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Aons learned from Seons


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Here's a theory: Elantrians learned the aons by studying them in each Seon they came across.

Ever take a look at the Aons? They are made up of a bunch of the same symbol with a few additions sometimes. How in the world would they figure out any of the more complex aons without the seons to reference? I suppose you could throw a bunch of symbols together and see if anything happens, but there are so many possible outcomes, it seems unlikely.

Raoden often wonders whether the Seons were created by AonDor or not, and if the theory about Seons being Splinters of Aona, then this theory could have some real validity.

Now, when it comes to modifiers, I don't at all doubt that Elantrians figured out how to further tweak the symbols to redirect their effects. My theory stands, however, that Seons are what allowed Elantrians to discover AonDor.

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Well, I certainly can't refute the theory. It would be practically impossible to figure out Aons by randomly drawing lines.

Without futher information on the nature of Seons (dammit Brandon :P), such as how they're created, what determins the Aon at their centre, etc., it would be pretty hard to confirm or deny the theory.

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Forging is the fourth, the magic in The Emperors Soul. I just want to know when Elantris fits in with the timeline already!?!

I would like to point out a possible alternative to this theory, since we know Aons are linked to the shape of the land it may have been possible to discover some just by tracing your finger over landmarks on a map.

There's also this, make of it what you will :P

All Aons exist independent of humankind, their symbols inherently tied to their meaning, but few have distinct origin stories explaining how the Aon was first discovered. Some modern scholars scoff at such tales, but Aon Ehe's origin myth is well known among the common people and believed by most.

The story tells of the first princess of Arelon. This was some years after the founding of Arelon following the migration of the Aonic people from other lands. Elantris, of course, had already existed as a city when that migration occurred, and had been discovered empty. While some people assumed it haunted, Proud King Rhashm (later renamed Raoshem) determined to conquer the fears of his people and set up a kingdom centered on Elantris.

The transformation of the first Elantrians happened beginning several decades later. Princess Elashe—the first of Raoshem's line to be chosen as an Elantrian—claimed to have seen the pattern of this Aon inscribed on a coal in her hearth the day after she underwent the transformation. Whether or not this story is true, a coal or rock written with Aon Ehe on it is considered good luck and a ward against winter spirits. (Though this kind of superstition is frowned upon by the Korathi priests.)

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While this makes sense, Brandon has pretty much explicitly stated that the original Elantrians just basically guessed at the Aons.

Only Elantrians can draw Aons in the air, so someone taken by the Shaod must have developed the writing system. That is part of what makes writing a noble art in Arelon—drawing the Aons would have been associated with Elantrians. Most likely, the early Elantrians (who probably didn't even have Elantris back then) would have had to learn the Aons by trial and error, finding what each one did, and associating its meaning and sound with its effect. The language didn't develop, but was instead 'discovered.'


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What would the reason to RAFO it even be? It's not that shocking of a revelation that Seons have Aons on them. There's no real reason to hide the fact that people just copied them. Devotion and Dominion have been on Sel longer then there have been Seons and Skaze. Since the Shards were there, the magic was probably there as well. Those people would have been unable to copy the Seons. I simply can't see a motivation for RAFOing something that isn't that big a deal. Do you see a reason I'm missing?

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Devotion and Dominion have been on Sel longer then there have been Seons and Skaze. Since the Shards were there, the magic was probably there as well.

But that wasn't the present-day Elantrians was it? I seem to recall that they found Elantris abandonned so they would have had to discover the Aons all over again. Perhaps the original Elantrians discovered them by trial and error and the present day Elantrians by copying them from Seons?

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There's also this, make of it what you will :P

All Aons exist independent of humankind, their symbols inherently tied to their meaning, but few have distinct origin stories explaining how the Aon was first discovered. Some modern scholars scoff at such tales, but Aon Ehe's origin myth is well known among the common people and believed by most.

The story tells of the first princess of Arelon. This was some years after the founding of Arelon following the migration of the Aonic people from other lands. Elantris, of course, had already existed as a city when that migration occurred, and had been discovered empty. While some people assumed it haunted, Proud King Rhashm (later renamed Raoshem) determined to conquer the fears of his people and set up a kingdom centered on Elantris.

The transformation of the first Elantrians happened beginning several decades later. Princess Elashe—the first of Raoshem's line to be chosen as an Elantrian—claimed to have seen the pattern of this Aon inscribed on a coal in her hearth the day after she underwent the transformation. Whether or not this story is true, a coal or rock written with Aon Ehe on it is considered good luck and a ward against winter spirits. (Though this kind of superstition is frowned upon by the Korathi priests.)

I know I've read this before. Where did you find it?

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I'm not Voidus, but I can answer the question! Brandon was being sneaky on his site. In his store, in the description of three of the Aon medallions (Ehe, Ene, and Omi) Brandon added at lot of cool behind the scenes information about the Aons. We have all three together in the Interview Database here, or if you want to look at them on Brandon's site look at his store. Hope this helps! :D

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