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Time To Delurk. Unlurk? Undelurk. Wait...no.


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Delurk is a word. For sure. At any rate, I have been lurking for a while, and thought it time I said hello.

I've been a fan of Brandon Sandreson's work for some time now. I was introduced to his writing by a cousin (you can never have too many cousins, amirite?) who recommended the Wheel of Time series. I'm a bit ashamed to say I flaked out on Wheel of Time halfway through, but I decided to check out the writer that finished the series, to see if he had the same style as Jordan. I quickly became a fan of everything and anything Sanderson.

Cosmere stories are my special love, particularly the Stormlight Archive. However, I don't get tired of re-reading any of his work. I'm also really enjoying the Alloy of Law series thus far, and can't wait for the rest of this bonus trilogy. The Stormlight Archive is the friend you go to for deep and fascinating conversation. Alloy of Law is the buddy you take drinking. I liked it so much, in fact, I'm currently working on a Ranette cosplay for an upcoming con.

I'm also working on a Silence Montane cosplay. Fortunately, it will be a con that the Sanderson himself will be attending, so there may be enough fans there to actually recognize the characters I'm doing (which will be quite the novel experience for me.).

When I'm not reading, I can also be found attending fan-run comicons, making cosplay props and jewelry (a new addiction for me), playing video games (mostly puzzle and simulator games, with the odd fps) and drawing. I'm also into swing dancing, live music (folk, jazz, big band, and gypsy rock especially), 3D modeling, and the Oxford comma. I subscribe to fairly common fandoms: Doctor Who, Firefly, and Star Trek (Picard can be my captain any day).

I may also have the tendency to over-inform. So, yeah. Hello, 17th Shard!

Edit: Derp. Realized I managed to delete video games from my interest list. That's what I get for posting from a mobile device.

Edited by mostlywhatnot
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Mmm. Iron spikes. Everything tastes better with Hemalurgy. Or maybe I'm thinking of bacon. I always confuse the two. (Bacon Inquisitors are fairly useless, and tricky to make, but they smell amazing.)

Either way, thanks for the welcome! I look forward to actually participating in theorizing, and I'm sure it will involve plenty of rambling on my part.

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Mmm. Iron spikes. Everything tastes better with Hemalurgy. Or maybe I'm thinking of bacon. I always confuse the two. (Bacon Inquisitors are fairly useless, and tricky to make, but they smell amazing.)

Either way, thanks for the welcome! I look forward to actually participating in theorizing, and I'm sure it will involve plenty of rambling on my part.

One type of bacon Inquisitor is useless, but we at the 17th Shards resident Hemalurgic research institute of the Dark Alley have created a gold compounding pig who can heal immediately and so provide us with infinite bacon. We call it: The best thing ever. :)

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Delurk is a word. For sure. At any rate, I have been lurking for a while, and thought it time I said hello.


I've been a fan of Brandon Sandreson's work for some time now. I was introduced to his writing by a cousin (you can never have too many cousins, amirite?) who recommended the Wheel of Time series. I'm a bit ashamed to say I flaked out on Wheel of Time halfway through, but I decided to check out the writer that finished the series, to see if he had the same style as Jordan. I quickly became a fan of everything and anything Sanderson. 


Cosmere stories are my special love, particularly the Stormlight Archive. However, I don't get tired of re-reading any of his work.  I'm also really enjoying the Alloy of Law series thus far, and can't wait for the rest of this bonus trilogy. The Stormlight Archive is the friend you go to for deep and fascinating conversation. Alloy of Law is the buddy you take drinking. I liked it so much, in fact,  I'm currently working on a Ranette cosplay for an upcoming con. 


I'm also working on a Silence Montane cosplay. Fortunately, it will be a con that the Sanderson himself will be attending, so there may be enough fans there to actually recognize the characters I'm doing (which will be quite the novel experience for me.). 


When I'm not reading, I can also be found attending fan-run comicons, making cosplay props and jewelry (a new addiction for me), and drawing.  I'm also into swing dancing, live music (folk, jazz, big band, and gypsy rock especially), 3D modeling, and the Oxford comma.  I subscribe to fairly common fandoms: Doctor Who, Firefly, and Star Trek (Picard can be my captain any day). 



I may also have the tendency to over-inform. So, yeah. Hello, 17th Shard!


I have seen just enough of Star Trek to know that Picard is not "My Captain". By laws of the internet, I challenge you to a duel.

(I may call a truce depending on who your favorite Doctor is. Or your opinion on Pony.)


Anyway, aside from a possibly-impending internet war, welcome! I admit, I haven't ever been to cons, but I know there are at least a few people on this forum who are interested in/have done Sanderson-related cosplays in the past, so hopefully that's something that'll appeal to you.


Who's your favorite character from the Stormlight Archive?

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Doctor Who is awesome, the Oxford comma is awesome, you're awesome. Have a cookie.

Out of curiosity, who's your favorite Doctor?

No, you're awesome.

The more Doctor Who I watch, the harder time I have picking a favorite. They all have their own charm. It fluctuates, but right now I do rather have a soft spot for Matt Smith, and have been surprised at how much I like Capaldi. I liked Eccleston, especially in the rewatching. But Tennant was my first favorite Doctor. I've been watching the old Doctor Who, and I'm partway through the 4th Doctor. I like him, but am looking forward to the 5th doctor. I'm a pretty big fan of Peter Davison. I just really love all of it.

One type of bacon Inquisitor is useless, but we at the 17th Shards resident Hemalurgic research institute of the Dark Alley have created a gold compounding pig who can heal immediately and so provide us with infinite bacon. We call it: The best thing ever. :)

I have no words for how amazing that is. I knew joining this forum was a good idea.

I have seen just enough of Star Trek to know that Picard is not "My Captain". By laws of the internet, I challenge you to a duel.

(I may call a truce depending on who your favorite Doctor is. Or your opinion on Pony.)

Anyway, aside from a possibly-impending internet war, welcome! I admit, I haven't ever been to cons, but I know there are at least a few people on this forum who are interested in/have done Sanderson-related cosplays in the past, so hopefully that's something that'll appeal to you.

Who's your favorite character from the Stormlight Archive?

Not everyone is into Picard, I can handle that. Now, if it's Patrick Stewart you don't like, that is definitely grounds for a duel. ( Is it Star Trek in general you don't care for, or do you have another captain preference? )

As for Ponies, Twilight needs to relax for a minute and Pinkie Pie cracks me up. It's a cute show, but I also enjoy a lot of animated stuff. (Bob's Burgers is my current cartoon of choice. Well, that and old episodes of Reboot on YouTube.)

Eshoni and Jasnah are my favorite characters because I'm so excited to find out more about them. But Lopen is my favorite person, if that makes sense. He is so positive all the time. He's clever, good hearted, and master of bad puns. I think he'll end up being pretty important.

Edit: My tablet kept changing Lopen to Lopez. Thought I had fixed that before I posted.

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Eshonai and Jasnah are great choices- two of the most interesting characters, for sure.

Anyway, for Star Trek, I haven't seen a lot of it. I only got into it a few years back, and I prefer more...realism, drama and story arcs to TNGs 'done-inone' style, so that crew just doesn't appeal to me. Big fan of the Sisko, though.

Enterprise is also a guilty pleasure. I love what could have been with that show, in so many ways.

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Sort of? I like the idea of Galactica, but that show didn't go far enough with its themes, in my opinion, and the later seasons were a mess.

Funnily enough, that description also describes Enterprise, if you reverse "later seasons" with " one, two and some of three".


I have a fondness for the back half of the classic Doctors- Six, Seven and Eight. Of the moderns, Nine was awesome, and Eleven was cool (before season six and seven anyway...). Really, it tldepends on my mood at any given moment who I like the best.

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