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I'm Baaaack!!!

little wilson

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Hello again, most of you....and simply hello to those who I don't know.

I am Kendra. I am from TWG. I just found this site, and I feel very unobservant for my lack of knowledge of its existence. This is what I get for taking 18 credits this semester at school. Well, that and a lot of stress, but I don't talk about that....much. I am 23, and I'm a senior in college...obviously, because if I was a senior in high school that would just be sad....

Anyway. Question. What exactly happened to TWG (assuming anyone really knows)? And when? Because up until about a month ago, I didn't know anything was up, and then I went to rejoin the discussions and...well. You all know what I found. :P  I was more than minorly disappointed.

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Welcome! Good to see more familiar faces drifting in ^^

As for TWG... I have no idea. I went there one day, and it wasn't working. It wasn't working a week later either. I haven't followed up on what might have happened though. I'm sure someone knows, but it ain't me.

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some kind of database error. That's as far as my knowledge goes. I only know this because of my super lurk-fu. Before it was put into "maintenance mode" like it's in now, it was saying "database error: Please contact your database administrator". Then someone noticed something was up, and switched it to that.

It actually went down with this error for a few hours, then came back up, then went down a while later, then was flipped to maintenance mode.

Anyways, welcome, yo :P

Edit: i suppose i could try to find anything else i can about it. Eero-recon time!

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Hi kendra! Good to see you again!

And yes, TWG died. It was greatly saddening.

Anyway, glad to have you around, and I hope you'll stay with us for a bit!

EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention it, but the title of this thread kinda was a deja vu moment for me. I'm relatively sure that this is almost exactly the same thread title Miyabi used after returning from his extended absence from TWG.

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EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention it, but the title of this thread kinda was a deja vu moment for me. I'm relatively sure that this is almost exactly the same thread title Miyabi used after returning from his extended absence from TWG.

Really? The similarity was unintentional, I assure you. While my memory may be good, it's not that good, especially since I can't use TWG as a reference... Personally, it reminded me of Independence Day. Actually, not just reminded. I couldn't think of a title, and then that scene suddenly popped into my head, and I rolled with it. :P

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