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The Walking Dead

Briar King

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Ah man, I was so annoyed at the end of this episode! because of the whole

black character quota thing. it feels like they gotta kill off a character every so often to keep the stakes up, but its usually a black guy. Especially when a new black character has just joined the group or is about to, that's when you know someone's gonna die.


It's just something I can't help but notice with this show, at first I thought it was a coincidence but it's a serious pattern at this point. Other than that, I'm liking this season a lot more than I have been in recent seasons! It's been interesting.

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Oh cool! I didn't know they were doing a spin off show till today. It will cover a group based in Los Angeles. I really hope that this group actually travels a bit. Staying in Atlanta for 5.5 seasons becomes grueling and I'm stoked they actually got of there in the 5.5 opening

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Yeah, I laughed at it too, and again on Twitter at all the comments of


Rick got Michowned.


I'm looking forward to the season finale next week, although part of me has to wonder if Rick has finally snapped. he's been close over the past few seasons, so perhaps it is about time.

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I don't watch the show, but I read some stuff you guys might be interested in:

The spinoff show has been titled Fear The Walking Dead, with a trailer maybe to air next week.


Like we need to be told to Fear The Shambling Undead Horde Intent On Devouring Human Flesh? :huh::P

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They had some armor early in the show, but it got lost in various attacks.


They probably could make some padded stuff that would be harder to bite through, but right now, it's the South in the middle of summer.  Try wearing inch-thick padding all over your body in the American Southeast in summer, and you'll die of heatstroke and/or dehydration long before the walkers come to get you.

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Like we need to be told to Fear The Shambling Undead Horde Intent On Devouring Human Flesh? :huh::P


This is the internet.


Reinforcing that the Shambling Horde are the Bad Guys and you should be afraid of them is probably a good idea.

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Yep they had Riot Gear from prison.

As Kay said that stuff in the South(I'm in Louisiana) would be just as deadly. Better to be mobile then hendered and thirsty. Now if they can just make it up north heavy coats/winter wear could help all on its own.


Heck, the further north you go, the more I'd suspect that civilization is limping along.  There's a huge advantage to be had in winters cold enough to freeze walkers solid.

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Has anyone read TWD comics here? If so:

Am I only one who thinks that Morgan will "replace" Ezekiel? or maybe even Jesus(Daryl might be aiming for that spot though)? 

This season has been the best so far imo. Breath of fresh air after 4 seasons of being stupidly good people and whining about same stuff over and over. Happy to see Morgan, comics didn't do him justice.


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He's in them?

I've not read them and I always have to will myself not to click on spoilers readers put up on Malazan Board also. I want to click so bad. Must resist

Yes but they're changing a lot of stuff so it's different. That's pretty much only reason why I watch it. Overall comics has much better pacing and more badassery but most of the changes in 4-5 seasons were for better storywise :3 

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