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Spoiler for Hero of Ages:

I think one of the most obvious ones was at the very beginning of the Hero of Ages where the "note" says that "I am, unfortunately, the Hero of Ages". We knew that the HoA was writing the notes at the beginning of the chapter and if you paid enough attention he sounds a lot like Sazed. The penny dropped for me when he said "In some ways, having such power was too overwhelming, I think." the I think was how Sazed spoke so he was the Hero of Ages!

Sazed himself, I believe, once also says as a human "I am, unfortunately, in charge."

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I like how Feruchemy is foreshadowed in a random throw-away line in Chapter 5 of Mistborn: The Final Empire:


"Steelpushing and Ironpulling were the first things that Gemmel had taught him. When you Push on something, it's like you're throwing your weight against it, the old lunatic had said. And you can't change how much you weigh - you're an Allomancer, not some northern mystic."


Yeah, it's not a huge thing, but it was still cool noticing that and realizing I'd completely missed it on my first read through.

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I like how Feruchemy is foreshadowed in a random throw-away line in Chapter 5 of Mistborn: The Final Empire:

"Steelpushing and Ironpulling were the first things that Gemmel had taught him. When you Push on something, it's like you're throwing your weight against it, the old lunatic had said. And you can't change how much you weigh - you're an Allomancer, not some northern mystic."

Yeah, it's not a huge thing, but it was still cool noticing that and realizing I'd completely missed it on my first read through.

Okay, that I never noticed.

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It's early exposition from Kelsier in the Final Empire, but I'll tag it as spoilers anyway since it's not relevant until Hero of Ages.

"Ministry doctrine -something rarely shared with skaa- claims that the Mistborn are descendants of the only men who remained true to the Lord Ruler during the days before his Ascension. Other legends whisper that we are something beyond even the Lord Ruler's power, something that was born on that day when the mists first came upon the land."

Which is actually false, since Mistborn don't naturally exist. But mistings do. And that's where they're from.

I'm reading through TFE again in general, and I guess it's a stretch but when discussing how metals in your body can't be pushed or pulled the earing and eye spikes were brought up in the same paragraph . . .

Another TFE one, Chapter 10 I think

Kredik Shaw is stated to be Terris for "the hill of a thousand spires". Which is strange because Alendi writes in Khlenni and might not even speak Terris for all we know . . . until it is revealed that TLR is actually Rashek.

Edited by natc
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  • 2 weeks later...

*looks it up*

Well, it seems he was only thinking it, not saying it.

But it was the cavern with the water in it, I think.


Is the "cavern with water" in HoA where ...

they found that doomsday shelter TLR had prepared - the one with all the canned food, etc.?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Noticed these on my most recent reread of Mistborn

when Vin is trying to prove to kelsier that she can pierce copperclouds she hears a distant thumping. (Presumably the well) before she focuses on kelsier. Also in the logbook epigraphs then the writer mentions that Rashek believes that the Hero of Ages could only be a terrisman. Which only strengthens Sazeds place

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  • 1 month later...

Spoiler for the Stormlight Archive:

When Hoid meets Kaladin he tells him the story of the island of people who killed without thought at their king's commands only to reveal that the king was dead and had been for a long time leaving the responsibilty of the murders on the shoulders of the people of the island.

This foreshadows Szeth discovering that he was made Truthless unjustly and realizing that the respondibility for his murders was on him rather than being symptons of his being Truthless.


I will add the apporpriate passages a little later, I am at work now and do not have access to the text.

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The thing about Vin's earring was revealed slowly over time, and its first reference is somewhere in the beginning of the first book, I think(I don't own the books, I can't check). It's really obvious at a reread that Vin's mother was being controlled by Ruin when she smashed the earring into her ear - and by the time of a reread, we already know that it is a hemalurgic spike. If that isn't foreshadowing, I don't know what is.

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  • 1 year later...

Which is worse? Thread necromancy or starting a duplicate thread?

Anyway, in tWoK chapter 43 at the beginning, Kaladin is moping (he does that a lot, doesn't he?) and the metaphor he gives for his situation is of trying to get to a city to escape wild beasts, but the city is on top of a steep mountain. Sounds familiar after reading WoR. If this was foreshadowing, it was very subtle. If it wasn't then it is a very strange coincidence.

EDIT: There is just a lot of foreshadowing. In tWoK when we first meet Shen, he is described as being "a little taller than most" and "his face a little wider" than other parshmen. Details that were there for a reason. And it gets better. When others object, Kaladin says "I doubt he could work as a spy" in reference to their escape plans. Actually I don't think that is foreshadowing, just irony?

Edited by Xaladin
Addition: avoiding a "double post"
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