughed, taking the door in both hands again. "I was a slontze and I know it. But let's let walking through this door symbolize leaving the old me behind."


Sincerely heartened now, Autumn beamed at him at walked through the door.


Only for him to immediately slam it shut and bang her on the nose.



"Ha ha! You should see the look on your face! Remember when your Aunt Lily found out her husband was cheating on her? You look just as betrayed as she did! Ha!"


Is it bad that I totally see Reader doing this?  :mellow:


(That was fantastic, by the way. It made me literally "lol"  :P)

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"Wait," Autumn said skeptically. "You're... you're holding a door open for me?"

"Of course," Reader smiled. "Isn't that what gentlemen are supposed to do?"

"You're no gentleman," Autumn retorted cautiously.

Reader managed to look offended, blinking his eyes as if holding back some powerful emotion. "Really, Autumn," he protested, his lips quivering. "Doesn't that Bible of yours say to forgive and forget? Doesn't it say that if a sinner repents, you're supposed to greet him with open arms?"

Seeing Autumn's expression unchanged, he bowed his head with his eyes closed. "I... I understand," he said quietly. "I shouldn't have expected such a sudden change of attitude from you. It'll take time for... for people to leave who I used to be behind, as I have." He began to let the door swing close.

Autumn continued staring at him in surprise, but little by little a hopeful smile started eating at her lips. "No, no," she butted in, stopping the door with her foot. "I think it's wonderful that you want to change. Not that--well, the thing is--"

"It's fine," Reader laughed, taking the door in both hands again. "I was a slontze and I know it. But let's let walking through this door symbolize leaving the old me behind."

Sincerely heartened now, Autumn beamed at him at walked through the door.

Only for him to immediately slam it shut and bang her on the nose.

"Ha ha! You should see the look on your face! Remember when your Aunt Lily found out her husband was cheating on her? You look just as betrayed as she did! Ha!"

Yep. That's about how it would go. Except Autumn would remain suspicious all the way through the door.

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It is past time that Oregon had a gentleman Epic. With a bespoke suit and a cane. And a stopwatch, set every day by his most trusted and important Epic lieutenant: Metronome.  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:


But, doesn't Frequency have a suit and cane?

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