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No apparent problems. Even though I'm pretty sure no one of our Epics would have any buisness down in Australia.

ah, but that's the beauty of it- the Epic who told him that say... Lucetia or Vondra or Frequency sent him was lying through his teeth. Hellfire was paranoid about American Epics invading Australia, and expected an organised attempt to "colonise" it. So when this gang shows up, and they are all relatively weak, he assumed they have a powerful leader, and wont take no for an answer.

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ah, but that's the beauty of it- the Epic who told him that say... Lucetia or Vondra or Frequency sent him was lying through his teeth. Hellfire was paranoid about American Epics invading Australia, and expected an organised attempt to "colonise" it. So when this gang shows up, and they are all relatively weak, he assumed they have a powerful leader, and wont take no for an answer.

Don't take this question the wrong way...but why would he be paranoid about an Oregonian invasion? Wouldn't it make more sense for him to be paranoid about an invasion from Florida or the Carolinas or another southern state? And how did he hear about Vondra in Australia when most Oregonians haven't heard of him?

Maybe if he ran an empire somewhere else in the US--maybe Arizona, if you wanted the desert vibe--it would be more plausible.

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Winter, in your last Astoria post did you mean for Brightdeath to immediately find the Adventurer and Lockvault? Because they teleported half a street away and are hiding in a building so I'm not sure how she'd manage to just teleport right on top of them like that.

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I wasn't there for that one. Though whenever I hear about it I wish I'd signed up sooner. :mellow::P


Neither was I, but it made for an awesome scene to read :P

Woah, its weird to think that you guys weren't here back then. :P Who was? Edge, Twi, Joe and I? Is that all of us who are still here from the beginning?

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Woah, its weird to think that you guys weren't here back then. :P Who was? Edge, Twi, Joe and I? Is that all of us who are still here from the beginning?

A simpler time when reaching Kobolds reputation seemed like a reasonable goal :P

Yeah I think that's all.

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A simpler time when reaching Kobolds reputation seemed like a reasonable goal :P


I remember staring at the rep board, my wildest dream consisting of someday standing side by side with Swimmingly as the highest-ranking non-Team Sanderson members on the forum.


I'm still not entirely sure what happened. :mellow::P

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Epic Name: Atmosphere
Old Name: Dalton Denner
Primary Ability: Satellite Manipulation

Secondary Ability: Material Shell
Weakness: Pffft. Do some work you bum.
Personality: D!ckish, Generally rude for no other reason than to be rude.
Gender: Male

Weaponry: .45 Colt, Claw Hammer, "Refund" Smith & Wesson 500
Age: 29
Height: 5'10
Weight: 210
Ethnicity: Indian, American
Hair: White and Dark Blue
Eyes: Green

Dalton grew up in the Inner City of New York graduating as an Ivy League student. While enrolled in New York University as a major in Astrophysics and Psychology. Somewhere throughout his attendance he had been wrongly accused of cheating on exams and thus sent out of the University where he was generally forced to take the low career of a mall cop. When Calamity struck, that changed.

Gained the ability to shield his skin with the hardest material within fifteen feet of himself. Dalton gained the ability to manipulate satellites in atmosphere.  whether they be artificial or terrestrial. Weeks after donning the name "Atmosphere" and the people of Earth truly began to doubt their safety is when he started making demands. After a few small asteroids aiding him in the robbery of a bank leading to the management of hiring a team of Minor Epics to begin even more raids. With raids on museums of Space they managed to obtain weapons to further Atmosphere's strength. Obtaining the Soviet Almaz Space Station, Three X-378 Protoypes during a High Epic's raid on a military base. The X-378 planes allowed to launch of on airstrip. Though the Almaz took different matters.

On March 12th 2016 Atmosphere and his team of Minor Epics. With the squad's lives sure to be risked in this suicide mission, Atmosphere had concluded to make them do it despite worry. With a day on their hands and very low resistance from the military due to the Epics controlling most of America meant only two of the six Epics died during the assault, the end factor of it being the Almaz being sent into orbit on rocket. Atmosphere then abandoned the Minor Epics.

With four years in New York he made a "self made decision" to head to the West Coast (Also in part made after having a relationship with a High Epic's daughter.) Now with his alias of Atmosphere in full effect and the man known as Dalton presumed dead he was pulled into the Dalles' Human City with his network of satellites used for a full view of the country without the risk of sending scouts away for months at a time with the full risk of running into an epic on the worst day of their lives.

Edited by Apocalypse
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I remember staring at the rep board, my wildest dream consisting of someday standing side by side with Swimmingly as the highest-ranking non-Team Sanderson members on the forum.

I'm still not entirely sure what happened. :mellow::P

As near as I can tell, the stars aligned over a bowl of moonstruck cheese fondue as the Great Noodly One joined Chuck Norris in singing a few bars of the "Shia LaBeaouf" song, and before anyone knew it, you and I had passed Team Sanderson.

So no, I have no idea either. :P

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Don't take this question the wrong way...but why would he be paranoid about an Oregonian invasion? Wouldn't it make more sense for him to be paranoid about an invasion from Florida or the Carolinas or another southern state? And how did he hear about Vondra in Australia when most Oregonians haven't heard of him?

Maybe if he ran an empire somewhere else in the US--maybe Arizona, if you wanted the desert vibe--it would be more plausible.

well the state of origin is irrelevant to Hellfire- he isn't very knowledgeable about American states, its all the same to him.

Well lets say he was given the name- not vondra, since he seems a tad obscure- but Lucentia, lets say. Then, since he probably hasn't heard of her anyway, he orders some research done, spies dispatched, that sort of thing (he has a teleport epic to help). Note he isn't very smart- the illogic of a random attack from an epic empress half a world away does not register. He has always hated Americanism, and American culture. The idea of American epics even coming to his territory enrages him, and he won't stop until he feels the threat to his land has been eliminated.

I'm making an Aussie epic mainly because i am Australian myself haha :)

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My dreams told me strange things last night.

For instance, did you know that Obliteration is a HUGE fan of coupons? Or that he tears up a little when he starts talking about Subway?

I had a Reckoners dream once where I discovered that Steelheart makes amazing home-made pizzas.

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I had a Reckoners dream once where I discovered that Steelheart makes amazing home-made pizzas.


I had a dream where I had all of Phaedrus' powers while fighting as a Bajoran rebel against Cardassians.


Reading Firefight on the same night as watching a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine marathon can have unanticipated results. :mellow:

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  Woah, its weird to think that you guys weren't here back then. :P Who was? Edge, Twi, Joe and I? Is that all of us who are still here from the beginning?

Oh yeah, the old days were we didn't have proper form yet, you SE guys just keept using blue-ooc text instead of the question and Voidgaze's corpse was desecrated just becuase I was asleep and couldn't write something fast enough.

Can't say I exactly miss them. :P


Epic Name: Atmosphere

Old Name: Dalton Denner

Primary Ability: Satellite Manipulation

Secondary Ability: Material Shell

Weakness: Pffft. Do some work you bum.

Personality: D!ckish, Generally rude for no other reason than to be rude.

Gender: Male

Weaponry: .45 Colt, Claw Hammer, "Refund" Smith & Wesson 500

Age: 29

Height: 5'10

Weight: 210

Ethnicity: Indian, American

Hair: White and Dark Blue

Eyes: Green

Dalton grew up in the Inner City of New York graduating as an Ivy League student. While enrolled in New York University as a major in Astrophysics and Psychology. Somewhere throughout his attendance he had been wrongly accused of cheating on exams and thus sent out of the University where he was generally forced to take the low career of a mall cop. When Calamity struck, that changed.

Gained the ability to shield his skin with the hardest material within fifteen feet of himself. Dalton gained the ability to manipulate satellites in atmosphere.  whether they be artificial or terrestrial. Weeks after donning the name "Atmosphere" and the people of Earth truly began to doubt their safety is when he started making demands. After a few small asteroids aiding him in the robbery of a bank leading to the management of hiring a team of Minor Epics to begin even more raids. With raids on museums of Space they managed to obtain weapons to further Atmosphere's strength. Obtaining the Soviet Almaz Space Station, Three X-378 Protoypes during a High Epic's raid on a military base. The X-378 planes allowed to launch of on airstrip. Though the Almaz took different matters.

On March 12th 2016 Atmosphere and his team of Minor Epics. With the squad's lives sure to be risked in this suicide mission, Atmosphere had concluded to make them do it despite worry. With a day on their hands and very low resistance from the military due to the Epics controlling most of America meant only two of the six Epics died during the assault, the end factor of it being the Almaz being sent into orbit on rocket. Atmosphere then abandoned the Minor Epics.

With four years in New York he made a "self made decision" to head to the West Coast (Also in part made after having a relationship with a High Epic's daughter.) Now with his alias of Atmosphere in full effect and the man known as Dalton presumed dead he was pulled into the Dalles' Human City with his network of satellites used for a full view of the country without the risk of sending scouts away for months at a time with the full risk of running into an epic on the worst day of their lives.

Alright, simple stuff first. How exactly does Material Shell work? Does it gather actual material to his skin, like ripping appart a house wall? Does that create an armor that could encumber him?


As for the satellite manipulation, I don't think that one makes any sense as written. First of all, if my understanding is right (this is admittedly not my specialiy), satellites are inherently outside of the atmosphere, meaning "the ability to manipulate satellites in [the] atmosphere" is entirely useless.

Even ignoring that part, earth's only natural satellite is the moon, so he wouldn't be able to grab any asteroids, especially not any large enough not to simply burn up after entering the atmosphere.

For definitions sake, a space station also doesn't qualify as a satellite, on virtue of having its own propulsion.

On a side note, how is he evaluating the data send down by the satellites?


well the state of origin is irrelevant to Hellfire- he isn't very knowledgeable about American states, its all the same to him.

Well lets say he was given the name- not vondra, since he seems a tad obscure- but Lucentia, lets say. Then, since he probably hasn't heard of her anyway, he orders some research done, spies dispatched, that sort of thing (he has a teleport epic to help). Note he isn't very smart- the illogic of a random attack from an epic empress half a world away does not register. He has always hated Americanism, and American culture. The idea of American epics even coming to his territory enrages him, and he won't stop until he feels the threat to his land has been eliminated.

I'm making an Aussie epic mainly because i am Australian myself haha :)

Can't argue with stupidity I guess. :mellow:


My dreams told me strange things last night.

For instance, did you know that Obliteration is a HUGE fan of coupons? Or that he tears up a little when he starts talking about Subway?

I have a dream that one day this fanon will rise up, and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all Epics are created equally insane" 

I have a dream that one day on the pages of Calimity the Epics made up by avid fans and the Epics made up by Brandon himself will be able to have one brutal smackdown over a war-torn wasteland.

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I have a dream that one day this fanon will rise up, and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all Epics are created equally insane"

I have a dream that one day on the pages of Calimity the Epics made up by avid fans and the Epics made up by Brandon himself will be able to have one brutal smachdown over a war-torn wasteland.

The smashdown will last until Voidgaze cuddles Protector Pug, at which point the Bandersnatch himself will pause the fight to say "D'awwwww!" :P

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The smashdown will last until Voidgaze cuddles Protector Pug, at which point the Bandersnatch himself will pause the fight to say "D'awwwww!" :P

On that subject I propose that before we got all out nuking Oregon that we bring in an Epic known only as the Protector of pugs who automatically creates force fields around all pugs in the same state as him whenever they're in danger.

It only says there are no people left in Oregon, not no pugs so I choose to believe it's still canon. :P

Edited by Voidus
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