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Alloy of Law era Mistborn rp [Planning+Characters]


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I'll do an introduction too then, but I'll keep it as brief as possible :3


My character is Kherstor Suteruduen, a twinborn sapper (Leecher & Sparker). He's a famous freelance bounty hunter who specializes in taking down rogue users of the metallic arts. Using his Mentalmind, Kherstor has near perfect aim, and is capable of incredibly quick decision making- making him deadly in combat. Thats all I'll say for now :B
Say, Eowyn- since your character specifically specializes in tracking rather than combat, and mine is combat based- maybe we could team up? It wouldn't be unrealistic to consider a lawman and a bounty hunter working together to bring down a mutually targeted criminal... :V
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That sounds fine, on the setting. I'm unfamiliar with the towns in AoL so in all honesty, any place without canon info sounds good.

Both look good. I'm working on my three, give me a minute to post their little synopsis as well.

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Resool | Connector

Resool is one of the older members of the team, in his early fifties. He doesn't enjoy fighting so he doesn't go on many of the capturing missions, however, he is an incredible interrogator and spy due to his feruchemical abilities. He is deft at working with trust, easy to persuade others and form a "friendship" with them in order to get what he wants.

Alahya | Slider

Alahya is a fireball, short in more ways than just physically. She is about twenty, with a rather short temper to those she doesn't like. She's a skilled fighter, not really thinking before jumping into a brawl. She keeps a few friends but tends to be distant and doesn't like small talk.

Hale | Sparker

Hale isn't part of the team, in fact, he's a train engineer who occasionally stops by for a visit. He is calm and collected, not easy to anger and very thoughtful. His brother is Lenz, who may or may not come into the rp -time to go bug my friend-

That's about it. I might have a non-Allomancer/Feruchemist once this gets going. For. Variety.

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Bring in whoever. I don't think we have a most needed now. Something with pewter or steel maybe. Just try to go with something we don't have if you want your character to be a part of the team. Or anything. We can work with anything.

I do think we need to not have so many Twinborn, as those are rare.

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Say, Eowyn- since your character specifically specializes in tracking rather than combat, and mine is combat based- maybe we could team up? It wouldn't be unrealistic to consider a lawman and a bounty hunter working together to bring down a mutually targeted criminal... :V



sounds good! c: Finner would be likely to team up with someone like Kherstor. but, he can be a bit... ah... how to say.. contrary? So it kinda depends on whether you think Kherstor could put up with him heh



Bring in whoever. I don't think we have a most needed now. Something with pewter or steel maybe. Just try to go with something we don't have if you want your character to be a part of the team. Or anything. We can work with anything.

I do think we need to not have so many Twinborn, as those are rare.


do you think two twinborns are too much? If so, I guess Finner could just be a tineye. Your roleplay your call :) His ability to store wakefulness does kind of play into his seeming drunkenness and quick recovery, but it's not a huge game changer to take that away from him. He's capable of getting by without being a Sentry

Edited by Lady Eowyn
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Yep, nice, welcome aboard!

In any case, our town is going to need some sort of trading station/railroad running through it to have Hale and Lenz occasionally come in. Not sure if the one you've suggested has that, Eowyn. I'll have to go look at a map.

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Souter Somnus is a bandit-turned-storekeeper who keeps his past hidden from his wife and two children. However, he knew one (or more) of the other characters from when they were in the same band, and his blood burns for the exhilaration of the bandit life. He still loves his wife and children, but the duality of his life will be strained until one day, it breaks, and he must make a choice. 


Souter is a Bronze Compounder (Unless that is deemed too overpowered, in which case I'll make him just a Sentry). He is the sharpshooter of the group, and specializes in taking out Allomancers before they notice him.

Edited by Lord Pifferdoo
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Is Souter a misting/ferring? Or just normal, which is perfectly fine.

I'm still really on the fence about compounders. What do the rest of you think? I didn't want to just say these are allowed but these aren't, I wanted it to be all or nothing.

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How about, since Compounders are incredibly OP- we organize a weakness to compensate?

So for example, in terms of Souter- since his character is based on isolated combat, suppose his "weakness" is that he had a heavy stutter- making it more difficult to work with or against anyone, and therefore counterbalancing the OP compounding? :V

Just an idea...

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That sounds reasonable to me. But there is still the fact that compounders are extremely rare, Miles and TLR being the only two confirmed ones. And we aren't even sure yet what, canonically, a bronze compounder can do- we'd have no way of knowing whether the character was too powerful or not powerful enough.

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What about our first plot? Should it be them meeting, or should they already be together?


Humm... well, it sounds like Kherstor and Finner already know each other. Maybe, like, some of the characters already know others, but they're kind of all brought together hunting a band of criminals that has a base outside/near Callingfale?


Also, can you post a list/basic description of the characters thus far in the original post? I'm having trouble keeping track x]

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Anyway, yes, I can do that. Give me a moment.

Been thinking out the relations of my characters a bit and have decided that Resool and Alahya know each other, and have been together for some fifteen years, since Alahya was like.. five or six. Would be more of a father/daughter relationship. Or a big brother/little sister sort of thing.

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