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Your Hopes and Theories

Straff Venture

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How do all of you want to see Brandon's various books and their worlds develop and conclude? You can post anything as far-fetched as you want but it would be great to see other people's theories on how the books will progress and hopefully see some stuff I hadn't thought of.

I'll admit I haven't read the Wheel of Time but this thread is for everyone's discussion, not just my own :)

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In summary.

Nalthis is entirely destroyed when Nightblood comes into contact with endowments shardpool and uses the available power to destroy the world (All of which it sees as evil)

Selians slowly migrate out and colonise other worlds.

Rosharians finally defeat Odium and reclaim the tranquiline halls only to find out that they were actually just a nearby moon with no atmosphere. Many died.

Scadrial slowly begins to take over the cosmere with an army of hemalurgically endowed warriors, only to be stopped by Hoid who tells them a riddle so puzzling that not even a Zinc compounder with worlds of Zinc at their disposal could contemplate the answer. Hoid then reveals that Adonalsium was actually a cookie which he stole as a child and accidentally dropped (thus shattering it) He proceeds to eat the remaining Shards and then becomes a new cookie himself. Why exactly cookies split into near-all-powerful fragments when dropped is never entirely explained. That's my $0.02 :P

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At first it seemed that we had seen all the metals, and hence the next trilogy would have no real discovery. Then I realized we had 16 more Atium alloys to screw with somehow. And then somewhere somebody mentioned a stray chunk of Lerasium sitting around, which fixes the probelem of Allomacy dying out within 2000 years.

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15 more atium alloys, we already know about malatium.

I think Brandon has said that in the future on scadrial mistings are a lot more common but they're also a bit weaker so I think that once the Lerasium from the nobles bloodlines entered into everyones heritage it's pretty much as diluted as it can get.

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15 more atium alloys, we already know about malatium.

I think Brandon has said that in the future on scadrial mistings are a lot more common but they're also a bit weaker so I think that once the Lerasium from the nobles bloodlines entered into everyones heritage it's pretty much as diluted as it can get.

16, if you alloy Atium with Lerasium, which I have no clue what it will do. Maybe make the EPIC GOD METAL (Credit to Shiver)?

Also, I meant that some rumor got around that there was one piece of Lerasium still around somewhere, which may or may not be a way to refresh the allomantic line. I'm fairly sure Harmony would keep allomancy going anyways. For either old time's sake or to combat the inevitable hemalurgist armies.

We're gonna have a Salem witch hunt with hemalurgists.

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dont forget scadrial has more to offer :) the trilogy trilogy isnt over yet

Hence trilology. A trilogy of trilogies.(I made the word up because I could.)

And frankly I don't need to see new metals for the story to be good. Hell, I don't really like Mistborn 2 or 3, but I think the world made it uncomfortable. Something a little less bleak(and politicy) like Alloy fits me much better.

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And frankly I don't need to see new metals for the story to be good. Hell, I don't really like Mistborn 2 or 3, but I think the world made it uncomfortable. Something a little less bleak(and politicy) like Alloy fits me much better.

Really? I personally liked those ones best.

I don't need new metals for it to be good, I just enjoy the discovery element. Not to mention Brandon's gonn ahave to adress those metal sometime.

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Ah my bad, I did forget about atium/lerasium :P the epic god metal is sodium chloride.

My comment was trying to say that Lerasium might not be needed, if allomancy mingles enough between all the genetic lines then once they all have allomantic heritage it can't be diluted anymore.

I think that with the rest of the alloys that it's unlikely to go into them in depth, they just seem to me like they'd take too long to go into their allomantic, feruchemical and hemalurgic properties. They might be mentioned in passing but I doubt we're going to see much of a focus on god-metal mistings/ferrings.

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Ah my bad, I did forget about atium/lerasium :P the epic god metal is sodium chloride.

My comment was trying to say that Lerasium might not be needed, if allomancy mingles enough between all the genetic lines then once they all have allomantic heritage it can't be diluted anymore.

You have to remember though that not everyone in an allomantic line is an allomancer, so its doubtful theyd be able to keep everyone in the world with an allomantic relative less than six generations above them.

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Really? I personally liked those ones best.

I don't need new metals for it to be good, I just enjoy the discovery element. Not to mention Brandon's gonn ahave to adress those metal sometime.

I'm more of a lighthearted action kinda guy. And I LOVE heist stories. The broader political ramifications of fictional actions have never been my thing. And Sazed was just awful in book 3... Oddly the end of the series is one of my favorite endings ever, but the book itself, the events in it that built to the ending, just didn't do it.

There's a hope. Brandon gets better at balancing out the importance of politics in his stories(with the first story having very little that wasn't mingled into a decent love story) and then the second being POLITICS. Great, now I'm scared fro Stormlight two...

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I'd like to eventually see a purely Cosmere book. It would be awesome to see magic users fighting along side one another, or maybe even against each other. Get to see the strengths and weaknesses of each system, and maybe get some explanations on how they relate to each other.

I don't know what I'd like to see as an ending, putting Adonalsium back together seems likely, but I just don't know how I would want to see it done. Regardless I'm sure BS would make it the best book ever (in my opinion) because of all the awesomeness of the secrets of the Cosmere being revealed.

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I'd like to eventually see a purely Cosmere book. It would be awesome to see magic users fighting along side one another, or maybe even against each other. Get to see the strengths and weaknesses of each system, and maybe get some explanations on how they relate to each other.

I don't know what I'd like to see as an ending, putting Adonalsium back together seems likely, but I just don't know how I would want to see it done. Regardless I'm sure BS would make it the best book ever (in my opinion) because of all the awesomeness of the secrets of the Cosmere being revealed.

Yeah thats a great idea, +1 from me. I would love to see a purely cosmere book from the view of Hoid, or maybe some of the greater powers of the cosmere, like Sazed or the leader of the 17th Shard.

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In the scene where Jasnah soulcasts the four thieves in the alley, we get a quick hint that she's had a rough experience with their type. I expect well be getting some backstory some time soon in the SA.

Also, as anybody noticed that the stark change between the Thrill and the Disgust that Dalinar has bears a striking resemblance to when Marsh is controlled by Ruin? A perspective like that could mean some scary things about the Alethi.

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In the scene where Jasnah soulcasts the four thieves in the alley, we get a quick hint that she's had a rough experience with their type. I expect well be getting some backstory some time soon in the SA.

Also, as anybody noticed that the stark change between the Thrill and the Disgust that Dalinar has bears a striking resemblance to when Marsh is controlled by Ruin? A perspective like that could mean some scary things about the Alethi.

Thats interesting actually, maybe shardplate is similar to hemalurgic spikes for someone with the power to take control of them. Might explain the knights radiant giving up their shards.

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Hence trilology. A trilogyof trilogies.(I made the word up because I could.)

And frankly I don't need to see new metals for the story to be good. Hell, I don't really like Mistborn 2 or 3, but I think the world made it uncomfortable. Something a little less bleak(and politicy) like Alloy fits me much better.

Wouldn't that just mean the study of 3?

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