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Meta was a shard from the beginning, so it makes no sense why he would suddenly be odium. I still think its possible to have a traitor in the inner circle of trust.

we must be careful.

Edited by Feligon
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Ok, thanks Luckat. I guess I should take my vote off Alvron then. Not sure on who to vote for now as I've been informed of Feligon's apparent innocence. I'll go for Leif. Luckat's comment about posting numbers made me realise that I haven't seen much of Leif. Little more than enough to remain active.

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I haven't had time to double check Luckat's numbers (or much for anything really), but I'm willing to trust them for now, so Alv, you're off the hook. That does leave me at more of a loss of who to vote for though, as most of the people I thought were suspicious were all people not on Luckat's list! I hope you didn't miss anything, Luckat; unless you're trying to mislead us with that list! 

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Ok, thanks Luckat. I guess I should take my vote off Alvron then. Not sure on who to vote for now as I've been informed of Feligon's apparent innocence. I'll go for Leif. Luckat's comment about posting numbers made me realise that I haven't seen much of Leif. Little more than enough to remain active.

If Jain has indeed been invested, then he is off the hook for now. as such, the most suspicious to me on the list is Bort. (I'll edit that for color later.) I know i also haven't been on much, but i am not Odium either. just really busy, which is why i will be offering a more detailed and trustworthy defense later today, when i have more than a minute between responsibilities.

Edited by leiftinspace
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so i'm back for the promised defense. it has been pointed out that it seems that i have only been posting enough to avoid losing a Shard, if I have one. Let me end this speculation (or give rise to more), by saying that I am indeed a Shard, but have not had a ton of time to analyse peoples posts to determine guilt or innocence and so haven't had a whole lot to say. I will say right here and now that i am NOT Odium, and Snoopy can confirm that. At present i don't feel comfortable saying what my Shard is, but I hope that is understandable. 

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I've done nothing except cooperate with the Shards. Most of my votes have been discussed with Snoopy or Meta before they were placed, and I have pressed neither for additional information about the Shards and their plans beyond asking if there was anything I could do to help.

If that plus my voting history is not enough for you, then so be it. At least Odium will have one less body to hide behind.

Winter, if you have reason to trust all of the others, one at least has deceived you.

Very well Leif. I will retract my vote on you for now. At least until I check your claim.

Edited by Bort
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First, I want to lay out a simple plan to make sure that if we don’t lynch Odium this cycle, he doesn’t get a kill in and we lynch him next cycle. Right now there are five suspects. I am assuming at this point that there is not enough data on the ones that are not shards at this point to narrow down our suspects. I hope that Snoopy would have told us if there was. One of our suspects is Cultivation, one is Devotion, and one might be Endowment. One of the other two or three is Odium. Here I will refer to the five as Cultivation, Devotion, Suspect A, Suspect B, and Suspect C or Endowment. Snoopy and the Shards can assign these titles within their own PMs. These are the steps:

1. Lynch Suspect A. At this point that seems to be Bort.
2. During this Day cycle, Cultivation invests in Suspect B. This is not the person who is to be lynched. If Endowment is not among the five, it is the more suspicious of the two non-Shards left. If Endowment is among the five, it is the only non-Shard that is not lynched this cycle, and is more a formality than a necessity.
3. When this day ends, if Suspect A is not Odium, Cultivation tells Snoopy the results of their investment.
4. If Cultivation was unable to invest in Suspect B, we have found Odium. Snoopy roleblocks Suspect B, which prevents a kill. If Cultivation was able to invest in Suspect B, Suspect C must be Odium. Snoopy roleblocks Suspect C, which prevents a kill, and Devotion may attempt to invest in Suspect C if desired to prove that Suspect C cannot receive investiture.
5. Snoopy tells us who Odium is during the next Day cycle and we lynch Odium.

This plan depends on both Cultivation and Snoopy seeing this and following through. I am laying it out like this because I want to give us the best chance of Odium not getting another kill, and I want to make sure this plan is out there instead of hoping Snoopy and Cultivation have come up with something.

Second, I double checked my earlier list. I didn’t check all the names for each turn, but I did check that each person who I said had a three-turn streak of not posting actually had a three turn streak of not posting, and all of them checked out. I did notice that I had an error in the list I originally posted: I said I didn’t post on Day 8, but I actually did. However, I still didn’t post for three turns in a row on Night 5, Day 6, and Night 6, so I cannot be Odium. There may be other places on my list that aren’t completely accurate. Despite this, the list of who cannot be Odium is the same.

Finally, here’s a vote tally:
Bort (4): Tulir, Winter, Leif, luckat
Meta (1): Alvron

Snoopy has been on, so I hope he has checked off on Leif’s claim to be a Shard and is okay with the lynch on Bort. I’m voting for Bort as a cushion, even though it probably isn’t necessary. If Snoopy tells us to change, I will change my vote, but otherwise I won’t.

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Night 9: The Final Stretch


It was sad really, that he had to die. Bort could understand the reasoning behind it, but it still saddened him. He’d tried to help the shards as much as possible, but they had no proof of his claims of innocence. So he faced his execution with dignity. He walked up the steps proudly. looking over the dozen or so remaining Worldhoppers. Hopefully they’d follow his example and help the shards find Odium, before it was too late.


Or so he said.


But Hobbes wouldn’t be tricked, oh no. It had to be Bort or the Shin Man, so they would kill him today, and see what happened with Jain tomorrow. He fit the noose around the man’s neck. Some of the other sharders had been getting uncomfortable with the stabbings and more personal killings, so Hobbes had decided to go with an efficient lynching instead. He looked into the man’s eyes as he fit the noose, but Bort hid whatever thoughts he really had well.


So Gerald Hobbes pulled the lever, releasing the platform, dropping Bort to his death. They all watched as his feet kicked in silence, and eventually fell still. But no Red smoke rose from his Corpse. Not a champion then? Hobbes cut the noose, and Kae and Cleo pulled the body away, laying him on the grass.


And then he coughed, and pulled in a lungful of air. They all rushed to him, wondering how he’d survived.He smiled saddly at them, as he breathed in a few more ragged breaths and explained,


“The spren won’t let me die just yet.”


Bort was a Voidbringer! His alignment will be revealed at the end of day 10!


Bort (6): Tulir, Winter, Leif, luckat, bort

Meta (1): Alvron


Night 9 will end at 10 pm PST on Tuesday the 3rd.

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Hey! No fair! Someone changed my vote so I voted for myself. Especially annoying since I wasn't voting for anyone by the end of the day cycle.

Well, since I am out at the end of tomorrow, I may as well share my thoughts.


My current highest suspicions are of Feligon (I only retracted his name in the last vote because it looked like we had Odium). Mostly due to his claim of being a Lifeless Operator. If he is, then he is either an OC, or Team Shard was very heavily stacked for defense - We had protection abilities of two Shards, one Investee, and two Lifeless Operators. This seems excessive.


I'm also rather suspicious of Winter. Especially with this information that there may be someone spying on Team Shard. Even being in conversation with Snoopy since he was revealed as Hoid, I've only had the vaguest of reassurance about Winter and his role, yet he seems to have been there for most of the major discussions, and has successfully redirected the voting on a few occasions.


Meta. The "Secret Shard". Who has confirmed his role? How do we know that he is an 'extra' Shard, and not Odium hiding in plain sight?


Luckat, I don't think is evil, although the way he redirected attention off Jain/Alvron in today's day cycle is dodgy as hell if this cycle's write-up is correct (as in, down to either Jain or myself as Odium). If Jain does turn out to be Odium guys, and that does not end the game, I recommend looking at Luckat.


Well, best of luck. I'll drop by in the morning to place my final vote.



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I changed your vote to yourself only because when I was placing the order, you were the only person I could think of that had voted for someone else. It wasn't maliciously intended.

Winter is clean.

Meta is clean. He was on the list of Shards that Endowment got and Joe confirmed for us that Odium had no other Shards on his team.

The thought did occur to me that luckat might be fudging the numbers, but I haven't checked yet.

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Did you do that to Peng too? As I recall his name appearing to vote for himself to die.


If what you say is true, Snoopy, then neither Winter nor Meta should be killed off. Can you also confirm Leif's claims from the last cycle?


Finally, was it really down to just myself or Jain to be Odium, or were there others it could be?

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Then have Snoopy roleblock him and lynch Luckat first. It may have simply been miscalculation on Luckat's part, but he did manage to direct everyone's attention away from Jain when it looked like he was going to be lynched.


That in itself looks highly dodgy.

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I may have done that to Peng, but I don't remember. Like I said, it's not a "Ha Ha! I made you vote for yourself because I'm so powerful!" When I send in the order to change a vote, I don't always remember who voted for who, so whoever I'm trying to lynch, I just change that person's vote to themselves. I just figure that a person wouldn't vote for themselves, so if I change their vote, I'm not inadvertently making no effect. Make sense?


Consider leift's claims confirmed.

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It does make sense, and don't worry, I was more amused by it than annoyed. It seemed a little overkill.


I'll admit to a little disappointment though Snoopy. I thought you of all people would know me better than to believe I was Odium.


Thanks for confirming Leift. Have fun lynching Odium :)

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Good job, Jain. Excellent playing for your second time as an Eliminator, but you cannot receive Investiture. Good game.

Yes, Jain is Odium.


Yeah, knew that already, Winter. Or should I say, Devotion. But hey, thanks for the heads up, It's ironic that you, the person that's been leaking info to me, has to call me out.


Have I mentioned that Leif is actually Endowment?

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I'm not sure what you mean.

And for all you wondering if that is true or not, yes it is. Leif is Endowment. I am Devotion. I took steps, as you see, to make sure Odium did not know my identity. Obviously it was not enough.


Oh, come now. There's no need to be shy about it.


Don't forget about Piff who's Cultivation. Funny how it was him who spotted me. Knew we should've Eliminated earlier.

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