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Byu Cosmere Club

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Me! and slowswift and lyssie will be there (us and little wilson are the standard group), and anyone else who wishes to come is welcome! I'll also be bringing my sister (a different one this time, though the other might also come).


Also, I can get pizza again, but I'll be a little late (like 7:15).

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Hey guys! So I know that we had talked about having a meeting in mid-to late October, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.


How about we meet up November 4th? That's the first Tuesday in November. Or do people want to meet a different day?


Also, a reminder for those BYU students that early registration starts next week, so if you are interested, you can sign up for Brandon's lecture class (where you'll listen to him talk), or apply to his writing class (which is more of a writing group thing). I'm not sure which class it is, but I'll let you know when I know. 


EDIT- Found it! His lecture class is English 321-002, (1 credit hour), and his writing class is Engl 318-002. Here is more information from BYU- we'll probably hear more from Brandon soon though. 

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