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The evil genie game... With a Sanderson twist


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Some of you have played this popular forum game called "the evil genie" this is a game where one player makes a wish to "the evil genie" and the next person to post makes something go horribly wrong with the wish, then makes a wish themselves, and so on. A few rules before I start

1. NO posting "thwart the genie" wishes, you guys can be more creative than that guys, come on.

2. The wishes must stay in the bounds of the cosmere and Brandon's writing, this is his fansite after all.... That's it! I'll start......

I wish I was a full mistborn.

Edited by Oneyespike
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The secret of Adonalsium is that he was once Alcatraz, and his shattering was him being sacrificed on a pile of encyclopedias. All of the the shardholders used to be evil librarians and the Shards are pieces of the ultimate lens.

I wish I could have my own Honorspren bonded to me

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Unable to kill any plants or animals to eat, humans end up feeling like they're starving for the rest of their eternal lives, and like Elantrians, eventually all lose their minds.

Remember that, at the moment, we're trying to keep it obviously related to Brandon's work here.


I wish Hoid would get a POV.

You know we see one, albeit briefly, in the TWoK epilogue, right? He'll have more in other Stormlight books and the third Mistborn trilogy, if I remember right.

I wish that I had a bead of lerasium.

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You know we see one, albeit briefly, in the TWoK epilogue, right? He'll have more in other Stormlight books and the third Mistborn trilogy, if I remember right.

Forgot about that one. Still, I can be greedy can't I?

You receive a bead of lerasium... alloyed with aluminium.

I wish for a Misthorse.

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I wish for Kaladin-Amaram duel.

Kaladin wins! But, Syl got sliced in half during the fight, dying horribly to Amaram's final attack as Kaladin watched, helpless to save her. Kaladin lives the rest of his life in an abyss of despair, horrified at how his selfishness killed his greatest friend, and ultimately dies sad and alone. :(

I wish I had an hour alone with Brandon's super-secret wiki of facts.

Edited by Kurkistan
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I wish I had an hour alone with Brandon's super-secret wiki of facts.

An hour? I give you a lifetime! Forever locked in the abyss beyond reality,with only that wiki, incomplete, without any new books or internet to share your findings, until you die...

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Having failed to answer the genies request for a wish, he comes up with one on his own for you:

You are forever bound to the highstorms as Kaladin was temporarily. You have no control of your movements and are forever bound to be a far away observer of Roshar but never to get close enough to understand what is going on. You black out once the storm dissipates, and do not regain consciousness until the next storm makes landfall on the eastern shore. Oh and you are now immortal and perpetually cold :D .

I wish for a carved set of of soulstamps similar to Shai's, but modernized and geographically bound to my homestate of Oregon.

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Your soulstamps are so similar that the only thing they do is transforming you into Shai(village version) for about half a second, and leaving you with lingering split personality.

I wish Hemalurgy was taught in elementary school on Scadrial.

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I wish I had the Tenth Heightening.

Upon reaching the Tenth Heightening, you are gifted with the knowledge that all of your reality is a lie. You and everyone you care about exist only as a breath of a higher being. You live the rest of your life depressed, unable to tell those around you that their reality is a lie.

I wish I was a gold twinborn.

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I wish Mistborn: Birthright would come out sooner.

While they could have made a great game if they'd taken their time, an inexplicable sense of urgency has overtaken the dev team, and they release it immediately. Predictably enough (see: every movie tie-in ever), the unfinished game is terrible, putting the Mistborn name into the mud for the rest of time and souring Brandon to the prospect of any video game adaptations of anything else, ever.

I wish Ven and Elend had survived.

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