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BrandonVerse meetings

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So, I saw on a couple of post that people feel like these forums are a lot more theory based, and not as much lighthearted, or casual. I personally agree with you, and don't like that fact. So, I thought I'd start something a bit more fun.

What do you think would happen if any of Brandon's (non-wot) characters were to meet up.

Personally, my favorite idea is Vasher and Al... I could just see Vasher getting extremely frustrated over the fact that everything the boy touches seems to break and eventually in exasperation going "just... Stand there. Don't move. Don't. Touch. Anything."

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I think we tend to gravitate towards theoretical discussions because that is what the books lend themselves to. There are so many mysteries, and so many possible combinations of magic systems that it becomes the funnest thing around :).

As to fun meetings, I would want to see what would happen to Alethkar if Kaladin and Kelsier got together. I have a feeling Kelsier's abilities and hatred of the upper class could fuse with Kaladin's to make something fearsome.

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I think we tend to gravitate towards theoretical discussions because that is what the books lend themselves to. There are so many mysteries, and so many possible combinations of magic systems that it becomes the funnest thing around :)/>.

As to fun meetings, I would want to see what would happen to Alethkar if Kaladin and Kelsier got together. I have a feeling Kelsier's abilities and hatred of the upper class could fuse with Kaladin's to make something fearsome.

Ohohohooo... that's a really good one. Though Kelsier's hate stemmed from personal stuff mostly. Still would be cool.

I tend to prefer the theoretical discussions as well, way more fun. There wouldn't be fan forums without that.

I would have to vote for Vin and anyone else in the cosmere. Vi from elantris would be a total bully combo, could be interesting to see them take on a government.

I actually think Vin and Jasnah would be pretty funny, scholar and rebel. Actually, I'll probably add a little more after thinking about this. A little late and tipsy right now.

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What? Threads that...don't revolve around theories. That, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that...

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What? Threads that...don't revolve around theories. That, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that...

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No! I don't use ctrl+alt+del! :P

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Do calm down, Kurkistan, that is what we keep a lynching squad around -to deal with cases like such.

Also, look - this thread is already morphing into whatif theory discussion!

On the topic, I would like to see many pairings, but for now a simple one: I would like to see Sylphrena bickering with Shallan's Truthspren. That is bound to be fun :)

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Hmm... I would also enjoy a good philosophical debate between Marsch Inquisitor and Nightblood. They sure have a lot in common. And Nightblood has always struck me as wise err... sword and a good conversation.

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Hrathen: "You must submit to the will of Lord Jaddeth!"

Marsh: "You wear alot of metal. You look blue."

Hrathen: "It is actually red. If you had eyes you would see the truth of Jaddeth's world. You would hear his voice in..."

Marsh: "No thanks. I have enough voices in my head as it is. Are those tattoos? They pulse oddly"

Hrathen: "They are powers given to me by Lord Jaddeth!"

Marsh: "I wonder what metal the spike would need to be..."

Lan: "Is this the room for the "Emotionless Glare" meeting?"

OOC: look no theories!... except for what metal would be needed to steal those tattoos...

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