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I would like to announce that today I identified myself as a member of The 17th Shard.

Bookstore guy: Yeah, there's this group of Uberfans called the 17th Shard, or something.

Me: I'm a member of the 17th Shard.

BG: ... I hope you don't mind my calling you an uberfan.

Me: No, that's a pretty accurate description.

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That's awesome. I need to call both BYU and Sam Weller's to get some. I hope the bookstore guy mentions 17th Shard to me ;)

I would like to announce that I am now an uncle to an awesome niece!

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I mentioned this to my mom and my brother. I told them it had to do with neutrinos. My brother's comment? "That sounds gay."

Really? What might eventually lead to time travel and faster than light spaceships? And all you have to say is "gay"?

(he was probably kidding, but it's kinda hard to tell with that kid)

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Oh. That's all? But I have a perfectly logical explanation! The nutrinos just went through a cerrobend bubble at some point! wink.gif

Haha clever :) though wouldn't the cerrobend also affect the light as well? I know a lot of people on these forums are really into maths/physics, anyone care to speculate on what this experiment could mean for physics if it turns out the results are accurate? I've heard it said that this makes time travel theoretically possible, is there any truth to that?

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My quantum teacher and I had a discussion on it. The answer? Maybe. Here's the thing though: neutrinos only interact with the weak interaction. As in, not electromagnetic interaction, which is what most everything interacts through.

For the most part, special relativity will still work, there will probably be some correction factors, however, for certain weird cases. I'll talk to my particle physics professor. Right now we should be in "wait and see" mode to see if this can be replicated multiple times.

Theorists will have a field day, though, if it pans out. ;)

Also, ahem Zas, bendalloy? Yeah.

EDIT: Speaking of the neutrinos, I should do this: http://xkcd.com/955/

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